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The X
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Everything posted by Dz

  1. naprzhili mi se ortaci i drugarica sad i oni otje majice :D
  2. Niste tr00! Ovo su prave stvari:
  3. U potpunosti se slazhem sa Igijem. Btw. ljudi, nema nishta sebichno u tome nemati decu. Zapravo, deca se i radjaju u vecini sluchajeva iz SEBICHLUKA, samo shto to ljudi netje da priznaju. Kapiram da ni vi necete. Ali, svaka zhelja o deci potiche u stvari od onoga - da imam nekoga ko ce da me neguje kad ostarim, da mi pravi drushtvo (poshto u vecini sluchajeva vrshnjaci ili brachni par biti pod zemljom, a u gorem sluchaju vi cete), da imamo koga da nam stavlja cvetje na grob, u koga cemo uliti deo sebe, na koga cemo projektovati nashe ideale koje nismo ostvarili...sve je to - sebichno. Manite te priche o odrzhavanju vrste jer smo vec prenaselili ovu jadnu planetu, pritom istrebili i ugrozhavamo druge vrste. Poslednji stanari koji trebaju Zemlji smo mi. Realno.
  4. pomozite, znachi treba mi titl na srpskom stvarno sam trazila svuda :( originalni naziv Ma nuit chez Maud
  5. Plashim se da cu navesti suvishe...al ajde: Quills Dangerous Liaisons - Il kako se vec pishe - Opasne veze Hair Osmi dan - Le hutieme Jour High Heels Chudesna sudbina Amelije Pulen
  6. Within Temptation - Mother Earth Birds and butterflies Rivers and mountains she creates But you'll never know The next move she'll make You can try But it is useless to ask why Cannot control her She goes her own way She rules until the end of time She gives and she takes She rules until the end of time She goes her way With every breath And all the choices that we make We are only passing through on her way I find my strength Believing that their soul lives on Until the end of time I'll carry them with me she rules until the end of time she gives and she takes she rules until the end of time she goes her way Once you will know my dear You dont have to fear A new beginning Always starts at the end Once you will know my dear You dont have to fear ... Until the end of time x3 She goes her way she rules until the end of time she gives and she takes she rules until the end of time until the end of time until the end of time she goes her way.
  7. otishla gajbi posle chuku vremena smorila sam se
  8. Assemblage 23 - Let Me Be Your Armor Let me take the fall Let me take the blame Let me carry you from hell To home again. Let me walk for you When your legs are weak Let me find the words for you When you can't speak CHORUS: Let me be your armor Let me be your shield Let me take away the pain you feel (your armor) Let me be the light That guides your way through darkest night Let me be your armor. Let me take the blows That were meant for you Let me help you the trials You're going through Let me keep you safe From the world outside Let me wipe away the tears That fill your eyes (CHORUS) Let me keep you from Experience you need Let me bind you with my selfishness And greed Let me stifle you Let me have control Let me smother Every aspect of your soul (CHORUS)
  9. ROFLMAO Ne setjam se ko mi je reko 'ajd priznaj da si i ti njega ujela'
  10. vidim ja ovde da vi oko toga menjate mishljenje svakih 5 minuta. Ja ne znam. Ne verujem u ono 'And they lived happily ever after"
  11. Ja ocu jednu L samo kad okachish slike reci cu koju
  12. Bila sam i reko mi doca da je svejedno sad kasno poshto se ovo desilo pre 2 dana (valjda) ali najverovatnije nije nishta postho kao bash treba da bude velika rana da bi mi neshto preneo.
  13. Pre neki dan ujeo me pas :D (zamislite) Nije jako i preko farmerki. Uopshte me ne boli a nije nishta narochito ni tad. Mislim da mi je jednim zubom probio kozu, rana je onako ljubichaste boje vishe kao modrica. Ne moram valjda da idem da primim onu inekciju ili moram? Ja radije ne bi, a jel mislite da je neophodno?
  14. jbg jeste da imam malo obrva (pa moram da ih crtam) Inache bilo je uzhasno tamo, zato sam se ovako brzo vratila, a i prehladila sam se. Al verovatno palim kasnije za Split.
  15. Od drugih iskljuchivo pozajmljujem diskove i knjige ponekad, i redovno vratjam. Nije mi problem nishta da pozajmim prvi put, pa ako ne vrati ili vrati usrano ne dam opet, a ako sve bude ok uvek cu opet da pozajmim.
  16. Prema SVAKOM psu se morash nametnuti kao gospodar. Uzmi dogu ili boxera, imaju extra narav i lako se vaspitaju. Jedina mana im je shto balave (al uglavnom samo kad trche tj napolju)
  17. jel neko zna shta se desilo? ja nisam bila
  18. Ako budem u bg-u tad nema teorije da propustim Dioramu.
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