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Everything posted by brue

  1. c/p je cudo :) jos vece je cudo kad neko smogne snage da procita :) a sobzirom o kome je rec, vredi procitati. I da, Vlade je C A R.
  2. Zato. Petak, 21. septembar Toni Kukoč, trostruki osvajač šampionskog prstena sa Čikago Bulsima, bivši igrači Kingsa - Skot Polard i Kris Veber prve su NBA zvezde koje su došle u Beograd povodom humanitarne manifestacije „Možeš i ti” koju organizuje Humanitarna organizacija Divac. „Kada me je Vlade pozvao da dođem nisam se dvoumio, toliko ga volim da bih za njega sve uradio. Veliki koncert koji se održava u subotu 22. septembra je vrlo značajan prvenstveno zbog toga što ćemo pomoći ljudima, uz to se i zabaviti.” bile su prve reči Skota Polarda nekadašnjeg saigrača Vlade Divca u Sakramento Kingsima. NBA centar je naglasio da je uzbuđen zbog dolaska u našu zemlju. „Nisam do sada bio u Srbiji. Baš sam u avionu pričao sa Tonijem Kukočem. Da mi je on rekao da mi je pre deset godina rekao da ću danas biti u Srbiji, ne bih mu verovao. Ipak, izuzetno sam uzbuđen zbog dolaska”, dodao je Polard. Kris Veber, uz Divca i Predraga Stojakovića zvezda čuvenog tima Sakramenta u Beograd je došao sa devojkom Erikom. „Došao sam da vidim svog prijatelja Vlada. Volim ga, on mi je kao stariji brat. Uvek mi je govorio da će me dovesti u Srbiju gde ćemo se dobro zabavljati. Sada sam došao da pomognemo njegovu dobrotvornu akciju i da se ujedno dobro zabavim sa mojim drugom Divcem. Jedva čekam koncert u subotu. Rekli su mi da će doći par ljudi, njih oko 100, 200 hiljada i time pomoći ljudima koji su u nevolji.”, istakao je Veber. Osim trojice čuvenih igrača, danas je u Beograd stigao i Greg Popović, trener NBA šampiona San Antonija. Danas i sutra najavljeni su dolasci ostalih zvezda poput Predraga Stojakovića, Šarunasa Marčuljonisa, Panajotisa Janakisa... Do sada (petka) je skupljeno 89 379 evra. **** Legendarni centar svetske košarke, ekskluzivno za „Politiku”, najavljuje da će dugo iščekivana manifestacija prerasti u humanitarnu akciju u kojoj će se prikupljati sredstva za otkup seoskih domaćinstava za izbeglice i raseljena lica u Srbiji. – Akcija pod nazivom „Možeš i ti” trajaće četiri meseca. Svaka izbeglička porodica koja se zbrine za nas će biti veliki uspeh. Naš početni cilj je da smestimo što više unesrećenih ljudi u nove domove. Obilazio smo poslednjih godina sa Svetskom pravoslavnom organizacijom izbegličke kampove, ne samo u Srbiji. Nažalost, skloni smo da veoma brzo zaboravljamo te ljude. Moj motiv je da izbeglicama obezbedimo domove kakve zaslužuju – kaže Divac u svom stanu u centru Beograda, posle nekoliko dana maratonskih razgovora sa potencijalnim sponzorima ove akcije, predstavnicima političkog establišmenta i medija. Razgovaramo oko ponoći, posle izgubljene utakmice Slavnićevih moskitosa u produžecima od Grčke. – Šteta, klinci su odlični – kaže Vlade, džin od 212 santimetara, dok priprema svoju redovnu večeru – plazmu i mleko. I sam je doživeo teško vatreno krštenje u reprezentaciji, dok nije postao najpoznatiji Srbin na svetu, prvi Evropljanin koji je obukao magijski dres „Lejkersa”. Kada je kao osamnaestogodišnjak u polufinalu Svetskog prvenstva 1986. godine protiv SSSR-a u poslednjim sekundama napravio grešku u koracima i dozvolio da Valters trojkom izjednači, posle čega je Jugoslavija izgubila, čvrsto je odlučio da „napusti košarku”. Utešio ga je Dražen Dalipagić uveravajući ga da će Rusima „sve vratiti s kamatom”, a selektor Ćosić ga je sutradan, u utakmici za bronzanu medalju, stavio u prvu petorku – kao da se ništa nije desilo. Divac se seća te noći, dok obavlja poslednje pripreme, kako bi zaokružio program zbrinjavanja izbeglica, pod pokroviteljstvom Ujedinjenih nacija i Komesarijata za izbeglice. – Naš komesarijat nam je ponudio ovaj program i on se učinio zaista dobrim. Većina izbeglica i raseljenih lica dolazi iz ruralnih sredina. Nažalost, u Srbiji ima puno napuštenih kuća, sela odumiru i nama se svidelo da podržimo taj program, te ljude i lokalne zajednice. Mislim da se ovde dosta govori o društvenoj odgovornosti, a da se, u stvari, ne zna najbolje šta to zapravo znači. Od prikupljenih sredstava kupićemo imanja u blizini izbegličkih kampova koji su, ako se tako uopšte može reći, predstavljali i ekonomsko opterećenje za te sredine – ukazuje Divac, dok mu supruga Snežana, koja je istovremeno pomoćnik, pi-ar, savetnik i poslovna sekretarica, čita i-mejl koji je tek stigao: makedonski premijer Nikola Gruevski poziva ga da bude jedan od ekskluzivnih gostiju na oktobarskoj Međunarodnoj konferenciji o međureligijskoj saradnji u Skoplju. To je Vlade Divac, nezvanični ambasador pozitivne energije, čiji se akreditivi primaju bezuslovno, na sam pomen njegovog imena. On je srećan što njegova zemlja dobija dostojne naslednike u teniskim junacima Novaku, Jeleni i Ani, koji na sportskom terenu promovišu svoju zemlju mnogo uspešnije od vašingtonskih konsultantskih i lobističkih grupa. Iako je imao neprijatna iskustva sa kupovinom akcija „Knjaza Miloša” i „Večernjih Novosti”, kada se Srbija možda i nije baš najbolje odužila svom idolu, Divac kaže da Srbiju ne posmatra kroz pomenuta iskustva. Uverava me da humanitarna misija ne predstavlja predvorje za njegov ulazak u srpsku politiku. – I ako uđem u politiku – to je isključivo zgrada „Politike”. Želim nešto drugo: da na pozitivan način utičem na prilike u Srbiji. Ovo je jedna od takvih prilika. Taj uticaj je mnogo jači i pozitivniji od samog uključivanja u politiku, gde bih, verujem, izgubio 100 odsto! Mislim da sam prepoznao gde mogu najviše da pomognem. Svima nama može da se desi da ostanemo bez igde ičega, u situaciji da zavisimo od drugih. Pomažući njima, pomažemo i sebi, budeći sve ono dobro ponekad uspavano u nama. Glavni cilj ove akcije je da skućimo ljude i animiramo one kojima je bolje, da počnu da se osvrću oko sebe. Divac je, inače, osnivač fondacije koja nosi njegovo ime i koja je 15 godina, uz rad američkih volontera, deo novca ostavljala lokalnim zajednicama u SAD, dok je najveći deo donosila Srbiji. Mnogi naši ljudi, smatra nekadašnji broj 12 slavne generacije jugoslovenske košarke, sve ove godine žele lidera koji će ih organizovati, pored koga će znati da neće biti izmanipulisani. Vlade veruje da je on taj kome se može verovati. – Ljudi će moći da prate trag i najmanje svote novca koja će biti prikupljena za zbrinjavanje izbeglica. Trenutno, Vlade živi na nekoliko adresa, u gradovima u kojima je igrao. – I Prijepolje, i Los Anđeles, i Kraljevo, i Beograd su moji gradovi! Zadovoljan je Madridom, gde ujutro putuje, da bi upisao decu u školu. Svetski igrač, kao nekada na parketu, sada je savetnik predsednika „Real Madrida” za košarkaška pitanja. Dobijao je nagrade za humanitarni rad u NBA ligi, SAD i Srbiji. Vozio je lično, iz Sakramenta, humanitarnu pomoć kamionom unesrećenim Amerikancima, posle štete koju je načinio uragan „Katrina”, inspirisan angažmanom svog prijatelja Šona Pena. Tako je Vlade dokazao da i jedan Srbin može ponekad da pruži utehu Amerikancima. ***** Oprosteno ti je... pijan si :) A kako ga je Srbija (ne mislim na narod) docekala: Na dobrotvornom prijemu u Belom dvoru u Beogradu, koji je princ Aleksandar Karađorđević noćas priredio povodom završetka igračke karijere srpskog košarkaškog asa Vlada Divca, prikupljeno je 70.000 evra, saopšteno je posle manifestacije. Prijem je protekao u znaku nestanka struje, zbog kojeg je početak večere kasnio sat i po, a od ličnosti iz političkog života viđeni su samo predsednik Socijalističke partije Srbije Ivica Dačić, gradonačelnica Novog Sada Maja Gojković i supruga ubijenog premijera Srbije Zorana Đinđića, Ružica Đinđić. Među brojnim zvanicama bili su bivši Divčevi saigrači iz reprezentacije Jugoslavije i NBA lige - Aleksandar Đorđević, Žarko Paspalj, Predrag Danilović, Toni Kukoč, Saša Vujačić, Predrag Stojaković, Bob Džekson, Kris Veber, Saraus Marčuljonis, Skot Polard, Glen Rajs i Panazatis Fasuljas. Struja je, usled kvara na lokalnoj trafo-stanici, nestala oko 19.45 a došla je u 21.15, samo nekoliko minuta pošto je završeno montiranje agregata. Predstavnici protokola su rekli Beti da je agregat donet sa strane, ali nisu umeli da kažu ima li Beli dvor sopstveni agregat. Preko govornog automata na info-telefonu Elektrodistribucije Beograd, emitovano je saopštenje da je zbog kvara bez struje ostao veći deo Savskog venca, kao i deo Voždovca. Vlade Divac je sa suprugom Snežanom stigao ispred Belog dvora nešto posle 20 sati. Ulaz je bio osvetljen svećama, kao i ceo dvor, a kada su blicevi fotoreportera počeli da sevaju, Divac je rekao: "Da nije vas, večeras ne bi bilo svetla".
