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Problem je sledeci: Account mi je hackovan (ne znam kako, posto imam nekoliko antispyware, antivirus programa, nebitno uglavnom), i po standardnoj proceduri sam napisao mail Blizzardu preko webforma i objasnio stvar, prikacio i sliku manuala uz to (kao i prosla dva puta) ali nema nikakvog odgovora vec dve nedelje...

E sad, jednom sam ja zvao BLizzard preko nekog broja ali kad sam otisao na sajt njihov i ukucavao brojeve sve (i za Account&Billing i TechSupport) broj ili nije bio u upotrebi ili sam zvao nepostojeci broj (kako mi centrala rece). kucao sam pozivni za datu zemlju (probao sam ih sve), broj za izlaz iz zemlje (99 i 00 posto je neka prelazna faza pa sam probao sa oba) ali nista ne funkcionise.

Da li mi neko moze reci neki broj koji sam mozda prevideo (mada cisto sumnjam), ili sta konkretno mogu da uradim povodom ubrzavanja procesa vracanja accounta? (NAPOMENA: zaboravio sam secret answer-da glup sam).

Hvala unapred!

Фак д пепси, фак д пица, ол ви нид из гибаница/шљивовица!!!

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Koliko znam, ako si zaboravio secret question answer, onda treba da u web formi zakacis i svoju skeniranu licnu kartu (ako je acount registrovan na tebe, ako ne onda licnu kartu od toga na koga je registrovan acount) i da, cekaces malo duze, tipa 3-4 nedelje, ali moras prvo da dokazes da si ti owner acounta.

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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Kucas svoj username, kucas odgovor na secret question i novi password stize direktno u tvoj mailbox.

Tako sam vratio acc 4 sata posto mi je otet. Mada od 9 likova samo su 2 bila ostala , ostali su svi svuceni i sve je prodato.

Vraceno mi je svo zlato, ali je nestalo brdo primala, enchant materijala, gemova, barova, rude. Blizzard ne vraca ono sto nestane u ekonomiji a spada u trading goods.

Ako si kupio account od nekoga i ne stoji tvoj email i slicno onda si sjeban. Tj verovatno te je taj lik zajebao.

@Shalala - vazno je vratiti sam acc - ako ne znas odgovor na tajno pitanje sam si se sjebao. Mail je meni stigao brzo kao odgovor. Vazno je biti uporan.

@LOWRENCE - to pali samo ako nije kupljen acc, ako su razliciti podaci nista od toga.

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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moj ortak dobio e-mail za nedelju dana, odbanovali ga za nedelju dana od maila... :S isto bio hackovan

znaci pratio je uputstvo u emailu idi tamo ukucaj to i to (secret question, tvoje podatke,ukucaj cdkey) i eto ... mozda se usro

Edited by Synd

Nema tu nista vezano za nas mentalitet vec za mentalitet interneta i foruma gde je svako jak i svakome je pisa mnogo velika pa moze da se kurci jer zna da ga nece drmnuti neka pesnica iz monitora i sasuti mu sve zube niz grlo ( mlechne zube naravno ).

ovog dakija ovnuju svuda jebote
by Pesma-Mrtve-Dece
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Hvala na pomoci ;) Originalni vlasnik sam ja tako da ne bi trebalo da bude prevelik problem da ipak na kraju vratim account, takodje ja misim da imam neke prethodne game-cardove kojima je uplacivan account tako da bi to sve ukupno trebalo da bude dovoljno za govnare iz Blizzarda.

Znam za licnu kartu i to, mada im je skenirana slika manuala bila dovoljna prethodna 2 puta, tako da racunam da ce biti i ovaj put.

A secret answer cu promeniti cim mi stigne account jer je ocigledno da bas nemam srece u vezi hackova ;)

Znaci jos 2 nedelje mi ne ginu, pa dobro, strpljenje-spasenje...

Фак д пепси, фак д пица, ол ви нид из гибаница/шљивовица!!!

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jedino sto mozes sa secretom je da ga dobijes na mail na koji je registrovan acc ako posjhaljes licnu kartu

Ne slazem se sa tim. Pass dobijes ako znas secret question answer bez problema. Ako ne znas odgovor, tada saljes licnu kartu/pasos ili bilo kakvu drugu identifikaciju.

