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Stvarno je zarazno, a i pozamashan je demo, igrao sam preko sat vremena i ugasio igru al izgleda da nisam pri kraju demoa. Nego kako se izlazi iz dungeona? Jel ima neki kao kraj ili mora da se zagine da bih izneo item?

edit: na svakom 5. levelu ima izlaz, sad sam procitao na Steam forumu

Edited by 3LANCER

la estrella de la muerte

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Hero Core

Genre: Action/Adventure

Content: Mild fantasy violence

Grafika: predobro, minimalisicki

Muzika: Vrh :o!

Prica: Meh.



Flip Hero returns for the final battle against his nemesis, Cruiser Tetron - but can he really stop the reign of the machine warlord for all time? Like the first game, the graphics are black and white, the controls are simple and the gameplay is easy to learn. The nonlinear game world allows you to tackle the boss machines in nearly any order, or head straight for Tetron's headquarters if you're skilled enough.

po meni jedan od najboljih besplatnih naslova ove godine, inace pravio je onaj lik sto je pravio Iji

download: ovde!

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Tesla The Weather Man

Use weather control powers to stop Thomas Edison and his army of DC-powered robots!

You play as Nikola Tesla after the triumph of alternating current has sent Edison into a violent rage.

Use experimental technology to harness the power of lightning, flood valleys, freeze lakes, levitate boxes, and more in this historical parody puzzle platformer.


Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Obrnuo, sjajna platformska pucačina sa prelepim artsy dizajnom. Ono što mi se posebno svidelo je što su otvoreni nivoi sa više pravaca prolaza, i što postoje grappling hook a-la Trine i piston jump a-la UT koji mogu da posluže kao efektivno sredstvo u borbi, kao i za pimp jumpin po mapi.


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