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Eschalon: Book II is Official


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" Eschalon: Book II is the sequel to 2007's acclaimed independent RPG Eschalon: Book I. Built on an updated engine and the same design principals as its predecessor, Book II features a huge tile-built game world and a unique approach to turn-based gameplay. Thousands of items, creatures, NPCs, dungeons, traps, and puzzles await your discovery in this old-school role-playing game inspired by such classics as Ultima, Might & Magic and Wizardry.

Book II continues Eschalon's world events where Book I ended, though no previous experience is needed to enjoy the game. Book II features a sprawling story spanning three regions with cause-and-effect outcomes to many quests.

Book II uses an updated game engine running at 1024 x 768 native resolution. Hundreds of new graphic elements, tiles, sound effects and music means Book II is not just a remix of Book I.

New weather effects including snow, rain, and thunderstorms which can affect gameplay stats and skills.

New gender selection (play as a male or female), additional skills and enhanced skill development allows you to advance your character as high as level 30.

Enhanced GUI includes additional save game slots, increased number of Inventory and Quick Slot spaces, new Key Ring and Potion Mixer, "Equipment configuration" presets for convenient swapping of entire armor and weapons sets, and more!

New difficulty modes, challenges and tracked statistics add to replay value.

...and much, much more! Over 60 new or enhanced features are being integrated into Book II! "

je nisam ni zavrsio prvi deo... bilo zanimljivo u pocetku i posle sredine me malo umorilo, pre svega prevelik ui i presitni detalji... mozda bi mi bilo lakshe da je sve sa malo vecim pixelima [:D]

da ne spominjem evenutalno vecu rezoluciju :)

a i borba je mogla biti malo interesantnija :]





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Basilisk Games Announces the Release Date for Eschalon: Book II

Indianapolis, IN - April 27, 2010 - Basilisk Games, Inc. today announced the release date for Eschalon: Book II for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.

"We are very excited to finally be able to announce the release dates to our second game, Eschalon: Book II, after more than two years of development" said Thomas Riegsecker, Lead Developer of the Eschalon series. "Eschalon: Book II is considerably bigger and better than the first game, and incorporates over 60 fan-suggested enhancements."

Eschalon: Book II is scheduled for release on May 12th, 2010 for Windows based computers. Basilisk Games will release the Macintosh and Linux versions of the game on May 26th, 2010. Eschalon: Book II will be available as a digital download on most major distribution services and directly from Basilisk Games website.

About Eschalon: Book II

Eschalon: Book II is the sequel to 2007's hit independent role-playing game, Eschalon: Book I. Continue your journey across massive outdoor environments and deep into twisted dungeons as you seek to uncover the mystery of your past and who is behind the menace that threatens all of Eschalon. No experience with the first game is needed to enjoy this second chapter in the Eschalon trilogy. More information on the game and links to the video trailer can be found online at: http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon_book_ii'>http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon_book_ii

About Basilisk Games

Founded in 2005, Basilisk Games is an independent game developer located in Indianapolis, Indiana. The company's mission is to produce compelling old-school computer role-playing games for gamers who still remember what great computer RPGs used to be about: "Single-player. Turn-based. Stat heavy. Story driven." Visit Basilisk Games online at: http://basiliskgames.com

Contact Info

For press inquires, contact us at: info@basiliskgames.com

Konacno! Najbolji indie rpg ever dobija nastavak 12. maja [:)]

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CE ti javimo kad je budemo probali, osim ako se neko nije ispruzio za licencu. Ali po prici, ako si igrao prvi deo na drugi mozes da gledas kao na unapredjenu verziju istog. Grafika, neke od vestina i implementacija istih plus stosta drugo je izmenjeno ali na bolje. E sad, jeste se pojavila neka verzija na narodnim kanalima ali do sada to vristi puno virusa. A bas mi se igra nesto.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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CE ti javimo kad je budemo probali, osim ako se neko nije ispruzio za licencu. Ali po prici, ako si igrao prvi deo na drugi mozes da gledas kao na unapredjenu verziju istog. Grafika, neke od vestina i implementacija istih plus stosta drugo je izmenjeno ali na bolje. E sad, jeste se pojavila neka verzija na narodnim kanalima ali do sada to vristi puno virusa. A bas mi se igra nesto.

Jesi siguran da su virusi? :)

Nisam probao jos, ali cesto te crackove antivirusi detektuju bez razloga :)

p.s. uostalom mozes igrati demo koji u sebi ima full igru, ali je samo jedna zona otkljucana dok ne uneses serijski broj.

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Malo sam se smorio. Igra je suvise teska kad je borba u pitanju, a laka za sve ostalo. Plus mi je mnogo haoticno sto se kvestova tice.

Recimo, posto nisam znao sta cu, krenuo sam samo da ulazim iz mape u mapu i stigao do onog najveceg grada i kao treba mi papir da sam gradjanin (FO2 callin) i ok, nastavim ja dalje da lutam i naletim na neku cushi koja je u svojoj kuci ko zna gde i krene ona da me shiba, ali joj em pokupim sve iz kuce, em gradjanski list i udjem lezerno u taj grad. A posto sam ocigledno prebryo to uradio, onda ne mogu da ubijem ni pacova. Itd.


nema vise zezanja


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