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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. zelim privezak, deluje dobro - prijavljujem se ! :) no, znajuci kako to u ovakvim igrama ide kod mene, dobice ga neko u 3 mesta gore ili dole od mene xD
  2. mislim da nema :) vidish da smo svi rashtrkani (mrhotu, tebe i mene ne rachunam u tu kategoriju).. chak, mislim da nikada nije ni poveden neki razgovor na temu - hajde da napravimo wot klan bla-bla :) btw - zbog Zlatnog Dzojstika dobicemo novi tenkic - tier II amer "T7 Combat car", stize sa novim patchom :) shto me dovede do odgovora na loledovo pitanje - do sada su obichno novi patchevi izlazili u chetvrtak :)
  3. iz nekog razloga - kada sam video kako ovo grafichki izgleda bejah u fazonu "oh ne.." ali dobro, de :) verovatno sam tako prokomentarisao jer sam navikao na pc wot :) znachi Zweroliki radi chlanak :D javi kada zavrshish, zanimaju me tvoji igrachki utisci ! :D
  4. :D nego, specijal za vikend : http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/44/special-operation-lightfoot/ koga mrzi da chita: 50% popust + zarada = Matilda (IV), Crusader (V), PzKpfw III (IV), PzKpfw IV (V) ; dupli xp. za posadu ; pobeda na: El Haluf-u, Airfield-u, Sand River-u = 20% regularnog xp-a vishe ; popust za premijum od 10% na godishnjem i polugodishnjem nivou.
  5. prochitah negde da je u planu da par igara ima iste servere, zato rekoh da ce ovo biti skroz odvojeno :) enivej - hajde neka neko odradi taj opis, da bacimo pogled :D
  6. ako sam promashio temu sa ovim klipom, prebacite ga na adekvatno mesto, mada mislim da je ovde ok :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXSYybCVxVM
  7. da, ali mislim da on nije imao verovatno dovoljno postova za pristup tom delu foruma :) nego, objavishe planove za sledecu kampanju: http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/cw/second-campaign-rules/ deluje zanimljivo :) e sada samo josh da nas brat Dandi uspeshno aktivira za ovo.. xD
  8. mislim da sam negde prochitao da igrachi sa xbox-a nece moci na iste servere kao mi pc-evci :) nego - da sam u Bg-u rado bih volontirao, ovako samo mogu da poruchim - blago testeru and srecno :D
  9. odgledao tek sada Hannu ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0993842/?ref_=nv_sr_5 ), ok filmic - dajem mu 6 icu, voleo bih da su neke stvari malo bolje odradjene, ali ajde, preskochicu to :) solidan nachin da se provede nekih skoro dva sata :) btw kasting filma je skroz ok - mislim da je Kejt Blanshet vrlo stvorena za ulogu lika koji tumachi - hladna i nemilosrdna :) odgledao takodje i tek sada Underworld: Awakening ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1496025/?ref_=nv_sr_2 ), ne vishe od 6, mozda zato shto sam ochekivao malo vishe od filma, za sada mi je verovatno prvi deo i dalje najbolji, uprkos solidnom drugom, pa chak i trecem, odnosno srednjevekovnoj makljazi (+ Rona Mitra).. realno rekao bih najslabiji do sada.. nadam se da ce sledeci deo biti bolji, sada imaju solidan prostor za manevrisanje (svet zna da oni postoje, bla-bla) :)
