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HD DVD is officially dead and gone


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The snow ball that started picking up speed and mass since Warner's announcement has now finally hit HD DVD and quickly buried it. Yes, Toshiba has now issued a statement saying that, after reviewing the possibilities, it has decided to no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders. The company will still provide support for owners of its HD DD products but that probably won't make adopters happy.

"We carefully assessed the long-term impact of continuing the so-called 'next-generation format war' and concluded that a swift decision will best help the market develop," said Atsutoshi Nishida, President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation. "While we are disappointed for the company and more importantly, for the consumer, the real mass market opportunity for high definition content remains untapped and Toshiba is both able and determined to use our talent, technology and intellectual property to make digital convergence a reality."

From this moment on Toshiba plans to stop delivering HD DVD players and recorders by the end of March. There you have it, this format war is over and Blu-Ray is the winner. Now can we get some cheaper BD drives?


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mozda mu je kuciste interesatno oblikovano (kao MINI recimo olololo!!!1`1~) pa bi ti se fino uklopilo u sobu?

ono sto mene ischudjava u toj prichi je toshibin whine "omg gashenjem proizvodnih kapaciteta za hddvd stuff izgubitjemo silne pare" a u pitanju je cifra manja od 200 miliona sto je za megakonglomerat toshibinog kalibra like ispod 10% godishnjeg prihoda...ok zajebali su se, ali misliti/predstavljati da ce to da ih nesto ultra pogodi je malo nerealno...besides, nece oni da bace te fabrike i mashine u djubre...siguran sam da znaju japanci kako da iskoriste dobar deo toga =o)

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Ali definitivno mi je sve jasnija ona priča da je MS namerno gurao HD-DVD i davao mu pare iako je znao da će na kraju ovaj propasti. Mis'im, pogledajte Xbox 360, nikad se nije pojavila sama konzola koja ima HD-DVD već odvojeni drajvovi, a logično je da ubaciš u svoju konzolu HD ako ga podržavaš kad ti glavni konkurent izda rešenje sa Blu Ray-em.

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zanimljivo je sto CEO tosibe izjavljuje da su sve do januara dok ih nije ispalio vorner bili na dobrom mestu... sto je jel bulshit :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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