au sranje, skontacemo neshto
Verovatno VIP clanovima salju kartice, tako rade ovi moji Bosanci trejderi poshto u Bosni Skrill kartica takodje ne postoji vec duze vreme. Sad cu se raspitam kako oni budze VIP poshto ima neki fazon.
I njima su ukinuli kartice bez obzira sto su VIP memberi:
Further to your question, we would like to inform you that you cannot order new Skrill card. It is a business decision that we do not offer Skrill cards for most of the countries out of the SEPA area anymore. Unfortunately, yours is one of those countries and your card was canceled on 15th of November. Alternatively, you can use your bank wire withdrawal to access your funds. All other Skrill account functionality remains unchanged.
Sva sreca pa u SEPA region ulazimo 2022, strpite se.