  10. sada ide onaj deo kada vas opet obradujem nechim veselim (kao ono kliknuo sam prvi like na vest od CA-a :D), elem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl-csVA7bM0&feature=youtu.be prateci tekst: We’re keeping the great news rolling. To thank our loyal fans for their continued support, we’re releasing the Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack for FREE if you download it before the 29th Oct (normal price £5.99/$7.99/€7.49). Check out the awesome trailer in the link below (link to the Steam Store is in the video’s description if you want to pick it up for yourself) and check out the Official Wiki link too for more info on this awesome set of factions. http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Massagetae_Faction - Massagetae http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Roxolani_Faction - Roxolani http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Scythia_Faction - Scythia p.s. linkovi sa tw wikija trenutno (makar meni) ne rade, ali nagadjam da ce biti osposobljeni do kraja dana, zato ih linkujem ovako :)
  11. realno, ne verujem ni ja, ali bi bilo shto bi se reklo "politichki korektno" od strane WG-a :D makar donirati nekom njegovom chlanu familije/rodjaku :D
  12. da, igra je cool (kao i svaki TW, makar meni) - nego, ne shvati me pogreshno - vanila verzija mi je bila solidno igriva, a posle nekih pechovanja, odnosno ispravljanja silnih nekih manjih bagova postala mi je epski odlichna :) na stranu shto je to bio prvi TW sa brodicima :D taj osecaj kada se moja grdosija od broda sa x topova, okrene bokom i opushteno razvali protivnichki brodic mi je bio totalno mega win :D
  13. dobro, upucacemo crnog nacrnjenog Murata kada ga vidimo :) kada to ovako dogovaramo protiv nekog turchina, podseca malo na neke dogovore na slichnu temu od pre 200 godina xD btw lol koja je chovek likchina :D e a ja bih mu dao da odabere ako zeli izmedju svojih prijatelja nekoga kome ce biti prosledjena ta nagrada, jer realno njega choveka zabole uvo (ima 51500 golda na jbnom rachunu..) :)
  14. Ako sam ga lepo razumeo, mislim da hoce da proda ovaj nalog za 55 jevreja, a ako neko zeli moze da se menja sa njim - dobije ovaj nalog + diablo III, ali mora da mu daruje nalog sa statistikama iz druge rechenice u postu :) a mozda sam se i preshao, izvinjavam se jer nisam siguran, skroz je konfuzno na trenutke :)
  15. Faramir

    Istorija Srba

    nije vezano za nas, ali sam mislio da bi vam chlanak bio jako simpatichan, ako osetite potrebu da ga preselite u neki drugi deo foruma, uradite tako: http://srbin.info/2013/10/rus-koji-je-zadivio-herojstvom-napoleona-i-posle-18-ubodnih-rana-nije-se-predavao/ :)
  16. @ Sting: mislim da je cela fora u tom sjb-u oko izlaska igre, o tolikom broju bagova bila o prokletom preranom datumu, koji je objavljen tamo negde pre skoro pola godine josh.. bolje bi mozda bilo da su samo rekli kraj treceg, pochetak chetvrtog kvartala, a onda kada zavrshe sa sredjivanjem igre, da su objavili mesec dana pred izdavanja, ovako su se precenili i sjb. malo stvar.. ali dobro, nije strashno, sredjuje se to polako.. @ stex: chek, to je ona pochetna bitka sa Amerima u prologu? totalno sam zaboravio kakav je to pochetak bio :) i prokleta tehnologoija sa "minornim" detaljem da na pochetku ne moze da ti puca red po red vojnika, vec samo prvi red xD u trecoj bitci sam tek to primetio :) inache, meni je lichno bila velika mana u ETW-u to shto su generali bili relativno skupi za regrutovanje (ne govorim o deffault brigadirima), a mogli su da imaju po 70+ godina u trenutku regrutacije :) to mi se desilo sa Prusima, prvi chovek koga sam regrutovao kao generala je imao 76 godina, odmah sam se smorio..
