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Everything posted by daniiL
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Troll warlord inc.All random mode takodje. - Added Troll Warlord! - Added All Random to matchmaking! - Added tournament calendar view to the Watch tab! GAMEPLAY - The pathfinder now ignores obstructions that are due to units that are not visible to the pathing unit. - Crystal Maiden: Fixed Freezing Field channeling ending if you get purged. - Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch slow and stun applying if BKB was used after it had been applied. - Drow: Fixed Drow Illusions carrying the double bonus from Marksmanship - Keeper of the Light: Fixed Chakra being castable on magic immune allies. - Keeper of the Light: Fixed Manta dispelling Mana Leak. - Lifestealer: Fixed Rage not removing certain buffs that BKB does (Empower, Haste, etc). - Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield happening after Stout/Vanguard damage block rather than before. - Meepo: Fixed Poof considering dead illusions as valid destinations. - Morphling: Fixed Replicate dying if Morphling dies with Aegis. - Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death sometimes taking too long to cast when used with Timber Chain. - Timbersaw: Fixed Chakram cast time behavior. - Visage: Fixed Attack and Defense type on level 3 Familiars. - Warlock: Fixed Aghanim Warlock Golems not doing enough damage. - Fixed MKB dealing bonus damage to towers. - Fixed ground courier being able to block lanes and surround Roshan. - Fixed being able to lifesteal more life than the target has. - Fixed Diffusal Blade cooldown being 12 seconds instead of 8. UI - Added Practice vs Bots option in the Play menu. - Added a privacy setting in the UI so that players can specify whether they want to allow external 3rd party websites to be able to access their match history (defaulted to private). - Least Played mode now eliminates each players' top 40 played heroes, up from 20. - Added completion cost to shop item tooltips, displayed if the player has one or more components. - Added tooltips to the shop category buttons. - Fixed the Repick option disappearing too soon. - Fixed bug where buffs would sometimes display an incorrect duration sweep. - Bringing up the combat log will now hide the killcam. - Fixed bug where sometimes spectators would, when inspecting a player, not see thier cosmetic items. - Fixed bug where Dota 2 would not track changes in the Windows default audio device. - When spectating a game in directed, hero chase, or player view, the mouse will no longer be locked to the window. STORE - Added new item sets for Lone Druid and Necrolyte. BOTS - Added Necrolyte bot. - Added Witch Doctor bot. - Sven will no longer War Cry when doing a casual retreat. - Fixed Viper bot not harassing with his unique attack modifier. - Fixed bug in Sandstorm avoidance that always made bots maximalliy avoid it. - Adjusted the values so that bots are more willing to tanking creeps at high health/tankability ratings. - Bots now take into account cleaving when determining what neutral camps they're willing to farm. - Death Prophet bot will now use Carrion Swarm more when laning. - Fixed bug that would cause bots to fountain-dive sometimes. WORKSHOP - Added a "Show Low-Res Model" checkbox that toggles between showing the low & high resolution LODs for imported models when in Loadout camera view. - Now automatically switches to showing low-res models in the Day/Night camera views, and high-res models in the Portrait camera view (since that's how they're used by the game). - Fixed "Other" submission type displaying a "failed to find content file" when submitting. - Fixed Preview not resetting background properly when moving from Portrait to Day/Night view. - Fixed Preview losing hero rotation when going to and from Portrait view. - Fixed a case where the Add Wearable slot buttons didn't work for some slots on some heroes (like Sven).
Starcraft pricajte - slobodna diskusija
daniiL replied to Dule_smor's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Sabio cinematic. -
more pecat
Fala kurcu prosao sam tiket posle dugo vremena.Tottenham,Leeds,Millwall i Leicester-1 i City vise golova u drugom.
srecna nova godina,sve najbolje.
Trenutno ide Dream 18 & Glory for Tokyo,mma kickboxing event.Za sada doar event.
