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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Nisam glasao zato što sam između.Razlog zbog čega to ne treba raditi je zato što smo mi jedan narod i sramno je da to radimo a sa druge strane žive na nama ko paraziti i ništa ne rade i samo nam kukaju pa sam iz tog razloga za.Lično mislim da bez nas nisu ništa.
  2. Oldies goodies.... #P: Kako se zove najmanja ptica na svetu? O: Mali beloglavi sup.
  3. Ovaj radi http://files.filefront.com/SEA%20RCH/;3846...;/fileinfo.html
  4. Gde sve nađete te stvari....
  5. http://www.heaton2.inc.se/
  6. To su francuzi uradili.Napravili su mapu za paintball dust2.Samo naravno bez bomb sajtova
  7. Igraće se i source paralelno sa 1.6 sa tim da je nagradni fond duplo veći.
  8. ono neke ciganske novine garant.
  9. Sada si mu otkrio indentitet.Umrećeš za 7 dana
  10. Evo ja ću večeras da napišem plugin....
  11. Zato glorijanci napred da osvojite taj CPL:)
  12. http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/features/1328/ Interview by: Jason "Anomoly" Bass Do you think switching to Source so early will be the best move for the CPL in the long run? Yes, I think it will, but this move is more to address the short term status of the CS community. We think this move of holding both tournaments is a uniting move and not a divisive one. We are concerned with the division of the community. At first it seemed we had to do one or the other. It occurred to me just recently it really did not have to be that way. In the long run source will pay off, but for the immediate future we feel this is the best way to do things. Are you concerned that people won't attend because they'll be holding out for ESWC qualification? Not really. Only a few US teams get to go to France. I am expecting the reverse. I believe a lot of teams will register right away. I would be concerned if we don’t get any feedback. For the past few months many people seem to be saying please hold a 1.6 tournament, while others were very adamant and angry about our decision to hold a Source and not a 1.6 tournament. So, there already seems to be a lot of interest. The feedback seems to be very positive. Do you believe the scheduling at the same time as ESWC has forced you to make this change? This was not even in our thinking and did not cause this at all. We are concerned that people would think that way. We are responding to the communities desire to play 1.6. We know that people want to play 1.6. We will see if we are right when we open registration. The CPL has never made a decision based on competitors. We are so busy with our own goals and don’t have time to focus on other organizations. Do you think the CPL’s moving to Source has opened the door for competitors like ACON5 and GGL? I am not sure. We held one of ACON’s events in Turkey. The main sponsor for ACON is part of the CPL. We realized a long time ago the CPL can not cover the entire world. It is impossible to cover all needs and as such there are going to be different organizations. Every organization does their events differently. We think that the more tournaments and events there are, the better it is for the community. We don’t believe our move has necessarily prompted this. This year alone has been an incredible year for the growth of the sport as far as the amount of prize money. We are support all these of these events and they are very good for the sport. We are having a blast and we think the sport is getting bigger every year. We are glad that the competition exists and that it is the best thing for the sport. Do you think Source is the future of Competitive Counter-Strike? It will have to be, because Valve has a lot invested in it. The mistake is to keep two versions out there at the same time. We do believe Source is the way that CPL is going to go eventually. We were surprised at how reluctant the community has been about this switch. We believe that Source is our future. How have you felt about the CPL world tour so far? Do you plan on doing another one and if so have you chosen a game? The CPL World Tour is an instrument to attract attention to the sport. We will be announcing a new PR firm to promote the tour in the very near future. The future is looking very bright and we are happy with the turnout to the events so far. Spain will be a fantastic spot. I can not wait to go to RIO. The plan is to do another one next year. Intel has already expressed interest. Like everything it takes time for people to get used to the concept. It is a matter of getting the right idea. Many people were disappointed that Counter-Strike was not the game we chose. We simply felt that teams of five flying around the world would be too expensive. We are not sure we will use PainKiller again, we may or may not. We are discussing next year’s game with many companies. Stay tuned for an announcement of the next World Tour. The announcement could come as early as the CPL Summer event. Can teams sign up for both Source and 1.6 and what if currently registered teams want to switch? Yes to both with an exception the same competitors can not compete in both. The same organization can send teams to both. We have delayed the registration so that currently signed up Source teams can be given the opportunity to switch to 1.6. While we are not encouraging this move it is one that will be allowed.
  13. CS je free ako imaš original CD Key.Kada kupiš HL registruješ svoj key preko Steama i posle mođeš da skidaš sve igre koje su dostupne preko steama pa i cs 1.6(Ako ti treba pomoć oko registrovanja cd keya preko steama pošalji mi cs key da ti pokažem kako )
  14. Iza svega toga stoje ljudi u mraku koji sve kontrolišu,tj. takozvana CS mafija.
  15. 1.800x600 32 bita,16 bita je zabranjeno zbog gledanja kroz smoke i ne vidim razlog da se koristi 2.100 3.sa naravno 4.Logmx510 treća crta no acc 5.CS sens 4
  16. Ajde momci pa da ih sve sabijete,da steknete dosta xp-a i da uradite nešto;)
  17. Sada im je "trener" i menadžer ako se ne varam.Jedva čekam NoA vs NiP.Biće to meč....
  18. Nemam komentara na te prozivke vaš Emil "Corey aka Serbian HeatoN" Christensen
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