  17. pazi Kojote, slozio bih se sa tobom da nema 11 td-a po mechu u tier 8+ bikama.. ako je ogranichen broj artiljerija, treba biti ogranichen i broj td-a po partijama, to je sve shto kazem :)
  18. ovo shto reche brat Dandi - bash svaki indijanac vozi ht td.. udjem juche u partiju sa tier IX tenkom, naravno nije problem tier X partija, to je vishe manje taj tier, navikao sam se na to odavno, problem je shto je od 15 protivnichkih tenkova 11 bilo td-i.. (+ maus, e100, e5 i leopard prototype).. kada igrate tier X partiju i vidite toliko td-a, tier X, IX, VIII.. - svako vam moze skinuti jednim metkom najmanje trecinu hp-a, a najcheshce vishe od 50-60%.. nemam pojma.. prenerfovanje artija sa reload time-om je imalo ovakve posledice.. treba ogranichiti broj td-a u randomima (shto bi se reklo) na najvishe nekoliko, apsurdno je igrati ovakve mecheve.. makar mi se tako chini.. btw bravo za Ace Kojote :) trebash uvek uzeti u obzir par stvari kada igrash sa tenkicem kao shto je Lowe - igrash malo duze vremena (kazesh naravno da imash Lavica vec 2 godine), sistem dodeljivanja mastery znachkica je relativno novijeg datuma (mozda bi uzeo Ace ranije, da je bilo), a uvek je uzeti tu znachkicu uspeh, jer mnogo ljudi igra dnevno sa tim tenkicem :) shto me vraca na moju prvu rechenicu u ovom pasusu - bravo :) p.s. Dandi znash shta to znachi? :) vreme je za TOG ! :D
  19. skroz ok utakmica 'pool v Newcastle, ako celo kolo bude ovako dobro - super :) dva puta vode Svrake, dva puta ovi stizu. Inache mislim da je bio penal nad Suarezom, tj. da ovaj put nije preterano glumio sebe u kategoriji "Oskar za fudbalere" :) josh 5 minuta do kraja mecha, inache Liverpool ima igracha vishe od kraja prvog poluvremena :) btw tek sam sada provalio (novitet?) da na grafici premier lige stoji mali crveni kartonchic iznad imena tima u kome je iskljuchen fudbaler :)
  20. @ Pekar: svi imaju takve dane/nedelje xD btw - upravo zbog tog, pa kako da kazem - majmunisanja, kod ljudi koji se vode iskljuchivo xvm procentom pobede (imamo 65% shansi ajmo sada nepokretni td-i jurish u prvu liniju na 10 topova koji stoje iza kamenja i chekaju, imamo win rate bolji, zato mogu da vozim na sred chistine bez zaklona, jeeeeej mentol power ! ), sam i deinstalirao XVM, posle mesec dana upotrebe :) manje se opterecujem, igram svoju igru, pa shta bude :) nisam vishe u fazonu da se pitam kako je dodjavola lika sa 60% ubio 1 na 1 chovek sa 38% (deshavalo se i previshe chesto za moj ukus) :) a i vishe me ne opterecuje (mada se nisam toliko nikada ni opterecivao oko igara, vishe sam bio u wtf fazonu) kada tim sa 65+% izgubi partiju (mahom zato shto nemam pojma koje su shanse za pobedu xD) :)
  21. poshto vidim da se niko ne oglashava, izbachen najnoviji patch, velichina oko 600mb (ako sam lepo video kada mi je updateovao steam), kaze popravljen najveci broj stvari do sada, i sada ono lepo i mega veselo: Dodati Seleucidi u igru ( http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Seleucid_Faction ). Patch info (c/p): Technical and Performance Campaign Improved Campaign AI decision-making speed when considering local forces prior to settlement attack Fix to problem the AI interface received stances that were not up to date, when called to accepting a war declaration help request, or deciding whether to invite allies to a war. Improved responsiveness of tabs in the Trade and Finance panel in Campaign mode. Fixed a crash when loading an auto-save game. Various campaign optimisations including: Fog-of-war update (improves frame rate when moving units, improves end turn times in games where the player has many allies) and Improved frame rate when lots of units are on screen. Fix for rare crash when loading a Campaign save game. Fixed various rare crashes during battles caused by unit card sorting. Battle The video memory footprint of battles has been reduced by up to 250MB. Left-click and dragging units during battles is now more responsive. Fix for slow down / performance hit when selecting AI siege equipment in the battle setup menu. Gameplay Improvements Campaign Campaign AI now encourages factions to form allegiances more over time based on personality, perceived threat and existing balance of relationships the faction holds. A new function has been added to the diplomacy screen, which allows the user to select AI factions, and then mouse over other faction icons on the map to display their relationships. The chances of the AI betraying their allies has been increased, since it used to help them too often when a betrayal was a more appropriate action. Allies that have made a decision to join a war, have that decision enforced at the Campaign AI to ensure consistency. E.g. To prevent Satrapies from joining a war and betraying their overlord at the same