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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. ZeRoQL


    Jel ima neki recorder ili java programcic sa kojim mogu da snimam mp4 na SE k750i... smara ovaj 3gp shit nevidjeni... cmon ;D znam da postoji nesto
  2. omg pice igrali ste bez mene :( posao > q3 ... smrc... jebem ti zivot
  3. Cemo da se igramo :) NIko ajde nebudi smor skini ... vidi.. postavi server :D pa da se muerte i co. gadjamo sa patkama :D
  4. http://www.worldofpadman.com/ Jakoooo dobro :D Niko jel moze server 1 za ovu igru ;) mnogo zanimljivo :D
  5. We want SIma fjuzzz :) + Niko + laki = extra turnir :D
  6. You have been waiting for it and it is finally here: signups for net-leet are open! You can still play Quake 3 and we have added Quake 4 leagues for your own pleasure. For Quake 3, you can register in CTF, TDM and RA3. For Quake 4, there will only be CTF and TDM. Each league will be divided in divisions, with 10 clans in each. There will be two pools for the first round, and then it will go on with playoffs. If you want to register, main informations needed are: clan name, IRC channel, country, the leader and his e-mail, your website (if you have one) and the lineup. Each league will start the 15th September. .: Quake 3 arena Quake 3 :. Q3 CTF - Head admin : frax - email1 frax3@msn.com Q3 Ra3 - Head admin : Sanji - email1 sanji@x3clan.org Q3 TDM - Head admin : Doc - email1 smn.david@gmail.com .: Quake IV Quake 4 :. Q4 CTF - Head admin : nimrod - email1 nerdzz@hotmail.com Q4 TDM - Head admin : nimrod - email1 nerdzz@hotmail.com We are searching for some sponsors in each league for September, so you may have some prizes... Who said Quake is over? Keep in touch for more info. Play with the best, die like the rest. mIRC #net-leet firefox www.net-leet.com Ocemo da pravimo tim ?
  7. MAaa dajjj bre trebalo im garant 3 meseca da uvezbaju ovo...mozda vise
  8. 1st place - AK Stålpojkarna ( ironbyte,zyvve ) 2nd place - qcg ( zeroql, sil ) 3rd place - druidz ( rajje,twank ) 4th place - uchiha ( rvd, snelvollve ) NEsto vise klik ovde i demo QCG -vs- AK Stålpojkarna
  9. Ma sto nebude oba quake-a?:D and problem je resen
  10. OMG soooo sweettt my 6800 ultra is nothing for this :(
  11. haha :D n1 ppl nego evo par shotova sa drugovog d900 Teh BAR fontana room The FONtana Separe x2 HMm nice pic, ima ih 3 ali ovo je samo jedna :( SomeGirl:Can i get a vodka... ME:One RAIL shot coming up
  12. Sredicu sajt dont worry be happy ;) ali nemoj me zajebesh
  13. hehe :) ma cooller nemoze da se izbori sa svima :) PURRI <3 nadam se da ce uspeti steta za demih-a posto je extra igrach Corey si video za sponzore :P
  14. q4:tox/av3k q3:cooller/czm q2:purri/demiah ili kako mu vec nick ide QuakeWars : Snejk and his team
  15. Ako naravno KlanRUR napravi...posto ni ove godine nece biti oficijalna igra...
  16. Playoff tree will out soon !!! Registered teams with irc channel: qah: smoke / jilc4ke #qah #rage.q3 eMg: psyr3x / g1zzy #eMg Skillz United: Extreme / Sarevok #quaket.net noxene / hell #sardinia.q3 euphoria: sleet/west #quake3.pl Frag-AGency (GER): slc (NOR), star (NOR), vanQ (CH) IRC: #frag-agency RAGE: eMeralD/nejji #rage.q3 [7] - Seven.deadly.sins - Raven ©+uNwicked lethal+fitz sti+ZtX #rage.q3 #seven-team nemesis: legie/ejo Polish Power Pack: v3rb / inz4h irc: #clan.ppp machinae supremacy: polterizer / itaka / cdv #polterizer #godq3 International Team: JaCksOn.FoD fetzbJR fetzVo0Do0 irc: #I-Team team Ridala tag RD #ridala Dun Loaghire InVinCible impulse7 s8n/shadow/snorlax #impulse7 dbw, Premonitioner + TheHat3r66 #ash13n Quake Cyber Generation #qcg zeroql/silencep [TA] - Total Annihilation wh3nom + X|cht #ta.cz virtual owners team: DLoob,joKi,Wer irc: #cze.q3 miel - MiEL-Gaming unity/linkin #miel.fr team"pro" demon/lover #rage.q3 #impulse7 wf - waidlafragger, stuff + gloom (+ hamper) #waidlafragger =nF= noFear N!tro + n0nn4 + Snip3r #nofear.it iM - iMmune Disrepute + aevans + adr #eo wCm - wreCkamob - #wCm.eu doz3r/Dreamer/pulz IK - Interceptor Killers yenik + flatik #ta.cz This is the playoff tree: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9454/bettertreejt2.jpg First round start now and it will end Saturday 21 @ 23.59 cet You can arrange and play your match without admin, if need call me on irc (itaka) For first round need to win game with 2 maps won. If need third map the team that it has made more frag can select if start to elimite for first the others maps, or if the other team begins for first with elimination. Post on comments results and screen or send me at tibeitakafrag@libero.it Click on read full news to see all match of this week!! pozelite nam srecu :)
  17. Ahhh brate otpale mi noge danas 10 sati sam pripremao kafic umro sam odo sad da spavam sutra vam upujem slike :) @Kal1meru saznaces uskoro @ReMeDy brate naravno da cu jebati majku mu ;) +exp :P
  18. http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y80/zeroq...hotoShopBUG.jpg Znachi koji god photoshop da stavim isti problem mi se javlja WTF... zna neko u cemu je problem? Nesto sam video kao neka podesavanja za monitor treba da podesim ili tako nesto neznam u cemu je stos... Sve radi ok corel etc. ali photoshop boje su pink.... wTF!!! neznam kako da namestim
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