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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Ajd neko da mi kaze ko je proizvodjac Zaryinog oruzija? Jel Volskaya industries?
  2. Evo uspeli smo da se skupimo i da odigramo koju :) DKB - ADAMGG - ZEROQL - EASYMODE - IKNOWUWANTME - NEUROPROXY
  3. Evo i ja sam dobio poziv od Blizarda :D
  4. Jel ima neka fora da se vidi ko su svi igraci iz regije?
  5. Dakle pravimo tim? :) https://playoverwatch.com/en-gb/blog/20228352
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alnYK8BTkj8
  7. Konacno novi support :D
  8. Zanimljivo! :) Jel ima zainteresovanih? trebaju mi 2 igraca
  9. MULTIPLAYER GAMEPLAY TRAILER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce7In6GhM-c Singleplayer Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=31&v=NteAPGprDJk Singleplayer Gameplay Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvoCObxULl8 Singleplayer Gameplay Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r1LGewFP-8
  10. Didnt know my RUR account still exists!

    1. Lucky


      that's our policy!

    2. lancemi3d


      welcome back :D

  11. Nesto sam planirao da uzmem SSD, ali ne znam kako se ponasa na SATA 2 konekciji, kolko gubim itd? jel moze neko vise informacija da mi da o ovome.
  12. Logitech Gaming Keyboard G110 review: cena: 5000din
  13. Evo resenja :D iablo III Beta Client (2011) Server Emulator - Town Enter Right click on your Diablo III Beta executable (C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\Diablo III.exe) and create shortcut on your desktop. Right click on the new shortcut on the desktop, click properties. Add -launch -w -auroraaddress to the end of it. EXAMPLE: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\Diablo III.exe" -launch -w -auroraaddress save and close this window. Double click on D3Sharp.exe and launch the game server (leave this window open, its your server) Double click on your new desktop shortcut and launch Diablo III. Login with any account/password combination you want. to download Diablo III Beta (installer) http://www.filejungle.com/f/9B5jKq and to download Diablo III Beta Client (2011) Server Emulator - Town Enter http://www.filejungle.com/f/g7QXB3 GL and HF! :D
  14. USB 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 ?
  15. updated QLPrism and added support to type in URLs xD
  16. pa idesh na customize pa tamo promenish :D
  17. What is QLPrism? QLPrism is short for "Quake Live + Prism." This is a web application-style launcher for Quake Live. Rather than loading up your web browser, you can simply double click the QLPrism icon on your desktop to directly launch Quake Live. This package essentially combines Quake Live and Mozilla (the creators of Firefox) Lab's Prism, which is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. In other words, QLPrism allows you to basically have a lightweight, stand-alone version of Quake Live. You could separately/manually configure and install Quake Live and Prism, however that can be complicated and time consuming. The whole point of QLPrism is to skip those difficult steps by providing you with a bundled QL + Prism package that is ready to go with a simple double click. This is a great alternative for those who have been recently having problems running Quake Live in other browsers, especially Google Chrome. I put this together in order to save people a lot of time so they can just play. fantastichno radi :D http://www.syncore.org/qlprism/ Greasemonkey https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748/ New QuakeLive AdRemover http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/88189 Quake Live Pro Auto Invite http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/107333
  18. http://www.youtube.com/quakecon2011#g/u http://trance.0f.se/Quake-demos/QuakeCon%202011/
  19. Jel zna neko gde ima da se pazari angry birds plishane igrachke ?
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