time. Improved the AI’s consideration and use of payments in diplomacy Garrisoned armed citizenry now reinforcing their army standing just next to the settlement they are Garrisoned in. Fixed satrapies not recognising that they no longer have an overlord in some cases when they cease to be a satrapy. Fixed a pathfinding data error that allowed paths to cross directly from beach to river on the Campaign map. When a settlement is blockaded on the campaign map, a fix has been made to prevent the player from queuing more siege equipment in the construction queue than you are allowed. Reduced the chance of AI armies standing close to the players army on the Campaign map in Forced March stance, allowing the player to ambush them. Armies can no longer be garrisoned in a settlement and in Forced March stance at the same time, which led to an ambush battle outside of the settlement when it was attacked, and the winner not capturing the settlement. When handing over a region in civil war, the armed citizenry in that region are now refreshed immediately, to prevent the player from recapture the settlement with no resistance from within. During a multiplayer coop campaign, the client and host could both make decisions when attacked by the AI. However the user interface did not always display the correct choice. This is now fixed. Rebels, Greeks and Gauls are now unable to capture the Bovianum settlement from the Samnites during the Prologue Campaign. Objectives are now listed in The Invasion of Samnium chapter of the Prologue Campaign. Converting an army in a port settlement to the port docks will no longer break it out of muster stance allowing it to recruit while moving . Fix for Lode Stone technology not applying correct speed bonus to ships. Battle Improved gates so they don't open so prematurely for routers during battles. Fix for Cavalry units not able to perform flaming arrow attacks on buildings. Autonomous siege engines now have an ammunition limit during battles. Fixed bug where routers appeared to walk in battles. Added display of phase timers to Ability buttons in battles. A unit tooltip will now display to indicate when units are withdrawing during battles. Added a new Persian minor city battle map variation to the game. Improved the in-battle AI's interactions with a Greek City battlefield. Improved AI interactions with the walls in Hecatompylos (small) battle map. Adjusted deployment zones in Greek Port (Antioch) map, to stop the defender from being able to deploy outside of the city. Fixed a bug in the Antioch (large) battle map, that made traversable areas of the map untraversable to units. Adjusted deployment zones in Carthago city map to stop the defender from being able to deploy outside of the city. In Multiplayer, spectators can now see both the attackers and defenders units regardless of whether they're within line of sight (both in the battle itself and on the battle radar.) Improvement for the timing in when pike men switch between pikes and swords during combat. Re-jigged pike attacks slightly so that they don't end when the enemy run away, but instead, re-intercept. Fixed bug in Ambush visibility which made unleashing war dogs invisible while the handler unit is hidden, causing the dogs not to be seen by the enemy. Fixed certain capture points that were not assigned to the correct buildings in various siege maps Smoothed out the deployment zones across all siege maps. Fixed disembarking points in minor Barbarian port battle map, allowing units to disembark from ships correctly. A wall piece that is partially underground in the small Barbarian City battle map has now been made to be un-dockable for siege equipment. Fixed the collision on some large rocks in the Carthage battle map to prevent units from passing through them. Balancing Changes Campaign Barbarians and Easterners can now also build military ports in minor settlements. Increased campaign cap for the limited naval units, so more of them can be recruited. Battle Added new missile block chance for shields, and some new shield types added to enable better balancing. Adjustments made to the Carthage chapter 6 difficulty. Rebalanced the ranged damage effects for the Numidian Technology Tree. Usability Improvements Campaign Agent success changes now reflects the fact that some actions (for example Assasination) require critical success to eliminate the character. A tooltip has been added to showing the sucees/failure precentage breakdown. Fixed a bug in Multiplayer Campaign mode, where the player couldn't move their camera on the campaign map after spectating in another players' battle, if the player had the Overview Map opened before the battle. Added faction icons to attitude / factors tooltip in Diplomacy to make it clearer whose