  3. brue

    drugi svetski rat šbbkbb

    Aj sad malo da se smejemo i cudimo. Dakle malo poznati podatci o WW2: - Prvi nemacki gubitci tokom rata su bili u Kini, ubijeni od strane Japanaca 1937. - Prvi americki gubitci su bili u Finskoj, ubijeni od strane Rusa 1940. - 80% Sovjetskih mladica godiste 1923. nisu preziveli WW2 - najvisi rank koje je USA armija izgubila bio je Lt. Gen. Lesley McNair, ubijen od strane sopstvene avijacije - Izmedju 39te i 45te, Saveznici su izbacili iz aviona 3.4 miliona tona bombi, sto je prosek od skoro 1000 tona dnevno - 12 000 teskih bombardera je oboreno tokom rata - 100 000 posade saveznickih bombardera je poginulo nad Evropom - 3 do 4 pesadinca je bivalo ranjeno za svakog ubijenog tokom rata - od D Day-a do 8. maja 45te saveznici su imali 200 000 mrtvih i 550 000 ranjenih - najmladji u USA armiji je imao 12 god, bio je ranjen i otpusten iz vojske - u vreme Perl Harbora, US Navy komanda je imala skracenicu CINCUS (sto se cita "sink us"), oznaka na ramenu US Army 45th Infrantry division je bila svastika, a Hitlerov privatni voz se zvao Amerika. Ubrzo su sva tri obelezja promenjena. - Nemacka je tokom rata izgubila 110 komandira divizija - 40 000 ljudi su bili u posadama U-boat-a, 30 000 se nikad nije vratilo - U USA armiji vise je poginulo ljudi u avijaciji nego u marincima. Da bi se zavrsilo 30 misija, sansa da budes ubijen je bila 71%. - 8th US Air Force je oborilo 6098 aviona, 1 za svakih 12 700 ispaljene municije. - Nemacka el. mreza je bila veoma losa. Posle rata je izracunato da je 1% od bacenih bombi baceno na elektrane, nemacka industrija bi kolapsirala. - Generalno govoreci, nije postojao prosecan pilot. Bio si ili as ili meta. Dobar primer je japanski pilot Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, unistio je 80 saveznickih aviona, a poginuo kao putnik transportnog aviona. - Praksa je bila da se svetleci meci stavljaju kao svaki 5ti u lovce. To je bila greska. Oni su imali drugacije balisticke karakteristike, pa su u slucaju da svetleci meci pogadjaju metu, 80% od ukupne municije je promasivalo metu. jedinice koje nisu koristile svetlece metkove povecale su uspesnost duplo. - Kada su Saveznicke armoje dosle do Rajne, prvo sto se dogodilo je da su ljudi pisali u Rajnu. To je bila praksa od obicnog vojnika pa do Vinstona Cercila, a gen. Paton se cak i slikao u toku tog cina. - nemacki Me-264 bombarderi su mogli da odlete i bombarduju New York, ali nije bilo vredno truda - Nekoliko pilota je poginulo od prdenja (na toj visini, sa smanjenim pritiskom, "gas" bi se prosirio i do 300% - Nemacka je tokom WW2 izgubila u nesrecama 40-45% aviona - Rusi su unistili 500 nemackih aviona sa obicnom pesadijom a ponekad su i cistili mine marsirajuci preko njih. "Potrebno je biti hrabar vojnik a ne heroj u Crvenoj Armiji"- Staljin - prosecno, oficirsko mesto u nemackoj armiji je popunjavano 9.2 puta - US Army je imalo vise brodova nego US Navy - German Air Force je imalo 22 pesadijske divizije, 2 oklopne divizije i 11 padobranskih divizija. Niko od njih nije bio sposoban za padobranske operacije. German Army padobranci su bili jedini sposobni za izvodjenje takvih operacija. - Kada su se Ameri iskrcali u Severnoj Africi, pored ostale opreme poneli su i 3 kompletna postrojenja za proizvodnju Coca Cole. - 84 nemacka generala su bila ubijena po Hitlerovom naredjenju - Medju prvim "nemackim" jedinicama zarobljenih u Normandiji bila je nekolicina Koreanaca. Oni su bili naterani da se bore za Japance, nakon cega su ih zarobili Rusi, nakon cega su ih zarobili Nemci a koje su se borili sve do zarobljavanja od strane Amerikanaca. - Graf Spee nikad nije bio potopljen. Pokusaj da se potopi je propao, pa je brod prodat Britancima. Na njemu je bio najnoviji nemacki radarski sistem. - Jedan od japanskih nacina unistavanja tenkova: zakopa se artiljerijska granata velikog kalibra sa otvorenim "nosem" gde je upaljac. Kad tenk prolazi dovoljno blizu, japanski vojnik onda jako udari po njoj sa maljem. "nedostatak oruzja nije razlog za poraz" - Lt. Gen. Mataguchi - Nakon masivnog bombardovanja od strane mornarice, 35 000 americkih i kanadskih trupa se iskrcalo na obale Kiska. 21 covek je poginuo u pucnjavi. Verovatno bi bilo jos gore da je na ostrvu uopste bilo japanskih vojnika. - Izvidjacki nenaoruzani avion "Miss me", dok je izvidjao neprijateljske polozaje za potrebe artiljerije, naleteo je na nemacki slican avion na istom zadatku. Pilot se priblizio nemackom, i on i kopilot su pucali iz pistolja dok nisu prinudili Nemce da slete. Nakon toga su i oni sleteli i zarobili nemacke pilote. Nepoznato je gde su ih smestili nakon toga, jer je Miss Me imao samo 2 sedista. - Vecina pripadnika Waffen SS-a nisu bili Nemci. - Vazdusni napadi su bili uzrok pogibije trecine nemackih generala. - Do D-Daya Nemci su imali 1.5 miliona radnika na zeleznici - Jedina nacija na koju su Nemci objavili rat su bile USA - Do D-Daya 35% vojnika od ukupnog broja nemacke vojske su bili ranjeni barem jednom, 11% dva puta, 6% tri puta, 2% cetiri puta i 2% vse od cetiri puta. - Nuklearni fizicar Nils Bor je spasen u poslednjem trenutku iz okupirane Danske. Dok su ga pripadnici pokreta otpora pokrivali sa vatrom, on je istrcao na zadnja vrata od kuce, uz put se zaustavivsi da uzme bocu od piva u kojoj se skrivena nalazila teska voda. Kad se prebacio u Englesku, utvrdio je da se u boci nalazi pivo. Verovatno je neki nemacki vojnik u medjuvremenu umesto piva popio tesku vodu. - Nemacka je izgubila 136 generala, sto je prosek od 1 general svakih 2 sedmice
  4. Stigao je Theatre of War samo nema jos cracka..damn a Fantasy Wars je valjda vec stigao u Srbiju? Jel probao neko?
  5. brue


    MOHA me smorila za 10...ne volim te endless respawn igrice.