A i sto kaze moj drug Mikac - secret question answer se ne menja :)

Da ne davim previse

from	WoWgmEU@blizzard.com

to		Tvoj mejl

date	xxxxxxx

subject	WoW Blizzard Europe - Suspected Compromised Account

mailed-by	blizzard.com


Account Name : (TvojAkaunt)

This account has now been suspended following an incident of unauthorized access. This is a temporary suspension which prevents anyone else from accessing your account and is taken to protect you from the further loss of characters or items, while we investigate and take any actions needed. Due to the nature of World of Warcraft, it is not possible to restore a character or account from a ‘backup’ and as a result, our investigation needs to be detailed and thorough.

Your account may have been compromised using a Key Logger or Trojan virus which can be used to obtain the account name and password of World of Warcraft accounts used on that computer. We therefore need to verify that your computer is secure before asking you to confirm the account’s ownership.

Please make sure that you are using the most current routines for your anti-virus software.

If your virus detection software is not able to detect or clean the infected files, or if you do not have any virus detection software, then please try one of the following web-based virus scanners:


Panda ActiveScan - http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/activescan

Trend Micro Housecall - http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

McAfee FreeScan - http://us.mcafee.com/root/mfs/

Symantec - http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/home_homeoffice/index_virus.html

Kaspersky - http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner

Free anti-virus applications:

Avast! Home Edition - http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html

AVG - http://www.grisoft.com/


McAfee FreeScan - http://us.mcafee.com/root/mfs/

Please note that Key Loggers and Trojan viruses send information about your passwords to other people and should be considered a serious threat to the integrity of your account. If steps are not taken to remove any possible programs from your computer, it is highly probable that your account will become compromised once more.

Once you have performed the above steps, please use the webform to give us the following information at the address:


CD key: original WoW game CD-key (we cannot accept the Burning Crusade key for verification)

Account name: the account name you are using.

Name: the full name that the account was created with

Your secret question and answer

The Following Statement: "I have now checked the security of my computer, ensuring it is free of any viruses or key loggers and can confirm all appropriate precautions have been taken."

Please also supply us with the answers to the following questions:

  1.  When was the last time you logged in BEFORE you noticed the issue on your account?

  2. Could you indicate the names of the characters affected and name some of the major items, if any, that appear to be missing?

  3. Does the player suspect who accessed the account? If yes, who?

  4. Have you checked your PC for viruses and changed the password on your account?

If you need a reminder of your account's secret question, please do the following:

- Go to http://www.wow-europe.com/login-support/

- Press "Click here" on the page that appears.

- Provide your account name, and click continue.

You will now be asked your secret question.

If you cannot remember these details, or have lost or misplaced your CD key, we will also require:

- A fax, scan or digital image of nationally recognized photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport cards, library cards etc, as these are unsuitable for our needs).

This can be attached to the webform, or sent by fax with the account name, and your email address to 00 33 130 679 012 (with a Header Sheet marked for the attention of the Account Administration Team)

Once we have received these details and completed our investigation, we will unsuspend the account and return it to you with a new password and information about item and character reimbursement..

Thank you for your patience and understanding with regard to this matter.

Please do not reply to this email as you will receive an automated response.


English Game Master Team

Blizzard Entertainment Europe

Ovako ti izgleda mejl od blizzard-a.

Meni su vratili likove u roku od jednog dana. Naravno vratio sam brzo password tako sto sam koristio link http://www.wow-europe.com/login-support/ tj otisao sam odma na "Forgot your password?" ispod login-a http://www.wow-europe.com/account/ ukucao prvo username pa odgovor na tajno pitanje i dobio novu lozinku u mejlu. Nadam se da mejl jos uvek posedujes i da je tvoj a ne tudji.

Greska se desila trojancem koji su mi ubacili "ortaci" kada su instalirali OS sa novim kompom (igram od USA alpha/beta). Format i full reinstall je resio problem. Cak i kad si previse paranoidan desi se nesto sto najmanje ocekujes

Edited by drndara

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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Kol'ko ja znam, a i vidim, secret answer i password sada moze da se promeni (pogledajte njihov sajt), iako znam da pre nije moglo.

U svakom slucaju cu cekati jos 2-3 nedelje pa cemo videti.

Kol'ko ja znam, a i vidim, secret answer + question sada moze da se promeni (pogledajte njihov sajt), iako znam da pre nije moglo.

