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Znaci, primetio sam da svi zivi na forumima koriste ovo......ne znam o cemu se radi....da li je neka fora sta je, izguglam i naletim na ovo :D


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!!!!11oneone is stupid.

The creation of the Internet caused a sea change in what is perceived as funny. With thousands of images, many of them jarring, blasting their way mercilessly into our collective psyches day after day, a human defense mechanism kicked in and started to do the only thing it could: laugh. Before the Internet, one could scarcely imagine that two fat hairy men dressed up as anthropomorphized bears banging each other in the ass could be perceived as funny - but such is the world in which we live, thanks, in large part, to the Internet.

One of the other things that has happened is the creation of what could be termed the "extreme meme," variations of which then become their own memes, or what you might refer to as the "extreme meta meme." One further level has come around of late, the "extreme meta-meta meme," and another level, the "extreme meta-meta-meta meme" is used by very few people. The Internet made it possible for memes to be passed around so quickly that they become universally adopted by anyone who uses the Internet regularly for no other purpose than to demonstrate that they use the Internet regularly. "!!!!11oneone" is one such example of an "extreme meta-meta meme."

This one started on IRC, where the overuse of exclamation points has long been a tacky indication that a user was an idiot with no sense of decorum - usually because they were new to the system and had not yet been thoroughly beaten down with nonstop derision from their fellow users. Conversations with newbies often look something like this:


<jaded> please leave

<noob> LOL!!!!

At some point in time, weary chatters decided that it might be funny in some situations to mock people by following their example, and indeed it was thus:

<bob> heh. george bush said "internets" in the debate last night


This, therefore, is our "extreme meme," universally understood by people who chat frequently to be mocking the idiotic people who use words like internets. Somewhere, somebody accidentally let go of the shift key, and thus was our first "extreme meta-meme" born:

<bob> i hate my boss


<tom> OMG!!!!11

Because the "1" was unintentional on Bob's part, Tom finds it funny, and uses it (twice, to emphasize that it is no longer accidental). And so does everyone else. And now, we have it - the "extreme meta-meme."

It seems, however, that this level of meta-meme is just not good enough for most people, and some creative soul somewhere came up with the notion that they could add one more level to this and it would now be REALLY funny because no one could possibly mistake THIS as an accident, and so it would just be confusing. Unless, of course, you were in the know. Thus was born the "extreme meta-meta meme."

<tom> OMGROFL!!!!11oneone

Some other 31337 h4x0r came up with one of the first "extreme meta-meta-meta memes" by adding a third "one" to the end, but purposefully mispelling it.

<mike> OMGWTFLOL!!!111oneoneoen

It's all very confusing and not funny in the least, we know.

!!!11one resih misteriju

Edited by Rshum.Travar

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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to objasnjenje koje si nasao nema veze sa vezom..

111 je stos iz igrica (pogotovu strategija), posto su ti obicno jedinice ili heroj ili formacija na broju 1 (tako je jednostavnije za igranje). Ljudi npr. lupe enter da bi poceli chat u igrici, al nesto iznenada (u igrici) pocne da se desava lose po tebe, i ti umesto da pises text koji si hteo pocnes da lupas po kecu da bi izabrao svoju formaciju/heroja i vratio ga na bezbedno mesto, zaboravljajuci da ti je ukljucen chat i da ustvari govoris "11111" svima s kojima igras, dok u igrici nema efekta to sto lupas po kecu.

a posto je shift kec znak uzvika onda ljudi cesto i to lupaju ili pridodaju kecu, ili pocnu da pisu i oneoneeleven da bi se sprdali. Ukratko to ti je gejmerski izraz za zajebavanje nubova, posto se njima najcesce desava da kucaju "11111" u sred partije u igrici (neko ih ubija :D).

Nadam se da je jasnije

ToSsGirL fighting ^^

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I kakve to veze ima sa uzvičnicima?

Postoje ljudi koji se prosto primaju na uzvičnike, pa se primaju na puno uzvičnika, pa drže shift+1 da bi ih ispisali što više. I onda je slučajno neko otpustio shift pre vremena i tako to ispade. One, eleven, stodvajestri je hiperbolisanje iz zajebancije, i to je ukratko cela priča. Koja nije iz strategija.

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Ja znam da je to kada dzhish dugo shift i znak uzvika i onda ti se omakne i izlete jedinice


I onda na kraju da se poveca sarkazam stavish velika slova i dodash oneoneeleven na kraju



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I kakve to veze ima sa uzvičnicima?

Postoje ljudi koji se prosto primaju na uzvičnike, pa se primaju na puno uzvičnika, pa drže shift+1 da bi ih ispisali što više. I onda je slučajno neko otpustio shift pre vremena i tako to ispade. One, eleven, stodvajestri je hiperbolisanje iz zajebancije, i to je ukratko cela priča. Koja nije iz strategija.

ok onda je 1111!!!!oneoneeleven iz igrica :D

ToSsGirL fighting ^^

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Ja oduvek rezonovao da je "11one" u stvari skraceno od jedanaest 1 tj. jednako "11111111111". Sa ovim na pocetku da "!!!!111" je pustanje shift-a logicno je da "!!!11one" bude "!!!11111111111" jer obicno tada prestane pritiskanje "1" na tastaturi :)

Eto jos jedna teorija davno izrecena u beskonacnim prostanstvima interneta.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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