  6. Par pitanja: 1. "liga" u fazonu kao u fudbalu, igra svako sa svakim po jednom ili dva puta u toku sezone, ili vise kao u tenisu, tja slobodni mecevi? 2. nisam primetio da su izbacena bilo kakva pravila za ligu na sajtu, sto je bitnije od vesti 3. ako vec pokusavate da ciljate na ceo Balkan, zasto se koristi srpski i dinari umesto engleski i evro? 4. isto kao pod 3, al u vezi foruma Ok, aj prvo mala pricica... Pre jedno 2 i po godine, kad se organizovalo CPL takmicenje i kod nas, predlozio sam organizatorima da naprave lige po gradovima (okruzima), i svremena na vreme medjugradski turniri. Fora je bilo da igraonice (po 1 za svaki od "centara") naplacuju meceve po nekoj tada standardnoj ceni (cini mi se da je bilo jedan mec=40 din po igracu, bez obzira na trajanje meca) ali da moraju kasnije najbolje da poshalju o svom trosku na finale CPLa u BGu. Sta se dogodilo? Kraljevo, Sremska Mitrovica i Uzice su jedini imali lige koje su zazivele. Sa dosta cimanja, ubedjivanja klinaca, itd itd klasika... ovde u UE smo imali 24 tima, koji su konstantno igrali CS i to 5-6 meseci bez prestanka i bez ikakvih nagrada (osim na kraju, i to ucesce na turniru u UE i odlazak za dz u BG na CPL tur). Kraljevo je imalo nesto manje, oko 10tak i SM isto preko 20. Svi veci gradovi tipa BGa i NSa su propali sa tim jos u pocetku, dal iz razloga organizacije ili verovatno vise zbog nakurcenih klinaca i "pro" igraca, nebitno. Liga je bila u fazonu ELO sistema, dakle svako svakoga moze da izaziva, ako se pobedi slabiji dobije se manje poena, ako se izgubi od slabijeg gubi se vise poena, i via versa. To je dovelo do toga da se sedmicno igra mnogo, bas mnogo meceva. Normalno, na moje zadovoljstvo, a ovde ne mislim samo na pare, ali i samih igraca. Sve to bi bilo jos lakse i razvijenije da smo imali mogucnosti tja iole kvalitetniji internet kao sto sad imamo. Posto ocigledno (jbte al je ovo egoisticno) imam nekog iskustva u svemu tome par preporuka: 1. PRAVILA (pod obavezno, sto pre) 2. registrovanje svakog igraca posebno, nezavisno od ekipe, sa odredjenim pravilima kad neko moze da predje iz tima u tim, kad se tim raspusta itd itd itd. Ovo iz razloga pocestog cepanja ekipa. 3. ELO sistem (poput onog u tenisu ili sahu, koga sanima sta je tacno i kako se racuna ima google), mnogo je bolji od klasicnog (poput fudbala). Ovo ce dati slobodu ekipama i igracima da igraju i ugovaraju meceve kad njima odgovara itd 4. nemojte da ostanete na tome da se slobodno prijavljuje samo na sajtu, pa ko hoce nek izvoli da igra. To tesko moze da zazivi. Bez neke osnovne baze timova, koji sigurno igraju, nema od toga nista. Ljudi su lenji, i uglavnom teski za bilo kakvu samoorganizaciju. Strogo definisana pravila daju rezultate. 5. uzimanje para unapred pa kao fora na kraju se dele pare - losa ideja. Bolje naci sponzore za periodicne nagrade, tipa svakog meseca ili svake sezone, ili sta god. Ubaciti cak i nagrade za ekipe sa najvise odigranih partija, ili pak nesto tipa "lucky loooser" (nevezano za admina RuRa ;) ) itd itd itd 6. kompletna baza sa trenutnim poenima, mogucnoscu ekipa da preko nje izazivaju druge, view svake ekipe posebno sa odigranim mecevima i rezultatima itd itd (nesto poput clanbase-a) Mogao bih jos dosta da napisem o samim problemima ili nekim varijantama koje uspevaju, ali me stvarno mrzi u ranu zoru, a i onako sam vec verovatno udavio sa pricom :) Poz i sve najbolje sa BL.
  7. Theatre of War RTS fans love these games because they give us the commander’s seat during real and fictional wars, letting us make decisions and call the shots. Most of these games take little time to learn and are all pretty much the same. Right clicking moves units here, left clicking choose specific units, click dragging selects groups of units, etc. Now imagine if each one of these units had a personality, a motive, a code of conduct. Imagine if they had morale. In Theatre of War, units not only perform specific tasks you order them to do along with what they were trained to do, but all of them will perform these tasks differently depending on things such as (but not limited to); morale, training, field experience, leadership abilities, driving abilities, and other attributes that translate into military fortitude. One thing that is in abundance is realism. This game excels in the area of realism above all other RTS games that have seemed to water down the WWII genre over the past few years. Where most games take a more arcade approach in terms of appealing to the masses, ToW specializes in making the game as realistic as possible without actually getting your face shot off. Imagine Company of Heroes but with an RPG twist. All of the units (and I mean ALL of the units) are customizable. They gain experience with their trial by fire and continue to as long as they stay alive. With incredible realism comes incredible frustration. Nothing is overlooked in this game. An example is assigning a unit to a vehicle. In a standard RTS when the unit approaches the vehicle, they ‘snap’ into the tank. In ToW it shows the actual animation of the unit climbing into the tank and sliding through the hatch. You can see Howitzer crews loading their guns and firing. The detail is mind boggling. In one case, my attacking tanks were attacked and some of them lost mobility from hits to the tracks or engines, but still managed to fire from a fixed position. Like other games that command this kind of patience and experience, it will exclude the more casual gamers. With a campaign that covers 5 different factions (German, French, Russian, Polish and Allied armies); the game covers 40 missions based on real world battles. There are 30+ maps that are completely destructible and can become ever more hazardous from weather and how the battlefield is used. Even with all of this information being processed through your computer at any given moment, the visuals of the game are fantastic. From a distance you get a good picture of the battlefield, but if you zoom in you can see the individual soldiers and their weapons firing. It seems that no stone is left unturned. Each mission starts as any other would, with a historical battle and accurate settings. From there it only follows the script you write. You can reinforce squads, capture enemy weapons and vehicles and make choices that can take you on to glory, or to utter destruction. With multiplayer as an option, even beating the game means that there is still plenty of playability left in the game. Although some of the more casual RTS fans will be overwhelmed by the complexity of the game, those who have grown bored with the same-old same-old RTS games will have something new brought to their table. ************** jel probao ovo neko?
  8. shame on u, spammujes strategy forum sa platformskim igrama ;) :P Little Big Planet : genre-platform
  9. @ Voodoo Prvo da ti se zahvalim na najzad normalnom postu :) Vidis, ja ne gledam intelektualni razvoj klinca ovde i klinca u Americi. Mnogo mi je intresantnije porediti tipicnog Srbina i tipicnog Amera u ostvarivanju svojih radnih obaveza. Sto se tice klinaca, ovde govorim o nekoj vecini, nezavisno od grada iz koga je: klinci kod nas su ograniceni, vecina koju to uopste zanima, na kompove zbog igraonica ali i zbog fazona tipa da ce mu roditelji radije i cesce kupiti komp nego konzolu "da nauci nesto". Sto se tice "odraslih", cini mi se da prosican Amer ima manje vremena u stvarnosti ili pak "u glavi" od proseka u Srbiji. Tako da, sobzirom i na "velicinu" trzista u Srbiji za igre, ono ne utice ni malo na svetsko trziste pa samim tim na razvoj igara, dakle, ni obican igrac u Srbiji (koji je razlicit od proseka na Zapadu) ne utice ni malo na pomenuto. Dalje, nisi uopste lepo procitao sta sam napisao u prethodnom postu. Rekao sam da nije bitno za sta je igra (konzolu, pc il sta vec) i rekao sam "vecina igara", dakle ne sve. :) I na kraju, sve ovo je skoro pa offtopic, ako bas hoces neku vecu diskusiju, startuj negde topic tipa konzole vs pc ili tako nesto. Ne moraju bas svi topici da budu optereceni sa tom tematikom, da ne pominjem Oblivion vs others. A ovaj put, ti si to naceo. Verovatno te zanima timatika i bice mi drago da ti priustim neku diskusiju na tu temu :) back on topic: @ Doolio Pa zavisi. Ako budu uradili klasiku kao ostali delovi iz TW serijala, moze biti dosadno i meni :) Vise bih voleo da vise iskomplikuju, i da npr umesto nacija "vodis" kompanije, i sve pratece sto ide uz njih: veze sa kraljevskim kucama, spijunaza, spletkarenja, dealovi sa piratima itd itd. Pa makar stavili dva rezima igre: retard and geek (mislim na zakomplikovanost i ponudu opcija itd itd) :) @Sting :) Neko se prima na onu seriju Sharp ili kako vec, za vreme Napoleonovih ratova? ;) @Kole pa zar to nije nesto bas ciljano za klince? Mislim, ok je grafika sto se tice tehnoloskog razvoja, samo...