relationship is being shown. Added message events when a satrapy declares war on its overlord in Campaign modes. Fix for Legendary difficulty auto-save occurring before dilemmas are decided in Campaign mode. Fixed the cancel vassal diplomatic action which was not working correctly. Fix for menus "sticking" when moving the mouse from a submenu button to the Encyclopaedia. Fixed a number of formatting issues in the Multiplayer Campaign faction list user interface. Durations are now displayed on effects in regions / factions where applicable. Added experience and bonus icons to queued unit cards, so they are more consistent with recruitment and recruited units. Fixed hull upgrade bonus icon not showing on recruitment cards. When ordering an agent to perform an action against the enemy, if the player left clicks and holds on one of the action boxes, and then moves the cursor the action box will no longer disappear. In Campaign modes, if the keyboard shortcut to end the turn is replaced by any other key, other than then default [ENTER], the new key will now end turn as expected. Passive abilities are now coloured differently on the Unit Info Panel in Campaign modes to make them clearer. Fixed duplicate faction icons appearing in Diplomacy, when war declared with satrapies. Solved an issue that prevented the settlement looting panel from appearing, when Campaign Overview / Tactical Map was open. The Forces tab in Campaign modes is now refreshed / updated faster in response to different actions taking place. When returning to the campaign from a battle, besieging army's action points bar no longer doubles in length and extends beyond it's limit. When an ally attacks a provincial capital in coop Campaign the other player will no longer be able to add and subtract siege equipment to the construction list during battle deployment. Removed spaces between building upgrade icons in the Building Information panel to avoid info panel flickering in Campaign modes. Improved the yellow selection highlighting on selected factions in the Campaign Faction Selection screen. Added the option to delete key configuration files form the load key configuration dialog in the settings menu. The "Battle Realism Mode" checkbox now greys out correctly when Legendary difficulty is selected in Campaign mode. Consecrated Ground buildings in Campaign now show which culture they belongs to. The "No Equipment Available" message on the pre-battle user interface in Campaign Mode is no longer displayed, if the player is the defender in a siege assault. Added functionality to post-battle espionage icon so user can now see details about the conquered settlement. Added missing tooltips to character skills on faction screen. Fixes to the Campaign user interface to make objectives status text fit correctly within the available space. When on the Campaign Map, if an Agent has no more action points and tries to perform an action on an enemy settlement, that action will become queued. If on the next turn the player captures that settlement that, upon ending turn the agent will no longer play the animation for the action on that now owned settlement. When building Construction is paused in Campaign modes, a pause icon is now displayed to represent this. Additional army names added for Germanic, Nomadic, Greek, Pontic, and Gaulish factions for more variety. Fixed issue in the Prologue Campaign where the player couldn't declare war on the Greek States via move options and had to do it via diplomacy. There is now a chance for Campaign characters to spawn with a wife in their household. In Campaign, when selecting an opponent's settlement, then hovering the mouse over buildings in an owned settlement in the same province, the building information panel is now correctly displayed instead of being hidden. Added an arrow icons to the Public Order entry in province dropdown, to indicate when Public Order is going up or down. Solved issue that prevented the settlement button from being updated, when the province details panel is shown in the Campaign user interface. The Conversion option is no longer displayed when the building is damaged on the Campaign map. Fixed irrelevant attrition immunities being shown for ships in campaign on the Unit Info panel. Remove misleading tooltips from unit cards in the unit exchange panel if they cannot be exchanged in Campaign modes. Female character portrait / heads are shown when a "Subject Gains Notoriety" event occurs in Campaign, and the event involves a female character (e.g. the Vicious Words event). Fixed a bug, where some Campaign Event Messages were automatically marked as read. Dragging the mouse from a province owned by a certain faction, for instance Rhodes, into a sea region which they do not use, will no longer