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kimi, mamlaze

ne znam da l su nasi komentatori spominjali to, ali ferari ima neki automatski sistem koji zamenjuje lollipop man-a, pa je zato masa izleteo sutilu. a kimi je izleteo jer je zheljko.

nula preticanja je bilo, koja crna dobra staza..

zeljko? :)

a sta je bilo od price da ce se mozda oduzeti bodovi masi? da je zasluzio kaznu zar mu ne bi odmah lupili 10 sekundi prodjikroz il stagod





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Pa , ne bas . On se vratio ispred kimija , propustio ga da prodje i onda mu uleteo u zavetrinu . Na kraju pravca , kimi je opet bio drugi . Da nije sekao sikanu , ne bi mogao da udje u zavetrinu kimiju na tom pravcu , i ne bi mogao da ga obidje , bar jos nekoliko krivina . E sad da li je to kaznjivo , ne znam , al FIA ocito misli da jeste

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fia cak ne zna ni sta misli, jos tokom trke su iz mclarena pitali race directora charlie whitinga dal je ono sto je hamilton uradio u redu i dal treba da ponovo propusti kimija, i ovaj je rekao da je sve u redu

u svakom slucaju, iako se i meni cini da je potez bio ne bas u duhu pravila, ne znam odakle nadjose 25 sekundi za kaznu :/ i zanimljivo kako masa nije bio uopste kaznjen za mnogo gore prekrsaje sa kubicom u fujiu prosle godine

inace bas videh koji su stewardi bili zaduzni za odluku :D

The stewards who imposed a retrospective 25-second penalty against Lewis Hamilton two hours after he finished the Belgian GP in first place have been identified as Nicholas Deschaux, Surinder Thatthi and Yves Bacquelaine.

Of the three, Deschaux is arguably the most well known figure, albeit despite apparently having no experience of being a racing driver. The 37-year-old has spent his professional career in administration, and was appointed the President of the French Motorsport Federation last year after previously holding the position of legal director, executive vice president, and then general secretary within the body. It was Deschaux who announced earlier this year that the French GP had been given a reprieve and would remain at Magny-Cours for at least another year.

Thatthi is the chairman of the Confederation of African Countries in Motorsports who has only previously leapt to prominence when it was revealed that he had expressed formal concern about the long hair and scruffy look of four-time world rally champion Sebastien Loeb in May.

In an email to Morrie Chandler, the president of the World Rally Championship, that was leaked to Reuters, Thatthi complained: "I watched the WRC Mexico highlights last night and I have to voice my opinion on the poor appearance of Sebastien Loeb on WRC-TV".

"He was unshaven, scruffy looking and with unkempt hair! It is wrong....when the FIA gives him global TV coverage to millions of viewers and to many children worldwide he is a hero and role model.

"I know there is a level of personal freedom one is allowed but I feel he is taking this too far and someone should talk to him or his team about this."

Bacquelaine, meanwhile, is the chairman of 'Societe de Promotion du circuit de Spa-Francorchamps' - a position that apparently confers on him the position of race steward.

Edited by viljuska
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ja sam još uvek u šoku posle kimijeve bananerije u spau

i šteta što kiša pada na zanimljivim trkama, a dosadna sranja u mađarskoj i po bliskom istoku su bila suva ko barut. dobro, naravno da neće padati kiša u emiratima, ali u mađarskoj je baš mogla, a spa i silverston su baš mogli da budu suvi.

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Sto se mene tice , trebala bi svaka trka da bude po kisi , jos nisam gledao nijednu dosadnu kad je padala kisa , al ih je zato bilo takvih po suvom

A Vettel ce biti sampion za koju god , covek jednostavno vozi nenormalno dobro , a i polako stice iskustvo , jos mu samo neki malo brzi bolid fali , i kidace sve na stazi :)

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