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Fallout Yesterday je Van Buren mod je dobio svoju prvu verziju/demo/EA i moze se skinuti
projekat je poceo pre 7-8 godina i nenadano je najavljen pre par meseci nastavak na radu i sada vec imamo igrivu verziju pred nama
1. Some critters have "jumpy" animations and lack sounds effects. Both the critter animations and sound effects are time consuming processes so they're not "polished" yet. That will be sorted out in a future release.
2. First release lacks many planned side-quests. Due to a planned release schedule for this update, we wanted to focus on getting a solid, healthy game base done properly and then add extra content on top of that in the later releases.
3. There is no official support for High-Resolution mod and I doubt there will be. We feel the game doesn't look good at high resolution as everything is too small.
4. Only one intro animation is currently done. For the rest, we want to get them right so they will be finished in a future release.
5. I tried to keep this as bug free as possible but maybe something slipped by in the last minute. Don't hesitate to contact PJ Hexer at
"Tim Cain, Chris Avellone, and T-Ray Isaac have seen the screenshots you piss on in 2017. at Reboot Develop in Dubrovnik, heard what I was trying to do back then and gave me their advice, feedback and good wishes for my efforts.
Tim Cain never heard of FOnline or cvet until I told him that very moment and he was happy to hear people like his work so much they emulated Fallout's engine. I talked with him about The Outer Worlds and player psychology back then and had to keep my mouth shut because they didn't even announce it back then. T-Ray, the lead Fallout artist, praised my artwork. Chris Avellone sent me emails with additional missing info on Van Buren's plot and background lore. He spent time talking about all of it with me in person."
modovi za originalne falloute nastavljaju da se izbacuju opasnom zestinom 🙂
e da napomena pored ovog Van Buren moda postoji i drugi koji se radi u 3d endzinu