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The X
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Everything posted by Pajser

  1. Da, ali ne zbog crva i spywarea :)
  2. Poshto sam celog zhivota zhiveo u kuci sa zhenama tj kevom, sestrom i babom, imam samo prijatna iskustva sa ocem :D Shibala me je baba i to varjachom obavezno a sa shvecom sam se standardno shibao poshto je starija :P
  3. Kontam da mu treba password za SBB ili koji vec teamspeak server :P
  4. Ja se izvinjavam, navika da novi dan pochinje ujutru pa se tripujem svo vreme da je danas petak 20. :)
  5. http://www.beograd.org.yu/cms/view.php?id=29604 Vukov spomenik spada ili u Vrachar ili u Zvezdaru, zavisi kako ko gleda, znachi nema struje sutra :)
  6. Ne kazhe pull nego poon, slushaj malo bolje... Posle meni neko kazhe da sam gluv...
  7. U prevodu sutra Nemachka - Bugarska @ de_nuke i Francuska - Austrija @ de_cbble
  8. Most Slobode, Novi sad Hram Svetog Save Vukov Spomenik XIV BGD Gimn.
  9. Sjajan je google earth keve mi :) <edit> nashao sam tetkinu gajbu u USA Odushevio sam se, trazhim sad svoju gajbu, mada kontam da je nema poshto je malo novija :)))
  10. Probudila me ortakinja da idemo na kafu, rekao joj da cu je nazvati za pola sata i ugasio telefon :)
  11. Not that I need it, iza NAT-a sam :)
  12. Pajser


    Ne diraj kocku, ne znash ga :) Pozdrav za vas gospodjo !
  14. Yet again, naterao si me da razmishljam o zhivotu :/ U skorashnje vreme sam po prvi put vozio jet-ski i skijao na vodi.
  15. http://www.logitech.com.tw/product/product...sp?PID=00000195 http://www.matbe.com/actualites/10902/nouv...-chez-logitech/ Za vas MX300-ovce :) MX300 sa optikom iz MX510, valjda uskoro i kod nas/u svetu :)
  16. Ozvezdane poruke rulz :)) Prebacio sam na srpski i ostavio :P
  17. Desert Eagle You preferred a weapon with 49% power over speed and 72% range over melee. You use a Desert Eagle. One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet. Jebesh mi sve, moje omiljeno :D Josh sam na pochetku razmishljao bash bi do jaja bilo kad bih ispao desert eagle :D
  18. Sledeci put cu valjda imati kesha tako da idem i ja :)))
  19. Dobro, poshto ne mozhe milom moracemo silom... (ovo se odnosi na korisnike koji su postovali i pored brisanja postova 2 puta)
  20. Serial Killer » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « In the early to mid 1970s Ted Bundy would murder over 30 young women. Most were attacked while walking in parks, found later to have been raped and strangled to death, but sometimes Bundy would go as far as breaking into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar. After being caught and convicted of the murders, Bundy accepted prison, acquired a new name and started his killing spree all over again. Soon after, Bundy was caught, but not before taking the lives of 3 more women. Almost all of Bundy's victims were young white girls with long dark hair parted down the middle, all were raped, beaten and sodomized. kill count: 30+ ---------------------- JUHU Chak mi se pominje favourite weapon aka the crow-bar :D Anti-drug » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Congratulations your anti-drug is... Murder Death quiz » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Congratulations, You will... Be Murdered (you have 2 years 6 months and 13 days to live, from the date you read this) Getting shot in the back while getting a quick 20 out of the ATM, then being dragged to a strange mans apartment where he disembowels you and slowly eats you over the course of a year isn't the most glamorous way to die, but at least you were dressed to impress... bling bling
  21. Pa mozhe i tako ali je lakshe da ekipe iz BG-a igraju u LAN-u a ostali nek igraju online i to je to... Hmmm, jel neko rekao ESL !?
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