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Everything posted by Corey

  1. intervju sa Jane Bürgermeister » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « David and Goliath is an appropriate title for this video. Because Jane Bürgermeister, as a committed Christian, possesses an almost unreasonable amount of courage in her single-handed stand - against what many perceive as being a giant that few people are equipped to fight. Jane is a young woman living in Vienna who, while working as a medical editor, was horrified to learn in early 2009 of the fiasco in which a Baxter International research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria, sent a quantity of human H3N2 viral material to 18 European laboratories. Such a supply of experimental material would have been totally normal - except that in this instance the H3N2 had been somehow contaminated with live H5N1... the far more lethal Avian Flu. As a medical editor, Jane immediately realized the import of what had happened - and what had nearly happened - and raised the alarm. But no-one in the Austrian media was interested. She then took matters into her own hands and filed legal charges against those who she considered the perpetrators to be. Very soon after, Jane was dismissed from her job without explanation. Undeterred, she sought support on the internet and continued her campaign. In the months since then she has attracted committed followers - and critics - all over the world. She is not alone in suspecting that there exists a literally diabolical plan which is nothing less than the genocide of potentially hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Project Camelot can understand how she has inspired many others to wake up and take action: it's a little harder to understand some of her critics. When we learned that a number of serious accusations had been leveled against her, the obvious thing to do was to seek her out and talk to her on camera - one of the things that Project Camelot is equipped to do best. So, this we have done. The result speaks for itself. We bring you the real Jane Bürgermeister: feisty, determined, passionate, articulate, and authentic. njen sajt http://theflucase.com/
  2. U ponedeljak sam tu, odvojite mi sa strane zupčanik crnu xxl. Ako ima neko sutra svratiću, ako ne ponedeljak neka bude.
  3. sledeće sezone donesi po flašu na rur degustaciju
  4. StreeT neka je rail uz tebe da nam obezbediš domaće servere!
  5. napravio sam svoju višnjevaču \0/ negde oko 3.5 litara je ispalo
  6. baš, po facama iz spota i jačini vrištanja pomislio sam da prizivaju Satanu ili neko krvoproliće prepričavaju :))
  7. Ako ti niko ne pomogne ovde, najbolje je da potražiš pomoć na nekom map making forumu.
  8. Corey


    moćan je jako :)
  9. odgledao D9, mogli su da naprave neki balans da uključe malo više priču i o tim bićima, mislim da nam je dosta filmova gde pokazujemo svoju opsednutost oko moći, ubijanja, ratova, crnačkog loženja. Ima par lol momenata, mogli su malo više da se potrude oko detalja.
  10. ahhahahaah, fail Nikita :D Odgledaj The Holiday, ili jednostavno traži stare postove leška i sinistera pa biraj ;P
  11. Objasnio je Timo, ali jebeno objasnio :D Iskupio se za bf skroz \0/
  12. Corey


    sranje je, farovi nekako dizni
  13. Corey


    ne ozb jeste, long story short, žena od vlasnika je rodom Nemica i njen otac ga je držao dosta dugo u garaži, gotovo da ga nije vozio :) svrati ovih dana da daš tvoju procenu!
  14. Corey


    nema jbg :D
  15. Corey

    Human Evolution

    Napredak je neminovan, na nama je da ujedinjenjem izvučemo najbolje iz toga :) i ne postoji takva stvar kao što je pretnja iz svemira od strane drugog inteligentnog života po nas i našu planetu... Da su tu zaista, ne verujem da bi nam bilo dopušteno da pravimo haos po drugim planetama i narodima kao što to radimo sebi.
  16. Corey


    Kupio sam "nova" kola! Mečka <3 83 godište 123a(ne tipična ciganska sreća :D), prešla 150k, zapanjio sam se kada sam video kako je očuvana. Good news
  17. Ne znam, ne pratim sport. Ovo gledam za ortaka, ne snalazi se najbolje na netu pa da mu učinim.
  18. Kupujem dve karte po ceni ne većoj od 3000 din!
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