E ovako sutra 24/01/2008 u 21:00 CET igramo protiv engleske ko hoce nek nas gleda mislim da ce biti GTV ili nesto
United Kingdom - Disrepute, Deus, ddk, dor, Aaron, aevans, vorpal, vorv, dozo, HamstaHue, style, dozo, slu
Serbia - zeroql, sergio, raven, snaga + niko
Inache odigram je prvi match izmedju
Sweden 2:0 Austria
In q3dm7tmp we were able to see some decent and equal game. Both teams were fighting for main post on RA. Austria was able to held this post, but at the end of map, Sweden team start to work much better and thanks to fojji with hight positive NET they were able to win first map.
Pro-q3dm6 was terrible slaugtery. Sweden players were spleatered ower all map and only player that can resist to this mass FFA - with Quad every 2 minutes in advance - was Noctis that played really great match tonight.
Good Games, Good Luck in next matches.
Danas igraju
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