  10. Jesi proverio na www.ITsvet.com ? ne znam koliko je kvalitetan sajt, ali makar imaju i cene i karakteristike i razliciti komentari za sve komponente (skoro), pa i za TFTovce.
  11. @ Kole Nadam se da ne mislis na Little Big Planet? :) @ Doolio Da :) Fantasy Wars between Elves and Orc bi bilo jos "mocnije" ;) Mada, ovaj feature da mozes da zumiras i vidis borbu vise jedinica... posle 5 minuta igranja, ko ce to da zumira? No, videcemo, trebalo bi da je izasla..juce :P @G nemoj molim te da mu dajes povoda da i ovaj topic preplavi sa postovima tipa jedna prosto prosirena recenica o Oblivionu ili asocijacijama na to. Ima topic o toj ... igri... pa tamo moze da se izivljava. @voodoo Nebitno je da li je neka igra za neku od konzola ili pc. Bitno je da li je dobra ili ne i za koju populaciju je rade. Normalno, posto su konzole vise orijentisane ka deci, da ce i vecina igrara biti vise u tom maniru. Ne znam za debile stvarno. Lep primer za to , kad se uporede PC i konzole, i za koga je namenjeno - Civilization: Revolution. Escape moze biti gotivan. Samo da je ne uproste previse. kad bi mogli da postignu atmosferu iz Syndicate-a bilo bi odlicno :)
  12. brue

    drugi svetski rat šbbkbb

    Da, videh, no bilo je malo smuseno oko Iron Crossa (posle si se ispravljao ;) ), pa reko' da ipak malo vise stavim o njemu, ipak je bio pilot za 10. Ne znam stvarno to za Poljake, sta je tacno ili ne. Dok sam trazio vise podataka o Italijanima, nabasao sam na tu informaciju.
  13. Escape from Paradise City Escape from Paradise City is about territory. Taking it and keeping it for profit and power. Each of the three main characters that players will take control of in Paradise City is part of a government "re-education" plan. Think La Femme Nikita. Each of these guys has been told that they can either rot in jail for the rest of their lives or help the government infiltrate and take down a massive organized crime outfit in Paradise City. It'll be each of their jobs to climb the power rankings in the area to eventually confront the head honcho and take him down. As you would expect, beginning maps will feature much smaller portions of the city filled with small time crooks. Conquering these territories, and eventually the whole map, will grant power in the form of trait points which can be put to use on each character's unique trait tree. All of these traits are passive abilities, but choosing certain of them unlocks active skills as well. The trick is that skills must be purchased at a trainer after they've been unlocked, which means taking over a territory with the right skill trainer in it. Once players have the right traits, they'll also unlock a variety of "powers" which are used like a real-time strategy game's God Powers (think Battle for Middle-earth and the various powers available to each side). These can include anything as mundane as calling in special thugs for back-up to radioing your government sponsors for an air-strike against an enemy target. Each city map is divided into several different territories with various bosses, henchmen, and advantages. Some may hold money making shops, others may allow access to different weapons or skills, while others still are simply good for their strategic location. In order to capture the territories found in the game players will have to utilize the various tools and "powers" to defeat henchmen guarding each area and eventually the territory's boss. Once the boss has been sufficiently slapped around, he'll start running around to all of the businesses in the territory, letting them know that their employer has changed, at which point they'll be available for use. The interesting thing about this sequence is that while the boss is running around the neighborhood, he's vulnerable to attack from rival territories. This will play out a little more thoroughly in multiplayer, but the AI will take advantage of this weakness and try to take the territory back so each boss you defeat will be worth protecting on his route. As you might have guessed, gameplay in Escape from Paradise City is heavily based in combat. While it's possible to zoom down in to control the main characters directly, the style of play is definitely more of a point and click RPG-style tactical strategy experience. Combat was described as being heavily influenced by World of Warcraft, which means players to use plenty of skills during battle. All of the skills have been designed to work well together in combination so players should have a good time mixing and matching the right stuff. Combat is entered simply by getting in range of a rival gang member and shooting, kicking, punching, and stabbing the crap out of them. Once you've destroyed all the enemies in the area and have taken down the boss, you'll be able to purchase the help of some henchmen to help defend the territory. These guys will hang out waiting to see enemies enter the area or, if you have a scout running around looking for them, will actively seek to punish any guys that accidentally step foot into occupied territory. These guys can also be sent to attack an adjacent territory should the help be needed. Minions can be given orders, but most of the big combat moves will come from the three main characters. Nicholas Porter is about ranged combat and will prefer to use rifles and submachine guns and most of his traits and skills will reflect that. Angel Vargas is the tough chick of the group focusing most of her skills on melee abilities. Boris Chekov is a crooked cop that uses influence to get the job done, though he also finds shooting his pistol helps procure the right results. Each of the main characters will gain experience through conquest and become stronger over time. Along with the trait and skill system mentioned above, leveling up also allows them to gain attribute points like those seen in most RPGs (strength, dexterity, stamina, etc..). Lastly the characters will also be able to equip different types of weapons and carry around some extra items in their personal inventory. All of this takes place in a pretty decent looking city bustling with activity. People walk the streets while cars motor from here to there. There's plenty of detail to enjoy in the buildings and environment as well. Once out, players will fight through 16 chapters in single player and fight on 8 player team-based multiplayer maps for control of the city. Escape from Paradise City is scheduled for a Fall release and is nearing completion. Fantasy Wars The title says it all. The game is set in a fantasy universe rife with war. The Orc chieftain named Ugraum is prodded by his shamans into attaining a huge horde and taking on the humans in a war of supremacy. The orcs and humans will, as you might expect, bring the elves and the dwarves into the fight as well for the four way gangbang of war we're so used to seeing in movies and video games. The tactical maps serve as missions through the long story which holds a much more sinister base than any of the factions believe. Three campaigns will tell the story and provide you with plenty of hours of entertainment. Fantasy Wars is played in a hex format that strategy gamers will be pretty familiar with. This version of a hex war simply looks much better than those that are usually released onto the market. Using the 3D engine, units can gain advantage by using the terrain wisely when planning attacks. Not only will you see several unit types for each faction, but terrain filled with towns, castles, forests, and more. Certain hexes will hold distinct defensive advantages and players will have to consider their tactics carefully before throwing forces into the thick of it. All of the units will also be able to gain experience and receive upgrades that help them to get more powerful over time, giving a big reason for players not to throw their troops into messy conflicts without reason. One of the cool things about the units in Fantasy Wars is how they're displayed on the map. When zoomed out, the unit will be displayed by a large version of that army type as is the case with most turn-based strategy games. When zooming into the map a little farther, the unit representation will become more literal as you'll see the actual number of orcs in your orc archer unit. While the number of units will be represented as health when zoomed out, it tends to be an easier visual clue when up close to the battle. On top of easy planning, zooming will allow you to check out the actual battles between the units, whatever they may be. In the short bit we played, we had the chance to see our hero unit Ugraum kick the crap out of a whole group of goblin warriors by first charging and running some over and then hunting down the rest for a good slashing. Empire Earth III The latest in the Empire Earth saga is looking to bring some new features to their normal stable of cross epoch battles including a meta game, a simplified list of factions, a more cartoony style, and more complex diplomacy system. There's a lot of good ideas here, but as we found out at a recent event when we had a chance to play the game, there's still a lot of work to be done, especially in the interface. We had the chance to sit down with the game at the show and check out some of the new features for ourselves, starting with the meta game. As is the style nowadays, Empire Earth III is moving away from an exclusively real-time setup in the single player campaign in order to let you seek to take over and rule the world. You'll take control of one of the game's three factions (Western, Middle-east, or Far East) and look to move around the map while picking up new lands and resources along the way. Each of the territories on the map has stats associated with them in several key territories such as military, research, and economics. Capturing the territory will give you access to these various resources. Each of these territories can also be changed to focus in one of these areas. Switching a territory to research will gain epochs faster while switching to economics will provide more resources to play with. While you're sitting around fiddling with your territories trying to get the perfect balance of focuses, the enemy will also be trying to take over the world on their turns. While it may pay to hang out for a couple of turns to gain money and technology before acting, sitting around for too long could be the death of you. Entering new territories and claiming them as your own is a necessary evil. The way a territory is taken is up to you, however. Once a territory is invaded, players will have a chance to plop down any buildings included for the assault force and get to conquering the neighborhood. Oftentimes this will come down to force of arms, but there are plenty of other opportunities to gain favor with the natives in order to get them on your side. For instance, a tribe might ask you to save a princess from a rival tribe. If you can do this in the time allotted, you'll gain favor and eventually will be able to ally with that friendly tribe. In our case, the natives provided too big a problem to negotiate with so we got our barracks humming pretty quickly to fend off the incursions sent by the natives inhabiting the area. After setting up our original city center, we put down unit production buildings and found our first resource node. Once we had a fortress up to provide a larger unit cap, we began sending constructing buildings in neighboring provinces to step up the resource game. Before long, we had a large enough economy that we were able to stomp across the battlefield and take down the enemy. The main problem that we found with the way the game plays at the moment is the interface, which as far as we can see, needs a lot of help considering how much we'll need to keep track of. Considering we couldn't even find some of the simplest things, and we play a lot of real-time strategy games, we're hoping there's a major interface overhaul by the time the game ships. Certainly there's plenty of time to make that happen, but one of the most important things possible for strategy is conveying all of the various information important to being successful. Honestly, it's hard to sit down for a short period and really feel an understanding for a game as wide and deep as Empire Earth III. We'll need a few hours to really formulate an understanding of the game mechanics and how to go about conquering the world. As it is, we saw a mere slice of the pie in the ancient world and none of the future technology that is possible and really helps differentiate the three factions even more. With the game not due until November at the earliest, we're expecting to have that opportunity.
