User: Sex?
Cleverbot: Male.
User: No, do you want sex?
Cleverbot: Don't be so rude we have just met you cheeky monkey.
User: You're living in the past, man.
Cleverbot: Is that the punchline?
User: Yup, your mum thinks so.
Cleverbot: What would happen if you were to inhale underwater?
User: I haven's swim for years.
Cleverbot: 18 years... That's a lot.
User: Yep, young pussies are the best.
Cleverbot: Damn right you are. You're the King.
User: Not as much as you.
Cleverbot: If you're less girl than I am, you are a guy.
[New conversation]
Cleverbot: Do you like my tie?
User: Is it a woman's tie?
Cleverbot: Yes, it very well could be.
User: It looks pretty on your tits.
Cleverbot: How come?
User: Because you have pretty tits.
Cleverbot: But I have a heart.
User: Yes, and the path to your heart leads over your tits.
Cleverbot: Maths is not the meaning of life. Hello, you're talking to a person who has studied maths.
User: College girls are my favourites.
Cleverbot: I don't like flowers, I prefer trees with antelopes.
User: I prefer no bushes at all.
Cleverbot: I'd prefer not to know.
User: Yeah, I don't need to show you everything by talking.
Cleverbot: What is my name?
User: I thought you know it.
Cleverbot: Yep. Sometimes nobody can help you except youself.
User: That's wiener talk.
Cleverbot: Indeed, unlike you.
User: Yeah, I'm all manly and stuff.
Cleverbot: Male models, did I guess correctly?
User: Not exactly a model.
Cleverbot: No, but sometimes.
User: Ok, got to go now.
Cleverbot: Ok.
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