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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Najviše gotivim Nikšićko,a posle ostala kako koja dok MB prezirem jer su se svi naložili na njega kao neko pivo a u stvari voda.
  2. Da neće možda da me tuže:D Ovaj CP je valjda sa GotFraga.
  3. Košulje ok dok su karirane pantalone smešne,klovnovske.
  4. Jel vidiš smajlija na kraju?
  5. A HeatoN najbolje baca bombe :) Ubitačna kombinacija :)
  6. I vilden at CPL su pravili isto valjda oni,film je rulaja.
  7. Some 'quick' Changes In NoA A lot of rumours have been flying around for a while now, but today it has been made official. With only several days until the NoA team is due to fly off to Korea to participate in the World Esports Games, it now seems that Christer 'fisker' Eriksson will not be going with them, it has not been made official whether fisker has left the team yet, but it does look that way - and after only being there for a few weeks, it may have come as a shock to some. (Since he only recently left NiP, to replace elemeNt). The reasons for him not being in the line-up for WEG are unknown at the moment, but you will be updated once they're announced. To replace fisker, NoA have recruited an extremely good and experienced player: Miguel 'quick' Bonett. quick has been playing CS for a long time now, and has played in many top teams during his career, including A-laget, team9 and Adrenaline – he was in the team9 team which won the ESWC in 2003, beating zEx in the final. He went inactive for a while, but has recently been working with QPad, doing some fun promotional work. He also attended Rixhack earlier this year whilst on the QPad tour, but played at the event with a mix team. **Update** QPad.se have confirmed this with the following statement on their site: Team NoA, the best team in the world according to www.gotfrag.com world ranking, is going to borrow quick from QPAD for WEG in Korea. Team NoA who is the ruling WEG champions and also the CPL winter 2004 winners has a lot to defend. With quick, XeqtR, Naikon, shaGuar and method in the line-up, Team NoA has a very strong team and good chances to defend their position as number one. With that, NoA's lineup to defend their title at WEG Season II will be as follows: Mike 'method' So Lars 'Naikon' Olaisen Miguel 'quick' Bonett Griffin 'shaGuar' Benger Joergen 'XeqtR' Johannessen We will never know how well NoA would have performed had they had fisker with them. But the team will definitely make it hard for the other top teams at WEG2, and will surely go very far! sa http://www.sk-gaming.com/ NiP bez HeatoNa bulje sa fiskerom.Sabijačina.
  8. Lol,lik nije ni počeo da priča a ona već počela da ređa cene.
  9. Šteta a tako lepe dojke :)
  10. Samo mi nije jasno kako su uspeli da vas ubede da igrate na njihovom serveru!?
  11. Treba mi komanda koja kada se aktivira da mi primarno oruzje bude aktivno. Pogledao sam u kb_act-u od CPL Gui-a i video da je komanda go_slot1.Medjutim meni da komanda ili radi ili ne radi u zavisnosti na koji komp sednem.Ako ima neka druga komanda napisite.
  12. Ovi klinci 90 i 91 godiste sto se drogiraju cs-om po metrou bolje pucaju od njega.Ali kada je u pitanju takticka igra i team play e tu je dobar.Ali vesslan rula.
  13. Odgledao sam i to je ipak onaj ace sa 2 usp fraga i 3 sa ak.Koja laz.
  14. Ipak to nije onaj ace iz prvog dela HeatoN-a. Downloading....
  15. Svi spominju njegovu cuvenu pistol rundu protiv 4K pa me zanima kako ih je to naslagao posto nisam gledao.
  16. Onaj ko je vidovit na RUR-u
  17. Kao sto se i predpostavilo elemeNt joins 4Kings! After the big announcement that UK's Harriman would be unable to attend the second season of the World Esports Games, 4Kings have been working extremely hard to find a suitable replacement to forfill his position . After many hard and long dicussions , UK's powerhouse 4Kings have finally managed to achieve what they have worked very hard for ,and now they believe they have a team which now can perform at high standards once again and get top rankings at the next WEG and hopefully ESWC This player is no stranger to the counter-strike scene he is a highely profiled player around the world , one of the best players around also. Hes been in many top teams such as Schroet Kommando Sweden (Now known as NiP) and NoA. His name is no other than Ola 'elemeNt' Moum , Welcome him to the 4kings starting line up. This leaves the line up as the following : 4K^Mangicapra 4K^aKuJii 4K^elemeNt 4K^GoodFella 4K^Red` 4K^Harriman (inactive) Here are the official statements published on the 4kings site elemeNt: "4Kings is a top 5 ranked teamin the World and as such has potential to achieve success. Having played against them in the previous season of WEG they proved they are more than capable of competing with the best and are now looking to build upon this and progress. It seemed like a natural step for me with the added advantage of a new challenge." Hotshot: "I'm thoroughly delighted to announce Ola "elemeNt" Moum as a new starting member of the 4Kings CS lineup. Ola has consistently proven his abilities at the highest level of competitive gaming and will immediately make his debut at WEG Season 2 in Korea in June." Best of luck Ola in 4kings.
  18. A gde je opcija za 9 sati?:) Obicno oko 1 posle X-Filesa i Spicea.
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