  14. Seca li se neko Sim Eartha od pre par miliona godina? ;) Ne znam, volim taj fazon. Mogla bi da bude dobra igra, ako nista kao mali intermeco izmedju krsha ww2, SF i fantasy igara. Jos samo kad bi neko hteo da napravi remake od History Line-a pa da mogu da umrem :P
  15. Spore Currently scheduled for release in the Spring of 2008, the life-simulation game from The Sims creator Will Wright is purportedly already far enough along in development that it can be played from start to finish. If you've been keeping up to date with Spore since it was announced in 2005, you'll know that the game is divided up into five distinct levels. In case you're not familiar with them, here's a quick rundown of what you'll be doing in each level: Level 1: The "Cell" portion of Spore will see you assuming the role of a single-celled organism for around 30 minutes. Your goal will simply be to swim around and eat other organisms and, in doing so, enhance your DNA. Level 2: The "Creature" phase will see you crawling out of the water onto land for the first time. When you get there you'll need to evolve your creature through either aggressive or social interactions with other creatures, through eating various meats and fruits, and using the game's powerful creature design tools. Level 3: After getting the population of your new species to a certain size you'll enter the "Tribe" phase of the game, which takes the form of a somewhat simplistic real-time strategy game. As a tribe, your main goal will simply be to grow, which you can achieve through procreation or by recruiting creatures from other tribes by befriending or going to war with them. Level 4: Once your tribe reaches a certain size--the required population appeared to be 15 in the version of the game we were shown--you'll enter the "Civilization" level. Although your creatures can no longer evolve at this point, you'll have the freedom to design buildings, vehicles, and such using tools similar to those with which you designed your creature. Interactions with other groups of creatures will become more complex at this stage, since you'll gain access to strategies such as diplomacy and cultural conversion. Level 5: "Space" is the final frontier as far as Spore is concerned, and after winning the evolutionary race on your start planet, it'll be time to take to the stars in search of new ones to colonize or conquer. Along the way you'll encounter other species every bit as advanced as your own, and you'll have the option to trade with them, go to war with them, or simply do your best to ignore them. Today's presentation focused on levels 2 and 3, so the first thing we got to see was a number of organisms identical to the player's crawling onto the land. The brief, in-engine cutscene that followed showed a pair of the organisms mating and then, when an egg appeared on the ground just a few moments later, we got to see the creature editor in action. The creature editor is a deceptively powerful tool that you'll use to determine the path of your species' evolution. The abomination of nature that we saw created from scratch started out with a spine that the player was able to pull into just about any shape imaginable just by grabbing different parts of it with the mouse and pulling them around. The body of flesh surrounding the spine appeared to be every bit as easy to manipulate as the skeleton beneath, turning from skinny into bulbous and back again in seconds. Next, limbs were added. You'll have the freedom to add as many arms and legs to the body you've created as you see fit (within reason), and each of them can be manipulated in the same way as the body. Legs can be inverted, arms can be extended so that they drag along the ground--you really can do just about anything you want to them. Some of your creations might end up looking less than feasible, but Spore's own Mother Nature will animate them convincingly regardless. That's a bold claim, and it's not one that we heard from EA--it's based purely on what we saw for ourselves today. What else did we see? The creature created during our presentation had four legs, two of which were inverted. It had two arms, it had spikes on its knees, its eyes were on what we would've assumed was the chest, and its mouth (beak, actually) was positioned high above its torso at the end of a long neck. In short, it looked like nothing we've ever seen before, but as our presentation progressed we got to see the ungodly creation walk, run, dance, sing, fight, and even re-enact a famous scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey by tossing a piece of wood up into the air in slow motion while orchestral music played in the background. The gameplay in level two will see you assuming the role of a lone creature on a planet inhabited by up to 15 other species--all of which will have been created by other players, even though Spore doesn't feature multiplayer support per se. When encountering new creatures you'll want to interact with them so that you can earn DNA points and unlock new body parts to spend them on. Initially, your only option for befriending other creatures will be to sing to them, but as you evolve you'll learn to dance and make gestures such as waving. Your combat abilities will also be very limited initially and, as you might expect, the moves available to you will be determined in part by factors such as how many limbs you've given your creature. As you add new parts to your creature you'll find that many of them either afford you new abilities or enhance existing ones. Another very important part of your creature's design, at least from an aesthetic point of view, will be its coloration. We didn't get to see the coloring tools in action for very long, but it's clear that will be large number of different colors, markings and patterns to choose from. Furthermore, you'll be able to layer different visual effects on top of each other to create a unique look, and we noticed later in the game that when tribes appoint an alpha male, said creature invariably becomes bigger than the rest of the group and exhibits much more vibrant coloring. One of the most important abilities you'll learn as you walk around the planet on your own is the mating call, which can be used to locate or attract potential partners for procreation. You'll also learn to make friends with other creatures form different species, and if they agree to join your "posse" when you invite them to, they'll follow you around and do their best to help you out the next time you're in combat or attempting to impress another creature. To get a friend into your posse you'll first need to impress three members of its species, and when you get three friends in your posse you'll progress to level three. As we mentioned earlier, the "Tribe" stage of your evolution will take the form of a somewhat simplistic real-time strategy game. You'll have a base, you'll send creatures out to obtain supplies--by foraging for fruit, hunting, or fishing--and you'll inevitably have to interact with other tribes at some point. During our presentation we watched one tribe try to befriend another by taking them gifts of food. That didn't work out on this occasion, so we then got to see a battle between two tribes, which was resolved when the attacking tribe managed to destroy the defenders' main hut. Any enemies that hadn't already been killed surrendered and joined the attacking tribe at that point, more than making up for the warriors who had fallen in the conflict. By growing your tribe and stockpiling food you'll gain access to more advanced weapons, tools, and structures. Primitive clubs will become axes, for example, and one of the first buildings that we saw added to the tribe's camp as they evolved was a healing tent. Another neat feature that we saw in action during the tribe level was the option to create different outfits for your creatures that they'll wear when performing certain actions. Garments such as helmets and loincloths didn't appear to afford the creatures wearing them any attribute bonuses or anything, but when combined with the costume-like warpaint option, they certainly made it easy to tell which creatures were doing what. When the tribe was 15-strong (our presenter was cheating to speed up the process quite considerably), level three came to an end. Before leaving the presentation room we were treated to a brief look at level four, "Civilization." You'll get to design buildings and land, sea, and air vehicles using tools very similar to those that are used for creatures. We saw a building that looked like some kind of monument, we saw futuristic-looking buggies, and we even saw a small squadron of military aircraft approaching what was presumably an enemy settlement. It could hardly have been further removed from the lone exploration of an island inhabited by colorful creatures that we'd witnessed earlier, and when the presentation came to an end it was hard not to be impressed by the scope and sheer scale of Will Wright's vision.
