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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Super odradjeno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8ngipcN83s
  2. Vezbamo danas protiv hrvata pa ako hocete, dodjete da nas gledate 15/01/2008 u 21:30 sergio zeroql raven snaga +niko VS dzlx hyper drakan asdfasf bloodlike pivo god SBB <---- ovde smo pa dodjite da gledate :)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InoBd96BUuE Uuuu i ovo je dobro :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZOmBvl_2jw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzMaQd3FyFI and this
  4. bind "1" "doimpulse _impulse0;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "2" "doimpulse _impulse1;m_accel 0; g_crosshaircustom 15;g_crosshairsize 45" bind "4" "doimpulse _impulse4;m_accel 0.05; g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "g" "doimpulse _impulse8;m_accel 0;g_crosshaircustom 15;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "r" "doimpulse _impulse6;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "SPACE" "doimpulse _impulse7;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 14;g_crosshairsize 70" bind "z" "doimpulse _impulse2;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 17;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "r" "doimpulse _impulse6;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "t" "doimpulse _impulse3;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" bind "a" "doimpulse _impulse5;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60" tako nesto bi trebalo u q4 a u q4max umesto impusle je stavljeno weapon tipa isto kao i q3 bind 1 "weapon 1;g_fov 115;sensitivity 4;g_crosshairsize 24" bind 2 "weapon 2;g_fov 115;sensitivity 4;g_crosshairsize 24"
  5. Alo ljudi :) ovako Pocinje 21.1.2008. znachi ponedeljak u 20:00 uzivo izvlachenje grupa i to. Sutra vezbanje nitro i oxo sam ubacio za svaki slucaj, mada mozemo da namestimo i 2 tima Match Scheduling Captains have to arrange matches of National Teams until Friday of previous Week. Week 1: deadline 18th January Week 2: deadline 25th January Week 3: deadline 1st February Week 4: deadline 8th February Rescheduling: is possible ONLY if both teams Captains agreed on new date and time. Last possibility for rescheduling of each match is 24 hours before the game should begin. - Later Rescheduling will be payed by lost of one map in your match. Base Groups draw National teams will be put into groups by skill. After this they will be randomly selected to each basic group. Basic Groups Draw will be presented Live! on PG24.tv in Czech Quake Show on Monday, 14th January at 20:00 CET. Tourney & Match System Teams will be devided into Basic Groups (2 or 4). Number of Basic groups depends on count of National Team signed into each competition. According to number of basic groups 4 or 8 teams from each group will continue to Double Elimination brackets. Basic Groups: BO3 Play-offs: BO3 Consolations Finals: BO5 Grand Finals:: BO5 Each Week, there will be one match and you are completly free to agree matches. Date and time of match must be announced to Admin of tournament. All players must be presented on #Quakers.ws channel before the match. From every map your team win must be recorded demo that will be presented with match results. Screenshots are requiered as a result proof from each match. The Council Captains of each National Team can call votes about basic rules and maplist during Week Zer0 ( 14th January - 21st January ) Captains of each National Team will cast votes about rules suggestion. Once decision will be made rule will be fixed and valid for Quake Nations Cup season. Each Vote can be cast just one time. Example: Quake 4 - Add Walls of Hate Calling Vote can be made on IRC by private message to admin of each tournament.
  6. Congratulations, your penis is worth $3948
  7. Czech Quake Team A - Legie, Smasher, Shebin, eJo, mison, Zubb + Hawr1x* Czech Quake Team TA - xOcht, kRysa, wendy, tyfloi, flouty, yenda + sts* Slovakia - jocko, dufo, mato, vsh, michio, pqb, msth, flyster Poland - Thrawn, v3rb, zik, uksz, inz4h, fur1, eQuador, ProX, rutt Germany - Bullitt Croatia - dzlx, drakan, asdfasf, hyper, bloodlike, pivo, god Serbia - zeroql, sergio, raven, snaga + niko Russia A - Frozen, Snorlax, Sapego, Genocid, Shad2y, Mikes, Cooller Russia B - Makaveli, Evil, Hamz, noBAr, JiBo, Keane Ukraine - Extreme Italy - Itaka, polterizer, fatman, cdv, noxene, eXp France - unity Sweden - rajje, mow, spart1e, neon, sLONKEN, sajruz, Dibbe, Ironbyte Finland - Danskie - Lugia, Pada, Juma, ovo, ouzo + varma* United Kingdom - Disrepute, Deus, ddk, dor, Aaron, aevans, vor United States - Drad1k
  8. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sweeeeet xD
  9. ubaci cicu neku umesto tog cyber lika :) pa da samaramo :P
  10. Ma nemoze svako da bude stone cold son of a bitch... probao sam i opet se vratim u fucking normalu... sve ide u krug :(
  11. zaboravio sam O u topicu.... Q MASo sam hteo ali nema veze
  12. <o/ pola terabajta pornz! xD © rmb
  13. Czech Quake would like to prepare NationsCup in one of best disciplines ever in Quake games, TDM. I think that Nations Cup is kind of World Championship and it should be taken somehow special. Because in every country, there is different count of players in each Quake scene I would let countries with higher count of players to build up to two teams for each game. Players can’t play for both teams and Team 1 should be better than Team 2 from each country. There might be one Captain for each team or for each country. It only depend on situation in yours national scene. There is no restrictions connected to origin of players – all players might be from one team, but you should have support from your community. - In each team, there might be up to 8 players. Coach is one of players. Basic lineup (4 players & Coach) must be selected. Nations Cup will start with basic groups and best teams will continue to double elimination Play-offs (BO3). Grand Finals (BO5). There is NO disadvantage for team coming from Consolation Finals (BO5) At this moment, there are no prizes, but I will try to find some support. Everything depends on you and yours willing to join. Rules suggestions: Do you think that ONE player from another cou ntry should be allowed to join another National Team? * Quake 3 Quake 3 TDM: CPMA vq3 1.44 Timelimit 20, Fraglimit 0 Most equal server Maps pro-q3dm6, q3dm7tmp, q3dm14tmp, cpm4, ospdm5, ospdm6 Czech Quake Team Slovakia (jocko) Poland (Thrawn) Serbia (zeroql) Italy (Itaka) Finland (Danskie) United States (Drad1k) Winning team from each MAP has to choose and send demos from one player. If you produce some good frag, you are free to send demo too, because we will do movie from this action. You can sign up your team till 13th January 2008. First round of matches will start on 14th January 2008. If somebody will be interested in adding other Quake TDMs or could help with this Quake action, you can contact me as well. Team Serbia: sergio, Raven*che , zeroql, snaga ::: coach niko /// oxo se josh predomishlja
  14. Dobro ima 15 ali razbija :)
  15. Vidi ovde mozda nadjesh nesto zanimljivo ->> Macan ;) josh uvek trazim veliku sliku ;)
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