display their faction icon next to the contested status for the sea region. Fixed un-openable event messages which sometimes appeared in Campaign modes. Successful bribe attempt now shows correct family name on the message. Mission event titles are now consistent between event messages and the event message list panel. The correct cursor icon is now displayed when an Army at sea is selected and order to attack a garrisoned army in a port settlement. The "opportune failure" part of agent action event messages will now only display for the faction that the agent belongs to. After progressing through the Prologue from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3, exiting out of Chapter 3 at the start will no longer cause Chapter 3 to appear locked on the main menu. Character Rank Up events now display the Character Type and new rank. Fixed the window size of the games Launcher in certain desktop resolutions. Fixed bug where placing the mouse over areas of attrition on the campaign map, would make the tooltip look like the area was an enemy. Tooltips don't show ambush chance for fleets anymore. Fixed tooltip height, when tooltips don't have any text in them. Tooltip on Campaign map no longer stops showing ambush chance when placing the mouse over an attrition area. Fix for number of available units is not displaying on mercenary recruitment cards. Fixed an inconsistency with Silanus' name between Prologue Chapters. Throughout Prologue 2, Silanus was identified as 'Gaius Fulvius Silanus'. However during Prologue 3, he was identified as 'Gaius Silanus'. Various minor text fixes in Campaign mode. When the player doesn't have enough money to perform an agent action, and orders an agent to perform a certain action on an enemy, the list of options to perform will now be greyed out immediately, instead of only when the cursor is moved over the options. Fix for incorrect hyperlink in the faction panel and incorrect tooltip on damaged buildings. Battle Added unit numbers to Unit Cards. These can now be enabled in battle interface options ("Unit Card Man Count" check box). Added option to game settings menu to enable/disable aide de camp (Battlefield Advisor), so the player can now disable this panel from ever appearing. Naval units are now grouped together depending on their unit type more often in deployment. This prevents them from colliding into each other so much at the start of a battle with large armies and large varieties of ships. Fixing for invisible elephants making it appear like elephant riders were floating in the air during battles. Fixed issue where dragging out units on the battlefield could get stuck on screen after deselecting the unit. Chat toggle button is no longer greyed out in frontend when players set their state to "Ready" in a Multiplayer Battle or Campaign lobby. Updated the Carthago radar image to better represent the terrain in the battle. In a Multiplayer Lobby, when a team leader with one AI army on their team switches to the other side, the players Steam avatar no longer remains attached to AI army. Fixed checkbox for "Battle Realism Mode", so it's no longer greyed out and un-ticked when the player has just quit a Legendary difficulty Campaign. Fix for “Unit Size” option being reset to last saved setting when going hosting multiplayer battles. Fixed the "Select All" functionality in battle setup screen ([CTRL]+[A] keyboard shortcut) Various fixes for the Change Team button being in incorrect state in the battle setup menu. The Battle HUD with double line Unit Cards will shrink to single line as units are removed. The Spectator slot in a Multiplayer Lobby can be taken out of team 2 now if there is space there, and not on team 1. Updated buildings on the radar map during battle for the "Armavir" battle map. Improved boarding user interface in battles. Added some user interface to remind player to use deployables during deployment, when they still have deployables un-deployed. Reduced chance of siege towers moving away and leaving men behind if the user clicks to drop equipment, and orders it to be re-manned as troops are disembarking. Added tooltips for ability effect icons on Unit Banners in battle, and made these icons larger. Fixed transport ship icons not disappearing from their Unit Cards once the units disembarks Fixed a large number of floating objects and clipping issues across a variety of siege maps. Fixed floating buildings and battlefield props in an Egyptian Port battlefield. Visually improved Greek Port battle map. Removed some rocks from a port in the Antioch battle map to prevent ships passing through them when disembarking. Changes made to the disembarkation areas in the large Carthago battle map to prevent ships from passing through the naval port buildings. Adjusted