  16. Hvala bogu, neko da postuje, izludjuje me ovaj limit sa brojem slika po postu :P Elem, mislio sam da nabacam malo ovde, cisto da se osvezi podforum...skoro je bio zamro :( Pa Total War moze biti dobar, cak odlican, kao sto rece Sting, nema mnogo strategija da pokriju bas to doba. Sins, pa ako bude makar slican Homeworldu jeee :P Officers mi zvuci zanimljivo zbog velicine mape. CoH je dobar, al mi se smucilo vise tabanje strategija po nekim sprcenim mapama. Worldshift..onaj prvi Warhammer, davno davno sto je izasao, u fantasy svetu, ne sf, imao je slicnu foru, gde su se sa jedinicama skupljali skriveni itemi po mapi. Mozda bude makar zanimljivo ako nista drugo. End War vidim kao pandan World in Conflictu, ne samo zbog obradjenog perioda, vec vise na konto multyplayera. Valjda nece biti onako "mrsav" sa izborom jedinica kao WiC. Galactic Assault...nedostaje mi vreme Battle Isle-a tbh :( A Disciples su Disciples...samo, opet, nadam se da ce mape biti vece ovaj put.
  17. A igra je shit :( Makar meni
  18. brue

    Team Fortress 2

    odavno pocelo, makar sto se igraonica tice doduse kod nas, pridrzavas se zakona proporcinalno kol'ka "ledja" imas da bi ga krsio...jbga, ja imam metar preko ledja u rl, al u prethodnom slucaju imam samo racun svakog meseca...a "cijena je prava sitnica"
  19. Tom Clancy's EndWar LEIPZIG, Germany--There's a rush of companies looking to deliver real-time strategy gaming on the console. But of all them, Ubisoft and its internal developer Ubisoft Shanghai may very well have them all beat when it comes to innovation. That's because Tom Clancy's EndWar features one of the most amazing voice-command interfaces that we've ever seen, and it's used to help you command 21st-century armies on fully destructible battlefields. We first got to hear about EndWar at Ubisoft's press event last May, but this was the first time that we actually got to see the game played live. On first glance, EndWar looks like a typical real-time strategy game. You control sets of units on a 3D battlefield, and they pound the heck out of the enemy. However, the control scheme for EndWar is revolutionary. While creative director Michael de Plater played the game using an Xbox 360 controller, he also used a wide range of voice commands for many tasks. In rapid fire, he barked out such orders as, "Calling all gunships, create group," or "White Team, attack Hostile 1." Switching the camera to a group is as simple as calling out the group and saying "camera" afterward. Calling in reinforcements, which are purchased using points that you gain from killing enemies, is as simple as saying "reinforce" and the type of unit you want. (There is absolutely no base building or resource gathering in this game because the designers want to keep it as believable as possible. Thus, reinforcements and replacements are delivered to the battlefield via air transport.) The flexibility of this system became quickly evident: You can quickly and simply give orders to units that aren't even on the screen. That makes command and control of the battle a lot easier than ever. Information on all your units is displayed at the bottom of the screen, so it's easy to keep track of the units and their designations. Even better, units are pretty good about carrying orders out in a smart manner. For example, infantry know how to use cover while maneuvering and fighting, so you'll see squads of men hug walls, as well as the sides of cars, in combat. The goal of the battle is to seize strategic points on a map. These are actually radar towers and networking nodes for the missile defense shield that's the cause of the conflict. The premise behind EndWar is that the threat of nuclear war has kept the peace between the major powers for almost 100 years. War erupts after a nuclear missile shield is established because the threat of annihilation is no longer there. If you seize a strategic point, you can upgrade it in a number of ways that give you special abilities, such as the ability to call in air strikes or artillery. Units themselves can also be upgraded dozens of ways. While there are only seven basic unit classes in the game, there are more than 150 potential upgrades. The example given involves heavy infantry, which have antitank and antiaircraft capabilities. If a unit gains experience and is promoted, you have a choice of upgrades, such as adding combat engineers that can lay mines or special counterengineers that can remove enemy obstacles. All of this sounds good, but you'll also be able to participate in an online, persistent campaign with thousands of other EndWar players. Details on the game's ambitious multiplayer plans are still to come though. Still, EndWar looks amazing and seems like a real-time strategy game that actually feels made for consoles rather than a strategy game that feels like it was crammed onto the consoles. Keep in mind that there's a PC version as well, but fans of Tom Clancy games on the console should keep an eye out for yet another game. EndWar should ship sometime next year. Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power may have a sci-fi setting on an alien world, but this turn-based strategy game from Paradox Interactive and Wargaming.net could very well be about any contemporary industrial conflict that features infantry, tanks, and artillery. Like Wargaming.net's earlier game, Massive Assault, Galactic Assault is essentially a computerized version of a turn-based wargame, right down to the hex-based nature of the map. The game is based on Prisoner of Power, a Soviet-era science fiction novel by Arkady and Boris Strugastsky. In it, a young man from Earth crash-lands on the planet Saraksh and overthrows an oppressive society. The game is set in the aftermath of those events, as the collapse of the regime paves the way for a belligerent neighbor to invade, and you'll have to command the forces of the land of Unknown Fathers in combat. If you've ever played any kind of board wargame, then the rules for Galactic Assault will be familiar. Each turn is broken up into several types of phases. There's a combat phase where you can give movement and fire orders to your units. Then there's a recruitment phase where you can construct specialized buildings and order up new units. Once that's done, it's the enemy's turn, and the entire cycle starts all over again. The game actually models the time of day, so after each turn it may become gradually brighter or darker, depending on what side of the diurnal cycle that you're on. This has tactical implications for line of sight. At your disposal will be a wide range of infantry, artillery, and armor that you can purchase at barracks and factories. This isn't a real-time strategy game, though, so there's no resource gathering. You purchase units with cash that's awarded between missions. Obviously, the better units cost more, so it's a decision between quantity and quality. For example, you can get plenty of low-level infantry, or you can spend a bit more and get some better-quality infantry. You can also use these structures to replace losses during the recruitment phase. Since the units are essentially the equivalent of their modern-day military counterparts, many of the tactics are the same. You can position infantry in woods or buildings for cover, or they can dig in if in the open, providing them better cover, but at the cost of a turn to dig in and a turn to dig out should you want to move. The rock-scissors-paper relationship between units is what you'd expect. Infantry are good against other infantry, but weak against armor. Artillery is powerful against infantry, but also vulnerable to armor. Tanks can blast away, but need infantry and artillery support to be truly effective. Morale is modeled and each unit has a color-coded moral indicator. Green is healthy, yellow is danger, and red means that the unit is demoralized and is basically combat ineffective. Thus, you rarely annihilate enemy units. Instead, you just need to punish them enough so they break and run, which is often the case in warfare. In terms of production values, the graphics and sound is fairly rudimentary. Even with all the graphical settings maxed out this isn't a flashy game, though the upside is that it should run on most systems fairly well. And judging from our time with it, Galactic Assault is pretty easy to pick up and play. It ships later this month. Disciples III One of the many games being shown at this year's E3 is Disciples III, the third game in the turn-based strategy series. Unlike previous games in the series, Disciples III will be a fully 3D game with polygonal graphics to represent its huge monsters and warriors onscreen, though a representative from Akella, the game's developer, assured us that the game won't have particularly demanding system requirements. Disciples III will feature more than 150 different "characters"--the war heroes, monsters, ghosts, and other beasties that can make up a war party in the game, and like in the previous games, the size of your war party will depend on your leader character's leadership skill. Apparently, some monsters in the game, such as dragons, will be absolutely huge, and will take up to 12 squares on the game's combat map, which has been retouched as a grid-based map divided up into two halves--yours and your opponents'. We had a chance to see only the demonic legions of the damned faction in action, and they're as scaly and red-skinned as ever. However, the sequel will apparently ship with only three playable factions out of the box: the legions, the human empire, and the noble elves. Apparently, subsequent expansion packs will add additional races at a rate of one race per expansion--with any luck, we'll see the return of the original Disciples factions of the dwarven mountain clans and the undead horde. The version of the game we saw was an extremely early one, so there was very little in the way of content to see. We did have a chance to see some parts of the overland map, which is now fully 3D, but is still populated by static monster spawns, various structures your parties can visit (or ransack), and still consists of different terrain types, which can be still converted to your faction's land type by using a rod-placing unit. We also had a chance to see the legions' home town, which was essentially a gigantic floating rock formation suspended above rivers of red molten lava. Both the overland view and the town view seem strikingly reminiscent of Heroes of Might and Magic V, though the towns in Disciples will have the familiar interface options to upgrade various portions of your stronghold to strengthen the specific unit types you choose; for instance, like in the previous games, you can choose to upgrade your melee units' barracks, which lets your basic melee units develop into a stronger character class once they gain experience levels. Upgrade options for melee, archery, magic, and miscellaneous classes at strongholds all appear to be intact. Disciples III is currently being developed as a joint venture between Canadian publisher Strategy First, which is providing much of the game design, and Russian developer Akella, which is providing most of the production work. The game is scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2008.
