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The X
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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Muerte objasni ? :D kako moze loshije da radi ?
  2. umri !!! zamisli situaciju a klikno i u tom trenutku keva ulazi u sobu !! puuuuuuuuu
  3. ZeRoQL


    Teewars 0.3.1 released! PERMALINK | (posted by: teetow) | 2007-12-19 Once you pop, you cannot stop... Teewars 0.3.1 arrives! Apart from bringing you some well-deserved bugfixes, the new release also incorporates "fair" player spawning, the ability to kick players, and a very cute welcome screen to encourage players to set their names and favorite settings before playing their first game. The download section awaits you! Nova verzija :DDD http://www.teewars.com/?page=downloads
  4. Dajte ljudima sansu mozda ispadne ko pray mozda cak i bolje but its still balls of steal
  5. Ce biti doom3 ili ut3 engine ? :D ut3 bi izgledao bolje :)
  6. fin sajt :) samo da ubace media fajlove i mecheve demoe itd ;) ima tu josh posla :D gj!
  7. When ClanBase recently announced their NationsCup XI Season, for Quake 3 there were only plans for RA3 and UrT. Shortly after the announcement, several nations contacted me and asked if CB could not host another Q3 CTF NationsCup. With Quake 3 CTF still alive and kicking in several small but stable leagues, I've decided to take the idea to the CB topdogs - and was granted permission to do it. ClanBase Quake 3 CTF NationsCup XI (5v5) is upon us! As usual for CTF, Quake 3 1.32© will be used, together with the good old OSP 1.03(a). The registration for nations and their teamcaptains has begun and nations have time to register till 6th of January, 2008! ClanBase needs at least 8 nations to kick-off the cup, so go ahead and gather up some players for your country and sign up your nation as explained here! http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=6045 Niko ajd da nadjemo vremena da igramo :) trebaju nam josh 3e :D Ajd ko hoce da igra CTF :D
  8. http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1482848 Josh samo da budu kvalifikacije kod nas i da organizator obezbedi mesta :)
  9. ZeRoQL


    Imash u dir teewars_srv.exe pa pokrenes to i onda kao imas lan server i onda udjesh normalno u igru i join :) A preko neta je zanimljivo jako ;)
  10. ZeRoQL


    Sad sam igao CTF kako je fun :) svi te jure ko blesavi a ti nedash zastavu i deresh se aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D a ovi 10 granata prema tebi ispaljuju :X
  11. Jako simpatichna igra nalik quake-u :) vredi probati http://www.teewars.com/?page=downloads 3mb je igra :) Niko mozesh li da dignes server da pikamo malo :)
  12. ZeRoQL


    Jako simpatichna igra nalik quake-u :) vredi probati Evo download link http://www.teewars.com/?page=downloads
  13. Its look like movie for the sch4 man! :D
  14. Zrenjanin je pun tih roda i ja imam fobiju od njih! :) ipak kad vidish da je riba visa mozda veca od tebe nije ti sve jedno a pogotovo kad te muva :) small bitches rule :)
  15. Gde su ti DJevi da vidim sta znaju ocu mix Voodoo people ali preradu na "magic people serbian people" treba mi za filmic :) kruko and kompanija :D dj fatboy i cant hear you!?:D
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc5CWpFqV_Q
  17. OMG ste vi slusali te rechi .... vezzze 1:09 sam stigao i ugasio.... riba je extra gradjena i sve ali glas ni qrca ... daj bre pron sa njom sto vredi gledati :)
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