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Lawa vs Molten Core, Volume2


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As some of you know, i went crazy mode and decided to solo kill Garr. Needed some preparation with gear/enchs/gems but I make it in few hours (thanks to hammerica, hm, well, nekbeth make one ench too so thanks to you 2 :P)

Yestrday morning I was in MC and I was trying to find out a best way how to reach Garr with avoiding adds, it was not easy but thank to tips from tankadin forum I find a best route with killing only one Lava Surger :twisted:




Tricky part was to avoid 2 dogs and 1 lava surger in same time and agro only Garr&adds... Well, I wipe few times :oops:


But, after 3-4 trys, I make one perfect pull and there was, me, Garr, adds, corner, WEOWEO :twisted:


It was not a rly hard, his adds exploded very fast, I resisted all of thier dmg, so around 90% there was only me and him... Me hit white dmg 100-140, crit 300, he dont hit :geek:


.......................................................... and 2.5 hours later, DROPS !



Some ppl could call me lucky, or greedy, but hey, im just a PALADING !

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker][Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

Idemoooooo za prvog tankadinGa sa Thunderfury-em na dunetu. Pada drugi deo odmasadaodma, čim povedeš i mene naravno ;)

Go then. There are other worlds than these.

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Svaka cast! Nego kolko si morao da menjas gear zbog ovoga? Jel zahteva neki special avoidence ili sta? Koje si sve sockete menjao

Edited by moyo

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Svaka cast! Nego kolko si morao da menjas gear zbog ovoga? Jel zahteva neki special avoidence ili sta? Koje si sve sockete menjao

Pa i nije bilo strasno, e sad jebiga imao sam stvarno jedno 400 badges u torbi, brdo golda, brdo matsa za ench i reko ajde da probam, bilo je potrebno da dostignem passive uncrushable, znaci 102.4% bez holy shielda, bilo je malo povuci potegni ali uspeo sam,.

Head od Ilidana sa 10% block value meta i 5 agi 7 stamina gem + COT ench, KZ neck, BT warr sholders + scryer ench, SV back sa defense, chest od badges sa defense ench i gem, tankadin brejseri iz BT-a sa defense ench, moroes gloves sa heroic badges + LW 8 defense, belt iz SSC crafted (nisam menjao nista, cekam da padne dobijem t6), legins od badges sa 3x10 defense, ZA boots sa defense gemom + LW 8 defense, TK i MH rings, Colossus i Alhemi trinket, Sun-eater sa 20 agi (znao sam da sam ga zbog necega sacuvao) i shield iz ZA sa defense gemom i block rating ench, dosta ove opreme su deo mog regular tanking seta, znaci nista nisam menjao na onome sto koristim, i sve ovo sam vec i imao od ranije, znaci badges sam koristio samo da kupim 10 defense gems, naravno pre toga je u svemu bio 15 stamina gem [b)] Imao sam oko 750BV i zbog toga nisam dobijao nikakve udarce (osim kada mi je na pola fajta prso shield pa sam zamalo umro, sreca sto sam video, i na 1% je bilo isto frka jer sam hteo da ugasim auto loot u opcijama i slucajno sam okrenuo lika [:D])

Ima jos dosta mesta za progres, ali i ovo je dosta, videcemo sta je next [:D]

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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Ok, I was bored again :mrgreen: I get FR gear and grabed one resto druid (ty negnul) and we head into Molten Core again. 1 binding is not enough, obviusly [8D]

We killed Dog and pulled boss with moonfire, imba skill [:D]


When boss was on 56% we got Dog respawn, so we had to kill it rly fast again, since him + bosses bombs was a very nice combro, thanks god I had drood or cruse could eat medog1.jpg

Around 10% we run into Mana Pots problem [xx(]


On around 6% of boss, Dog again respawned, so we make decision to execute boss since my aoe was hurting him, so we got him [b)]


Tho, no bindings, but drood was VERY happy...




Wot is next ? Stay tuned [8D]

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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ok sinoc udjemo nas trojica (lock/restodrood i ja sa tankadinom) ubijemo prvog onog golema i ispadne t1 belt za rogue :D uzme priest ninja ;)

pff sad sam se ja izlozio hocu da tankujem sa thunder furyjem :/ extra je trip :)

samo trebace vremena i strpljenja ;/


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