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Wrath Of The Lich King

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pa ceo topic je offtopic od starta, mislim, decko je otvorio topic za pricu o "ekspanziji" za koju se ne zna ni kada izlazi, za koju nije krenula ni beta, mislim, zaista...

Pa? Što bi moralo da se zna kada izlazi da bismo mi nagadjali i palamudili o tome?

Inače, evo jedan cookie unapred. Prva instanca zove se Utgarde keep, što je posveta piscu Džinu Vulfu i njegovom Wizard Knight/Knight Wizard serijalu. Prestona tvrdjava zimskih divova u knjigama zove se, jelte, Utgarde.

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Inscription is a profession which will be introduced in the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Inscription will allow players to augment the cooldown, damage, or mechanics (stun, knock back, DoT, HoT, etc.) of a spell. It will have two aspects: augmentation of abilities and spells with the creation of a new type of item ("scrolls," for example, from ink, paper, and other reagents or some other item which has not yet been revealed). [1]

Inscribing abilities for other characters will involve the creation of Inscription Scrolls which can be traded, bought, or sold at the auction house in the same manner as other items. [2]

Those who don't purchase the expansion will be able to use items created by an inscriber, but only those players who purchase Wrath of the Lich King will be able to learn Inscription as a profession.


Official examples

Backstab could be enhanced to crit more often.

Shadow Bolt could be enhanced to do additional damage.

Frost Nova could have larger range or longer duration.

Fireball could be enhanced to also cause a knockback effect. (This was an off-the-cuff example given by one of the panelists that, while cool, is not likely to happen, given Blizzard's unwillingness to give players knockback abilities (see The Unstoppable Force) [3]



It is expected that the Inscription profession trainer will be found in the Alliance and Horde towns in Northrend, though there has been no official statement about that as of yet.

Inscription trainers will also probably appear in the capital cities, as having the trainers be limited to Northrend would effectively mean you could not easily learn Inscription until about level 70, which is highly unlikely.

wowwiki is your friend ;o)


haha preteche me failure...sto samo znachi da josh vishe ljudi kritikuje tvoju lenjost ;o)))

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