U svakom slucaju cu cekati jos 2-3 nedelje pa cemo videti.

Фак д пепси, фак д пица, ол ви нид из гибаница/шљивовица!!!

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Kol'ko ja znam, a i vidim, secret answer i password sada moze da se promeni (pogledajte njihov sajt), iako znam da pre nije moglo.

U svakom slucaju cu cekati jos 2-3 nedelje pa cemo videti.

Kol'ko ja znam, a i vidim, secret answer + question sada moze da se promeni (pogledajte njihov sajt), iako znam da pre nije moglo.

U svakom slucaju cu cekati jos 2-3 nedelje pa cemo videti.

Cekati 2-3 nedelje je ludost.


levo| Account and contact information


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To je sve.

Nigde nisam video change your secret question and answer.


Edited by drndara

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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Nije to u account managementu, nego kad ides na compromised accounts il' tako nesto, kao da prijavljujes hack i slicno, u dropdown meniju ima tipa da prijavis nesto, blablabla i medju opcijama ima change secret question and answer.

Фак д пепси, фак д пица, ол ви нид из гибаница/шљивовица!!!

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Nije to u account managementu, nego kad ides na compromised accounts il' tako nesto, kao da prijavljujes hack i slicno, u dropdown meniju ima tipa da prijavis nesto, blablabla i medju opcijama ima change secret question and answer.

To je onda super. Nisam to do sada video ;]

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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Nemoze i dalje da se menja, postoji to kao opcija u compromised acc's ali to u stvari neradi, ja sam pokusao pre ~mesec dana bas preko te opcije i lepo mi odgovorise da nepostoji ta mogucnost...mrzi me sad da trazim mail u kom su mi odgovorili ali bukvalno tako kazu ne postoji mogucnost da se menja, samo moze da ti ga posalju na mail ako im obezbedis licnu kartu/pasos.

P.S. sto se tice cekanja, ja sam u poslednjih 3-4 meseca contaktirao blizz vise puta zbog raznih akaunta koji su zaboravljali ili SA ili mail pass ili nesto trece i univerzalno resenje je slika licne ili pasosa, ako to imas onda mozes da resis sve probleme, makar nemao nista vise od info-a. ja sam im uvek slao po jedan mail, nisam ih smarao a cekanje je varilalo od nedelju dana do mesec.

Edited by Revenger
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Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we can not change the secret

question and answer, however if you wish us to provide you with the

answer to the secret question, please provide the following information

for account verification:

- Your account name

- Your full real name

- Your full address including postal or zip code

- Your full email address (currently registered on the account)

- The authentication key used to create the account

- The last 4 digits of the credit card used on the account plus the

expiration date OR the full gamecard code

To je ovaj odgovor, ne znam zaista zasto postoji ta opcija i u kojim slucajevima je primenjiva.

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Account mi je hackovan (ne znam kako, posto imam nekoliko antispyware, antivirus programa, nebitno uglavnom), i po standardnoj proceduri sam napisao mail Blizzardu preko webforma i objasnio stvar, prikacio i sliku manuala uz to (kao i prosla dva puta) ali nema nikakvog odgovora vec dve nedelje...

Ne znam sta si uradio :) ali evo i ja jednom liku zavrsavam account koji mu je hakovan nema odgovora 3 nedelje.... Pa sam bas pisao CM-u da ga pitam sta rade u tom departmentu za hacked accounts.... Evo odgovora:

Hi Stevan,

I wouldn’t be able to comment on why without checking with the managers of that department, but yes, there’s currently a delay on the handling of compromised accounts. One month sounds a bit much though, and should hopefully be an exception, not the rule.


***** *******

Community Manager, English

Blizzard Entertainment

Edited by Silencer
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Imao sam isti problem i naravno poslao sam web form sa attachovanim dokumentima (skeniran pasos kao i vozacka dozvola). Bio sam bez odgovora gotovo 40dana, e posle sam poceo da im saljem 10 mailova dnevno :) I konacno posle 50 dana su mi odgovorili.

Mada mi jos uvek nisu vratili gear.... Posle mesec dana nikakav kontakt od njih... Jbg makar sam vratio acc :)

Skeniraj pasos ili vozacku dozvolu i posaji im preko Web Forma da dokazes da si owner accounta. I jos ako se secas CD keyeva mozes i to da upsies u web form. :) Samo treba strpljenja jbg.

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