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About lolere

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  1. saljite koliko golda imate na prodaju i koliko cenite te golde u PM
  2. lolere

    5x 120

    kao sto naslov kaze 5x 120 (warlock, rogue, DK, DH, Hunter) ponude PM ovde
  3. Account has 5x level 110 characters Legion Flying unlocked as well as Battle for Azeroth Expansion Preorderd Ravencrest Alliance: Human Rogue 110 959ilvl Assassination/Sub 11/11 Normal and Heroic 1389 Mythic+ Score Prestige 1 PvP Human Warlock 110 956ilvl Affli, alot of legendary items, Prestige level 1 Nightelf Demon Hunter 110 881+ item level Kazzak Horde: Bloodelf Death Knight 110 959ilvl 11/11 normal and heroic 1667 mythic+ score lvl 1 prestige Bloodelf Hunter 110 943ilvl 11/11 normal 7/11 Heroic Beastmastery (2mil dps) any info needed u can get from me here, just send a message or skype malimilanche with the account i will give Email/ change the account email to your if needed, Secret question and a picture of my ID battle.net account has overwatch with a gold Hanzo bow, career high Diamond and current gold rating Price: 150$ or 16000rsd
  4. sve je jasno, ocu da dam gold u guild wars 2 za gold u Lord of the Rings Online far razmena, 1500 golda je u pitanju pisite mi u PM ovde molim vas
  5. kupio 4miliona, jos 8 se trazi
  6. nema sta puno da se ovde pise, pisite mi u PM koliko imate golda i koja je cena OCU DA KUPIM 12000000 (12 miliona) GOLDA NA KAZZAKu
  7. lolere


    Idalje se prodaje
  8. lolere


    e ovako, smorio me wow i overwatch pa sam odlucio da prodam battle.net Overwatch je 2 sezone igran i Diamond Rating, nova sezona 2650 rating e sada WoW: BFA kupljen Karakteri su na Ravencrestu ally Rogue 110lvl main char 958ilvl 1400m+ score 8 legendary itema 11/11HC Antorus (AOTC) Warlock 956ilvl dosta legendary itema 11/11HC Kazzak-Horda Death Knight 957ilvl blood/frost 11/11HC 1700m+ score account ima Legion Flying 7500 achie points Demon Hunter 110lvl 881ilvl sluzi kao banka i pun kurac low lvl charova. Cena 120e dajem sav info+ kopiju licne karte PM ovde
  9. lolere

    WTB Lock

    ilvl nije bitan, zanima me da ima dosta achie i sto je najvaznije CM iz pande i iz WoD-a
  10. prodajem overwatch acc nov maltene, lvl 30 2190 rating( gold) 3000 dinara
  11. cena acc je 10000, ne moze nize od toga, nece se prodati u skorije vreme tako da ako neko hoce da kupi bilokada recite u PM ili na moj broj cekace vas acc
  12. razlog prodaje je sto imam drugi overwatch account. cena e 100e fiksno, moze u dinarima, i hitno je da se proda do 22.4.
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