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The X
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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Subotica, Zrenjanin, sve je to isto - nije Beograd :))
  2. Piloti - Dan koji prolazi zauvek nije ovo put, nije noć za tebe izgubila si sve, sigurna u sebe oprosti mi, nisam te čuvao nisam to ni znao oprosti mi sve svoje poraze i ovaj dan sto prolazi zauvek nikad nisi ti znala da je ljubav tanka linija, svetlo koje luta oprosti mi nisam te čuvao nisam to ni znao oprosti mi sve svoje poraze i ovaj dan sto prolazi zauvek nije ovo put, nije noć za tebe dan sto dolazi odnece i mene oprosti mi nisam te čuvao nisam to ni znao oprosti mi sve svoje poraze i ovaj dan sto prolazi zauvek Emperor - I am the Black Wizards mightiest am i but i am not alone in this cosmos of mine for the black hills consists of black souls souls that already dies one thousand deaths behind the stone walls of centuries they breed their black art boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold far up in the mountains where the rain fall not far yet the sun cannot reach the wizards, my servants summon the souls of macrocosm no age will escape my wrath i travel through time and i return to the future i gather wisdom now lost i visit again the eternally ancient caves before a mighty emperor thereupon came watching the mortals discovering my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown to me once destroyed their souls are being summoned to my timeless prison of hate it is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls that were destroyed in my future how many wizards that serve me with evil, i know not my empire has no limits from the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes i am the ruler and has been for eternities long i am them from the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes i am the ruler and has been for eternities long my wizards are many, but their essence is mine forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief because i am the spirit of their existence i am them
  3. Au jebote ova izgleda ko mlađa sestra Jelene Karleu
  4. Ja nemam kola al sednem u autobus! Kad se vratim, vi
  5. 1. Igra se zove Neverwinter Nights, dakle (erotske ) noći u Neverwinteru a ne vitezovi Neverwintera 2. http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/188666.html
  6. Krajnje interesantan je i spot za "New Millennium Cyanide Christ" od Meshuggah. Sve se de
  7. "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be." :)
  8. Ista zagonetka je i u Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, mora
  9. Odem na chat i posvađam se s Ivanom :)
  10. Svi spotovi od Manowara su smehotresni.
  11. Metallica: Fade to Black (ona pro
  13. BS - Oni su ovo nimalo nije politički korektno ni levo ni desno, već pravo u meso pesnajom u vugla da ostanu bez zuba da frfljaju u skup
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