  20. Empire: Total War * Empire: Total War will be the greatest and most awe-inspiring Total War experience ever. This is a total revolution of the Total War series, featuring a brand new graphics engine and technology. The new, advanced graphics engine will include staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, dynamic weather and new battle choreography and occupy-able and destructible battlefield buildings. * Empire: Total War will not only be the most visually stunning Total War game, it will also feature a huge array of new features and gameplay. These add rich new layers of grand strategy to the formula and yet, despite this, E: TW will be the most accessible Total War game in the series. * The game is set in the years 1700 to the early 1800’s, a turbulent age of gunpowder, revolution, discovery and Empire Building. This period has all the ingredients for a great Total War title: fascinating changes in warfare and its technology, a large number of competing factions hungry for power, and gloriously exciting and colourful battles. This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age. Revolutionary ideas are in the air, and at least one monarch meets a bloody end! * Against a backdrop of key historical themes such as the French Revolution and the American War Of Independence, the player’s aim is to create the greatest Republic or Empire the world has known, spanning not just a continent but the world! Can you hold on to lands in the New World, or establish a rich trading empire in the Indies? * Empire: Total War contains a revolutionised Total War campaign spanning 3 continents and featuring new, enhanced systems for Trade, Diplomacy, Missions and Espionage. There will be an all-new fully animated campaign map with all buildings and upgrades visible. The campaign will also feature a huge cast of historical figures including Peter The Great, Malborough and Charles XII of Sweden. The game will include 10 playable factions including Britain, Prussia, France, Spain, America and the massive Ottoman Empire. * New Real-Time 3D Naval Warfare takes Total War’s unparalleled battle action to the high seas with players commanding single ships or vast fleets. These will be the most exciting and realistic sea battles ever seen in a PC game. They will feature a realistic sailing model, cannon and musket fire, boarding actions, fully destructible sails, rigging and hulls and a full range of weather effects to influence battles. These will play out on stunning, ultra-realistic seascapes, as cannons and muskets blaze away, cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter, pierce and shatter hulls, sails and masts, laying waste to crew members and sending them to Davy Jones’ Locker. * Empire: Total War’s revolutionised graphics engine will be put to work on land battles that will feature heavy artillery in the form of cannons, mortar and early rocket launchers, with bouncing cannonballs slicing through drifting gunsmoke to tear up lines of infantry. Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry. Generals will bark out orders to their regiments as the player orchestrates the battle utilizing formations, unit abilities and drills. Weapons will jam and misfire, cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot. * Empire: Total War will be the most accessible Total War game ever. Enhanced auto management, revolutionized UI, improved advice system and tutorials all combine to introduce new players to the concepts of Total War, quickly and easily. * Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the AI with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map. * A brand new multiplayer component will include player rankings, leagues and ladders and completely new gameplay modes. Sins of a Solar Empire You are the leader of a civilization embroiled in a galactic war, fighting for the survival of your entire race against relentless foes. Your success will depend entirely on your ability to manage your empire and command your vast fleets of starships to victory. Sins of a Solar Empire is a "RT4X" game, blending the epic strategy and empire management of the 4x genre with the fast-paced and tactical elements of a real-time strategy title. To achieve victory over your numerous enemies in Sins of a Solar Empire, you will have to: * Explore A game of Sins of a Solar Empire can range from 30 to 100 planets in size, spread out among up to four different solar systems. Travel is managed via phase lanes - interplanetary and interstellar highways that connect planets, asteroids and stars. Send scouts to unexplored planets to discover new lanes and new territory to conquer. As you grow in power, you can also research new technology to help find distant planets and detect the movement of enemy fleets from far off. * Expand As you discover new territory to claim, you must expand and claim it as quickly as possible, or else the enemy might! Add planets and asteroids rich in resources to your ever-growing empire either through military conquest or cultural dominance. If your war fleets cannot wrest control of a planet from an enemy, extend your cultural influence along the phase lanes and entice enemy populations on the fringes to join your cause instead. * Exploit An expanding empire requires resources to power its ever-growing war machine and economic engine. Sins of a Solar Empire has three primary resources; Metal, Crystal and Credits. Building structures on planets and in-orbit will help you maximize your income and ability to support larger and larger fleets of ships. * Exterminate Your empire grows in size and in strength, but now your borders are threatened by an opposing empire. They block further expansion and look poised to strike against you. Now you are faced with but two choices: run and hide behind your fortified worlds, or take the offensive and strike before the enemy can. Sins of a Solar Empire at its core is a game of interstellar war. Victory will only be achieved when your enemies lie broken and defeated at your feet. Only once you have secured peace and safety for your people through the extermination of your foes can you rest. * Diplomacy Though through war you will achieve ultimate victory, you may not always be ready for a fight. Diplomacy is the tool of a leader looking to exploit the weakness, generosity or naïveté of opposing rulers. Strike deals with your opponents for a temporary cease fire, an exchange of goods and money, or sharing intelligence data, perhaps to band together against a common, stronger foe. In addition to striking deals with your opponents, you can take out bounties on empires, enticing other factions to attack for you. Your high-level goals are to explore, expand, exploit, exterminate and manipulate adversaries through diplomacy and economic pressure. To achieve those goals, however, you will need to effectively manage your empire and fleets. * Build Planetary Infrastructure Increase your tax revenue and your ability to support your growing fleet and structures in orbit. * Construct Orbital Facilities Shipyards, research stations, and asteroid mines are among your most important buildings and key to powering your economy and war machine. * Setup Defensive Positions Your ships cannot be everywhere at once, so use defensive platforms and strategic choke points in the phase lane network to secure and protect your planets from enemy fleets. * Amass and Command Huge Fleets Build fleets of capital ships, cruisers, frigates and support vessels to ravage enemy defenses and worlds. Manage your ships in battle to obliterate enemy forces and fight your way to victory. * Customize Capital Ships As your capital ships fight, their crews gain valuable combat experience, and as they grow more battle-hardened, they will learn new and cunning techniques to further improve their effectiveness in battle. Your capital ships are your most prized asset in any fleet. * Research Advanced Technology Improve your ships' weapons, unlock more advanced ships and structures, and discover new ways to exploit your resources by investing in technology research. A player who effectively manages the technology tree will be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Technical Features Multiplayer Gameins of a Solar Empire is powered by the Iron Engine - a brand new, advanced graphics engine from developer Ironclad Games that was built specifically for Sins. Using the latest in DirectX 9 technology, Sins is able to deliver a massive, detailed galaxy for the player to explore, expand into, exploit and ultimately conquer in real-time, all while being able to perform well on a range of systems and hardware. Here are a few of the major features of the Iron Engine that you'll see in Sins of a Solar Empire:alt="Alien Combat" * Can support thousands of planets and solar systems, the only limitation is the player's system. * Massive, detailed textures on ships, planets and orbital structures. * Hundreds of ships on-screen at once, engaged in epic battle. * Up to 10,000 particles (explosions, missiles, laser blasts etc.) on the screen at once in full-out combat. * Seamless zoom-in and zoom-out from looking at a one-man space fighter, to viewing your entire empire spanning billions of kilometers of space. * The Iron Engine is designed to perform well on systems ranging from middle-of-the-road hardware, to the biggest, most powerful machines on the market today. Effects, number of ships, planets etc. are only limited by how powerful your machine is. There are no hard-coded limits. Officers Officers takes place during the Second World War and puts