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The X
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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Intro i metak u After Effects CC 2018 a ostali edit u Vegas Pro 15
  2. Ajd postujte vasa misljenja :) sto se tice muzike jbg svako ima svoj ukus :P
  3. Za one koji nisu igrali novi doom ovo je must buy! https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/865-buy-key-steam-doom/
  4. UPDATE October 12, 2017: Hi folks, thanks again for all your patience on this. We have been testing the upcoming client-side patch (no longer calling it a hotfix) throughout the week, and in order to make sure it is stable and resolves the crashing issue some players have been experiencing, as well as improving some performance issues tied to friends/followers, we will be moving the expected release date of this update to next week.
  5. Ma kontao sam ja da napravim nesto zglavno ali ovi twitch clipovi imaju uzas kvalitet, cekam da izadje demo support pa da napravim nesto zglavno! :)
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