beach landing / disembarkation areas in the Athenia battle map, to prevent ships going too far onto the land. Adjusted beach landing / disembarkation areas in the Greek minor port battle map, to prevent ships going too far onto the land. Known Issues Changing the game's Texture Quality option during a campaign or a battle may cause the terrain to appear black. This can be avoided by changing this option with the Game Settings in the main menu, and will usually stop happening after starting the next battle or re-loading your campaign. This will be hotfixed in the near future. The Mod Manager is currently only partially localised, so most compatible with English. We aim to localise this fully in the near future. za sada, toliko od mene :)
  22. dodao mrhotu i sebe na spisak ovamo, elem poshto je pochela faza 2 testa za 8.9, znachi da mozemo najverovatnije da ochekujemo oko prvog novembra novi update.. obichno je do sada bilo tako nekako :) specijal za vikend: http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/44/special-alpha-force/ koga mrzi da ischitava, ono bitnije: exp x3 za prvu pobedu ; popust na consumables 50% ; popust na premium mjunishn 30% . misija za vikend: 2k shtete + 3 upokojena tenka = 30% vishe expa :)
  23. moj nick: tzarminator takodje, poshto je mrhota trenutno prezauzet igranjem FFXIV - mrhe82 je njegov nick :)
  24. Faramir

    Istorija Srba

    zapravo mi se bash svidja kako je i gde je krenuo sa ovim, narochito jer delimo neke slichne pravce razmishljanja, a chak i postavljamo ista pitanja. opet kazem, meni je ogromna nelogichnost u vezi onoga shto trenutno prihvatamo kao chinjenicu (dolazak Srba na Helm), da Rimljani, veoma pedantni i precizni u svemu, ko je chitao npr. Julijeve "Komentare o Galskim ratovima" (ili o debelim galima shto bi rekao Obelix), zna o chemu pricham - chovek je precizno i pedantno nabrojao sve narode na koje je tamo susreo, zemlje koje su nastanjivali, opisao sve i svashta vezano za svakog ponaosob, e sada da ti isti Rimljani prave takav previd i od prvog susreta sa narodima Helmskog poluostrva, jedan od starosedelachkih naroda ubelezavaju kao Tribale, onda nastavljaju sledecih svojih 750 godina boravka tu da ga tako nazivaju, pa kada se carstvo konachno deli poslednji put, pa i tada njihovi naslednici, istochni Romani (koje nazivamo Vizantincima) po dolasku raznih naroda na taj isti Helm, prave previd i sledecih josh 1k godina nazivaju imenom starosedelachkog naroda novopridoshli narod (Tribali = Srbi).. shta znam.. meni je to nelogichno i nedosledno kada su sami Rimljani u pitanju, uvek mi je to bilo tako, josh od kada sam prvi put naleteo na te podatke. i opet, da, udri Brue dalje :) dobre stvari pitash :)
  25. slazem se sa pekarom i zwerkom u potpunosti - smatram u principu da je dodavanje odredjenih modova zaista ravno hakovanju.. lichno, koristio sam samo xvm i to mozda mesec dana, sada sam se vratio na igranje bez toga, nemam pojma, prirodnije mi je tako. Da, nedostaje mi kada pogledam minimapu da vidim koji je tenk gde bio itd. ali zato obracam vishe paznje na shta, gde i kako.. Shto se ostale in-game statistike tiche, mozda mi fali onaj brojach shtete, ali sam lepo skinuo onaj wot statistics pa mogu posle mecha lagano da vidim shta sam uradio u istom, a poshto volim statistichke informacije (prokleti ekonomski fakultet, ostavio mi je bavljenje statistikom kao prokleti hobi), bude mi nekako super.. mada, xvm.. mozda ipak taj mod konkretno sam po sebi ne bih ubrojio u toliko nedozvoljene.. ali ove sa belim skinovima itd. - suvishni su mi.. ako ti je potrebno da saznash week spotove - imash i par videa na youtube-u, a imash i trening sobicu, pa pitaj nekoga sa tenkom koji te zanima da odvoji par minuta i udje u istu. Npr. - shto se tiche tenkova sa topovima malo slabijeg kalibra - veliku muku sam muchio u pochetku kada je izashao sp, a sretnem ga na uskom prostoru, lice u lice. Onda me je lepo kombinacija sopstvenog sistema pogreshaka i uopshte iskustva, nauchila gde shta i kako, kada sam ga probio par puta iz daljine sa t34-85, seo sam lepo odgledao demo video gde sam ga zapravo pogodio, krenuo to da primenjujem i poz. Tako to ide sa vecinom tenkova, mislim da je to josh i lakshe sada kada i sam wargaming izbacuje manje videe kada ubace neki novi tenkic u igru. Modovi na tu temu su mi suvishni.. Imate slike na netu, na kojima je nacrtano gde shta i kako,pogledajte ih ako vas zanima, ali nemojte da modujete to u igru, makar sam se tim nachinom igranja vodio.. volim da pobedim, naravno, rachunam da vecina ljudi to voli, ali ne volim da pobedim na bilo koji neregularni nachin, ne mogu to da prihvatim kao normalno, zato nikada nisam ni pokushavao da igram tako, ma koju igru igrao..
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