10/10 Les je precar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghx9kX0HKkc
Account na prodaju.Maind character Nightelf Druid lvl 90. Titule:20ak titlula, -Ambassador -Professor -Diplomat -of the Four Winds -Exalted -the Camel-Hoarder -Seeker of the Knowledge... Mounts:Trenutno 125 komada,mada mogu uzeti jos 15-20 mount-a lagano,jer nisam kupio mounte od raznih reputacija. -Ashes of Al'ar -Fiery Warhorse -Grey Ridnig Camel(rare mount iz Uldum-a) -Pandaren Kite -Onyxian Drake(rare mount od Onyixia-e( -Phosphorescent Stone Drake(Aeonaxx rare mount) -Raven Lord -Rivendare's Deathcharger -Sea Turtle -Time-Lost Proto-Drake(rare mout iz Storm Peaks) -Ultramarine Qiraj Battle Tank(buba od arheologije) -Vitreous Stone Drake(Stonecore rare mout).... Gear:PvE 489ilvl resto gear trenutno,PvP skoro sva plava pvp oprema,55% resi i 11% PvP power.Druid poseduje vecinu hierloom itema i dosta fun itema od archaeology,rare spawn-ova,i par tgc fun itema.Profesije su Herbalism+Alchemy(xmute spec,imam i Vial of the Sands recept).Sve Mop reputacije su exated i imam preko 1k elder charm of fortune-a u steku.Lik poseduje 250+k golda.Tu je i nekoliko altova,skoro svi su 80-85lvl,sa raznim profesijama sa 500+ skillom. Ja sam originalni vlasnik.Account nikada nije banovan,niti je bilo nekih problema.Account je produzen pre par dana,na 2 meseca.Od info-a dobijate mail,SQ i SA i fotokopiju licnih isprava.Cena,dacu sve povoljno,mozemo se dogovoriti,mada necu dati za neke smesne pare,tako da nemojte se zamarati sa ponudama od 100e.Takodje ne interesuju me nikakve zamene. Za dalji dogovor,kontakt,PM ovde.
O RUtardima u doti,ortak koji mi je dao key za dota2,tad mi je nagovestio,videces,Rusi.Ja sam bio u fazonu,ma daj to igra masa ljudi,debila ima na sve strane.U staroj doti jedini problem sa Rusima je bio taj da su lagovali i dobijali dcove.I onda sam krenuo da igram i stvarno prednjace po pitanju debilizma.Mozda zato sto ih ima dosta.Ali nesto vracam film unazad i ogromna vecina su bili kreteni.Ono,najkvalitetnija vrsta,iz najboljih garena dana.
Ne zna sta si ti gledao,ali mufc je izgubio od lgd.int. my bad tek skontah da su dans igrali i sa lgd.cn.
To je po serifu Meklaudu.
Na prodaju account sa main cahracterom,NE druid lvl 90. achivment points:9500 trenutno titule:oko 20ak,vredne pomena su Ambassador,Professor,Diplomat,of the Four Winds,Exalted,the Camel-Hoarder,trenutno zavrsavam Seeker of the Knowledge titulu,nedostaje samo jos jedan pristine. mounts:trenutno 122,ali moze se uzeti jos 15ak,nisam kupio mountove od raznih reputacija,nisam zeleo da bacam gold na mounte koje necu korstiti.Vredni pomena su:Ashes of Al'ar,Fiery Warhorse,Grey Ridnig Camel,Pandaren Kite,Phosphorescent Stone Drake(Aeonaxx rare mount),Raven Lord,Rivendare's Deathcharger,Sea Turtle,Time-Lost Proto-Drake,Ultramarine Qiraj Battle Tank(buba od arheologije),Vitreous Stone Drake(Stonecore rare mount),Whit Polar Bear(rare drop iz torbice od questa)... Skoro sve rare mounte je nasao main,tj druid. Druid-Resto spec,noobkin OS,tenutni ilvl je 485,bice jos bolji kad uzmem vp cap za sledecu nedelju.PvP oprema je slaba oko 10ak plavih pvp itema.Profesije su Herb+alchemy(xmute spec,imam i recept za Vial of the Sands).Sve mop reputacije su exalted.Uz account ce ici 50k golda,ako hocete account sa kompletnim goldom cena ce biti za nesto malo uvecana.Account poseduje dosta hierloom itema,skoro sve. Na accountu se nalazi nekoliko altova,skoro svi su 80-85 lvl,sa manogim profesijama. Cena je 200e za account sa 50k golda.Cena je fiksna,ne interesuju me zamene.Ja sam jedini vlasnik accounta,mail,SQ i SA,kopija licne karte.Za vise informacija,kontakt ovde preko PM.
I gde je tu problem?Ako ti treba rep ti radis questove,a ako ti ne treba zaobidjes.
Nisam 100% siguran,ali mislim da to nije isto.Pre par meseci naleteo sam na cokoljesnak,ono staro braon pakovanje,a pored je bilo regularno cokolino lesnik pakovanje. edit.evo sad malo izguglah,pise da ga je kupila podravka,pre par godina.
Jakne su ekstra,ali ako nesces se drndati po uslovima za koje su namenjene,dazbe ces baciti pare.Bolje uzmi neku obicnu.