you in the role of the US army as they take on the might of the Germans. We took a first look at the PC game with publisher Playlogic at this year's Leipzig Games Convention. One of the big selling points for the game is set to be the 25km x 25km maps, which have resulted in rounds that can take hours to complete. There'll be no fog of war in the game, but your map will be restricted in terms of enemy intelligence, meaning that they could be just around the corner and you won't know it. You'll be able to command airborne units, jeeps, tanks, ambulances, and greyhounds, while on the German side you'll see tanks such as the Mach I, II, III, and IV. The single-player game will feature seven large campaign levels that start in Normandy and lead you all the way into the heartland of Nazi Germany. The multiplayer portion of the game wasn't being shown in Leipzig, but we're promised online and LAN support for up to eight players. Obviously, the maps will be compressed quite considerably to prevent games from lasting forever, and in this mode you'll also be able to sample some of the German weapons and vehicles in action. Worldshift -A huge ominous object hangs over the earth of the 21st century, emitting a strange cosmic plague into space. Without warning, the massive asteroid, known simply as "Shard Zero," crash-lands into the planet, effectively ending human civilization. Thousands of years later, humans have split into two distinct factions. One lives in huge futuristic cities, while the other represents the tribal remnants of civilization's past. In addition, a third faction enters the fray, an alien race for whom Shard Zero could potentially be the savior of its civilization. Such is the backdrop for Black Sea Studios' upcoming sci-fi fantasy real-time-strategy game, WorldShift, which we got a sneak peek of today in a behind-closed-doors meeting with the game's developers. The game's producers use the descriptor "sci-fi fantasy RTS" carefully because WorldShift's three distinct races will feature powers and abilities drawn both from futuristic high-tech, as well as magic. During today's demo, we saw two of the available races in the game: the humans and the tribe. Typical human units include brawny-looking soldiers decked out in huge armor and automated rifles. In addition, we also saw a nasty-looking unit known as the ripper, which looked like a hulking robot warrior complete with long, lethal razors for fingers. Tribal units will be adept at magic, and one of the faction's most powerful units is the high priest, which can attack its enemies with powerful bolts of energy. While there's much work yet to be done on WorldShift, what we saw today has us excited about the future of the game's look and feel. The demo level featured a thick jungle environment, presumably home to the tribe faction. A brief skirmish between a squad of humans and tribe warriors showed off the fast-paced action that will characterize the action in the game. In addition to creating a satisfying RTS experience, developers behind the game are striving to ensure that WorldShift is approachable for those new to the series or the RTS genre in general. Part of this approach comes in the form of a simplified heads-up display and easy-to-use controls. When it comes to controlling individual units, you'll typically only need to use the mouse to move them. You'll also be able to choose from a handful of special abilities for units by clicking on a small menu in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. To shadow a boss unit with some underlings, you just choose the group you wish to order, then click on the unit you want them to protect. In addition, unit pathfinding looks to be slick, with large groups of units moving smoothly across one another's paths without any slowdown as individual units try to find their way. Another nod toward the refined take on the RTS strategy in WorldShift is the ability grid featured in the game. There are no technology trees in the game. Instead, players can acquire powerful items and relics then attach them to various units to gain more impressive abilities. These relics can be collected in some of the cooperative player-versus-environment missions that the developers refer to as "dungeons." Here, you goal will be to take individual boss units (such as the humans' commander or the tribe's high priest) and navigate them through treacherous courses lined with enemies. These co-op missions are far removed from your typical RTS conventions. There are no buildings to construct or resources to gather; instead, they seem to play more like missions from such games as Diablo, where you and your friends work together to defeat the various enemies (as well as some tough boss battles), eventually reaping the rewards in the form of increasingly powerful relics. Though WorldShift's approach seems to be friendly for RTS beginners, the game looks like it is well on its way to becoming a deep and immersive strategy game.
  21. Ma u'vatice nekog slicnog pa ce mu promeniti licni opis dok ne bude pljunuti onaj...panduri su to...
  22. brue

    Fallout 3

    Prave je za klince sa konzola, a njima u poredjenju sa pucaljkama klasicnog tipa i vanila Oblivion je dubokoumni RPG. Vazno da ima nabudzenu grafiku i neku igrivost i to je to. Jbga, i ne cudi me sto ce FO3 da bude takav. A verovatno racunaju da ce i teski fanovi serijala kupiti makar cisto da probaju i da imaju sta da pljuju.
  23. stvarno i dalje ne kontas? :) ok, aj ovako: Nijedan neljudski i nehuman cin ne moze da se prihvati od strane, da kazemo normalnih ljudi sa normalnim razmisljanjem. Uzeo sam tesku paralelu izmedju dogadjaja za koji je pokrenut ovaj topic i Nemaca/Jevreja. Zasto? Pa bas zbog toga sto takvi akti ne mogu da se opravdavaju bilo kojim razlozima. I moraju biti sankcionisani. U prvom slucaju: Da li je ona kurva, da li ga je varala ili ne, da li je glupa ili ne, da li je on narkoman ili ne, nebitno je. Bitno je ono sto je on uradio, a ne bi smeo i nije trebao. I zbog toga mora biti odgovarajuce kaznjen. Ulazenje u pricu o njoj ili o njihovim odnosima je totalno glupo. Okolina je reagovala kako je reagovala. Tja nije ni reagovala. A trebala je. I to je za osudu, mozda i vise od samog cina. Ma sta ovde pricali, verujem cvrsto da niko od nas tako ne bi reagovao, sto nas i razdvaja od kojekakvih kulova i prizemnih ljudi...valjda. Zato i potenciram ovo prethodno sto sam rekao. U drugom slucaju: Procitaj pazljivo sta sam napisao. Da li sam pomenuo da su Nemci zli? Bas obratno, naglasio sam i previse moguca opravdanja koje moze jedan nacista (tadasnji) da uzme kao "opravdanje" za cinjenicu da su planski i sistematski unistili/ubili mnogo nevinih ljudi. Naglasio sam i glupa rezonovanja ljudi koji nisu mozda bili nacisti a reagovali su tipa: "Pa videli su sta se sprema, sto nisu pobegli" (mrzi me da pisem sad konkretan primer). Rezovanje na cinjenicu o smrti toliko ljudi bez obzira ko su i sta su, u stilu tipa americka propaganda itd je vise nego zalosno. Zalosno je i sto hrvatski strucnjaci i "strucnjaci" smanjuju zrtve Jasenovca sa mnogo vece brojke na 20-30 hiljada, do trenutka kad ce jedan obican prosecan Hrvat, na nekom forumu reci da je to "cetnicka propaganda", ako se to vec i ne dogadja... A ti si, kao sto rekoh, reagovao bas onako kako sam i hteo da predstavim pogresno rezonovanje. Neke stvari se ne rade, zato sto su necovecne. Razlozi za tako nesto apsolutno su nebitni. A zrtva, ma koliko je dala povoda ili ne, definitivno to nikad nije zasluzila. Ne tako okrutnu stvar, od "sitnica" preko javnog ponizenja do smrti. Nikad. Ili je moguce da smo spali na to da reagujemo na pravi nacin samo u slucaju ako je zrtva neko nama bitan ili kad smo bas mi u ulozi te zrtve? edit: PS. ako stvarno mislis da je onoliko pobijenih nevinih ljudi za vreme WW2 i pre toga samo americka propaganda i produkt istorije pisane od strane pobednika, ili da su Nemci imali BILO KAKVO opravdanje za tako nesto koje ulazi u okvire civilizacijskog, ne bih nastavljao diskusiju o tome, stvarno.
  24. :))))))))))) znaci upravo si prikazao ono sto sam pokusao da predstavim, cisto potvrdivsi: nebitno Wulf: aj reci da si se nasao tamo, ne bi nista ucinio nego bi se samo smejao ili iskulirao ili vec sta? ne verujem. Makar te ja ne svrstavam u te debile koji su se tamo zatekli i nista nisu ucinili, a trebali su, po mom misljenju.
  25. Sledeci ovde uspostavljenu logiku: 1. SVI Jevreji u Evropi su do 30tih god proslog veka bili bankari-industrijalci-cincari 2. zbog tih opravdanih razloga su iznervirali Nemce i Hitlera 3. SVI Jevreji su imali mogucnost da pobegnu iz takvog okruzenja ili su pak bili debili i idioti koji nisu skontali sta se sprema. 3. Nacisti ih pokomatili po logorima smrti iz svega toga: Nemci jesu krivi ali su ipak bili zbog necega tesko isprovocirani. Jevreji su sigurno krivi makar sto nisu pobegli, i snose deo odgovornosti za Holokaust, i treba da se smejemo i jednim i drugim. I gomila slicnih primera, ponovo sledeci vasu logiku. Ne kontam samo kakve veze ima cela Wulfova prica, koju je sam startovao, sa samim dogadjajem. Verovatno da zamaskira startne izjave tipa: a sto se tice To niko u startu nije ni pomenuo, vec naprotiv samo to da je tip dripac, a i sredina oko njega nije nista bolja. Srecom, nemam tu "mogucnost" da se nalazim u takvim situacijama, ni u mom drustvu a ni u mojoj okolini (mada ne tvrdim da se ne dogadja, naravno da se dogadja). Ne vidim na koji nacin te je iko od nas "dusebriznika" uvredio. A ovo sto si rekao, jeste uvredljivo. Eh te Pink generacije ove drzave....
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