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The X
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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. nice ;) treba da snimim ob1ja kako preskache klupe ;)
  2. @Crazy Radul pa sta ce ti vise od ovog ? svi likovi iz svi mk su tu to jest do 3ke ali ono svi su tu
  3. IZVOLTE!!! :) svi moguci fatal1ty,babality itd...
  4. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Trilogy is an awesome hack of the game Ultimate MK3 in which many innovations are added. New fighters, zones, combinations, fatalities, sounds, changed AI, and also added new modes and adjustments of game. It has all the characters from Mortal Kombat 1,2,3 and more! DOWNLOAD password:Cloud_Strife
  5. ZeRoQL

    Hellgate: London

    Fallout+Diablo=Hellgate zarazno je, ali nista posebno
  6. haha voleo bi da vidim ramba patosiranog :) jel ima neko pic?:P
  7. E pitanje gde mogu da nadjem XFX 8800 Ultra ? :) i po kojim cenama :D ajd help znam da ste pazarili
  8. check this out ROSA HELIKOPTER :P http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BhsqerO00aQ Swedish band called Peaches with two 12 year old girls... one of the most hated songs in skandinavia :D Even hated more then Botten Anna :) In english it states: in a pink helicopter will I fly home to you in a pink helicopter yeah then I fly to you every day in a pink helicopter all the way home to you in a pink helicopter yeah then I fly through the stars to you laying awake in my bed middle of the night and dreaming of you I have felt that my dreams fail me laying alone in my room just longing and thinking of you I know what I want I want up to heaven one more time So wanna give out shit do it properly :) So i think compared to this Linkin Park ROCK! \o/ And the song gave the right mood so it was the right choice.
  9. here wii go again :) sad svi u arenu na prepucavanje
  10. brate ti si car!!! :D love them!! aaa sad cu da narezem da ima i moja deca da gledaju :P naravno za jedno 20godina :D
  11. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=JpBGRA6HHtY
  12. dakle kad pucamo? ce neko da digne server?:))
  13. hahahaa 5 sec movie clip me podseca na onog britni spirs fan boy-a ... :))) lawl
  14. haha ali pointless spot...party all day yey yey .... and again... and again
  15. Dakle cemo da postavimo neki ut3 beta server dok neizdje full da vidim kakvi ste
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