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Everything posted by Failure.Sanitarium

  1. 6 ljudi reklo 6 razlicitih " najslabijih battlegrupa " . Sjajno !
  2. * Server continent: EU * Server Type: PVP * Character Race: Night Elf * Character Class: Warrior * Character Gender: Male * Character Level: 70 * Current spec: Arms pvp spec for arena *Attack power: Its really hard to write this cause i have alot of different gear pieces to combine, anyway its almost maxed that is possible to have in game atm. I go for around 2300 att power with battleshout on, and max crit / penetration with decent hit rationg of around 180. You can choose to change that with other peieces of gear, or different gems. * Transferable : Yes, never transfered so far * Namechange : Yes, never changed name so far * Professions: Alchemy ( everything in game avaiable ) and herbalism * Secondary Skills: First aid, Fishing , Cooking ( all recipes ) Character Equipment * Head: T6 dps, T6 protection, Vengefull, Helm of the Illidari shatterer, Faceplate of the Impenetrable * Neck: P.S. - as u can see from items i have in Head slot, i own almost every viable piece of gear in game, so im not gonna list all around, cause it will look like a mess. All serious wow gamers know whats best out of the best, so ill just write some unusuall ( sunwell or rare drop pieces that i have. I think admins will understand that. Also, put in all slots best resist based items, with best gems/enchants there are ( fire, arcane, frost and nature). If i write all that...damn Smile Also, i have full S3 gear ( Vengefull ) along with S3 mace, all honor items ( even epic medallion ) ofc all epic gemmed and enchanted, so i will skip that part also. Also, very important, i have avoidance gear, consisted primary from T6 pieces with dodge gems, agility enchants etc, and also other high avoidance items ( details you can find here: http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16211-tanking..._100_avoidence/ ) Thanks to admins for understanding. * Shoulder: Pauldrons of Perseverance ( Eredar twins drop ) --- http://thottbot.com/i34192 * Back: Pepe's Shroud of Pacification --- Phoenix-Wing Cloak ( For avoidance ) * Chest: T6 prot and T6 Dps along with Heartshatter Breastplate * Wrist: T6 prot and T6 dps * Hands: T6 for tanking, T6 fora voidance, Gauntlets of Enforcement for threat * Waist: Girdle of Stability * Legs: Felstrength Legplates --- http://thottbot.com/i34381 ( From Brutallus ) * Feet: Myrmidon's Treads * Finger1: Band of the Abyssal Lord / Signet of the last defender * Finger2: Band of the Eternal Defender ( Hyjal exalted ) * Trinket: uff, many of them , mainly Ancient Aqir Artifact * Trinket: Commendation of Kael'thas * Main Hand: The Brutalizer, The Unbreakable Will * Off Hand: Bulwark of Azzinoth * Ranged: Legionkiller, Rifle of the Stoic Guardian, Blade of Life's Inevitability Extra ---- About dps gear, It consists 6/8 T6 pieces + other non-set high end ( BT and Hyjal drops ) that u can change if u want more haste/crit/hit/penetration. I wont link all pieces cause i have really all except Destroyer's cape, Choker of endless nightmares and Warglavies ( yes i have Dragonspine trophy ) Smile Example: From weapons i have: Vengefull maces, Rising Tide, Tracker's Blade, Cataclysm's Edge, 2h Vengefull Mace, Shard of Azzinoth. I think you got the point ? Smile * Gold: 12 000 * Mount Type/skill: Epic flying and Nether ray. Epic ground * Bank: Eh... 5 full banks of pots, herbs ( especailly mana thistle and Dreaming glory ), Foods, gems, ores, Blue BOE items, shards...alot ALOT of usable items are ready. * Honorpoints: 35k atm. * Arenapoints: 5. 000 * Heroic badges: 50 * Alts: *** IMPORTANT *** If offer is good, and i find buyer trusted, i will sell him whole acc, not just warrior. There is full vengefull NE female HUNTER with vengefull bow and with kickass pvp gear from honor. Everything epic gemmed and enchanted. Best PVP gear currently in game. Also there is oldschool lvl 65 human female mage with BWL gear, and very oldschool dwarf paladin with thunderstrike !!! Smile * Keys: All ofc, all reputations are exalted * Attunements: All Account info Y/N I can Provide (Only answer with Yes or NO! dont write information here) 1. Accname: I will provide everything when i agree with buyer. 2. Password: 3. Secret Answer: 4. Email: 5. Cd keys: 6. Last name: 7. Gametime: Screenshots/Pictures: will send them on mail if i find buyer trusted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ako ima neko kome nije zao da da pare za ovaj masterpiece, neka me PM. Minimum 850 e
  3. realno bice jos gore statore jebo mek , salji mi sliku svog stola !
  4. i r with gf and her gf at apartment alone and i speak here with you, will i win a orden >?
  5. rano je da pijes, idi spremaj pasta-sutu IMO .
  6. ovo je i pre 10 godina bilo istorija lol
  7. samo neka se ne penje temperatura vise i bice ok ! Pijem espresso i sok od visnje za 20din ! Long live Drzavna uprava !
  8. hah koji pwn. ljudi se cimali da objasnjavaju a ti ih iskulira \o/
  9. naravno da mozes, zivim u stanu od 90 kvadrata koji se bez problema za par minuta prijatno oladi , samo je bedak sto moram drzati otvorena vrata od sobe sto jelte..smara. Imam Panasonic klimu, jednu od najboljih u klasi, nenormalno skupu ali zato nenormalno dobru. Zato gief sad neku lol malu klimu za moju sobu, ty :)
  10. Ово нема никакве везе са оним што сам ја тражио
  11. da , mozes da kupis za 150e , i onda pocne da greje umesto da hladi, kao ova kod mene na poslu... Za moju sobu bi bila idealna ta prozorska, al izgleda da ih nema vise nigde...
  12. Dakle, lepo pise u naslovu topica. To su one klime koje se ugradjuju " u prozor " , kockaste :) Nisam imao srece da nadjem nekoga ko to prodaje i dalje, nije bilo cak ni na sajmu tehnike. Izgleda otprilike ovako ako neko i dalje ne konta o cemu pricam :) http://www.110220volts.com/Merchant2/graph...0001/AIRW24.jpg
  13. Evo sad citam i u 24 sata,prosecna neto zarada za april : Novi Beograd 52 633 dinara. Ha ha - koji pwn
  14. Cuo sam jutros na radiju da je prosecna plata Novobeogradjana 52 000 dinara .... OK !?
  15. smorio sam se ko mac u kamenu, need some fun...dajte link necega smesnog...
  16. ja sam vidjao warriora sunandsteel i znam da je bio u nihilumu, a onda posle nekog vremena nije :P I sad opet jeste. I tako. A Mohi zeli u failure, nego nece da prizna :S
  17. Prodajem warriora, da se ne bi proseravao ovde, ima sve sto moze da ima sem: - T6 belta i bootsa. - trinketa od bloodboila - maca od Kalecgosa - stita i rukavica od felmysta. - bear mounta ( za sada,radi se ZA timed svaki reset, ostalo nas jos 3. ) Sabijacki dps gear, najbolji protection gear, resist gear, S3 full, sve sve sve. Gomila para, enchantova, potova, hrane, puna banka itema,oruzija... Ako je neko stvarno zainteresovan ( sto sumljam da ce neko biti jer je cena 1000e najmanje ) neka posalje P.M pa cemo se cuti.
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