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Top 15 frags 2007

Dejan J.

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Danas je okacen na net novi cs film mojih najboljih 15 fragova u 2007 godini.

15 mesto - rur1 vs rur6 (mix mech sa pocetka rur gathera)

14 mesto - pcw vs sbc

13 mesto - vs pak turnir u sapcu

12 mesto - vs SPG esl international ladder

11 mesto - vs nxs turnir u sapcu

10 mesto - vs sfa eswc qualy

9 mesto - vs 4gl turnir u kragujevcu

8 mesto - vs 4gl turnir u kragujevcu

7 mesto - vs XII storm soldiers liga

6 mesto - vs eu4ia storm soldiers liga

5 mesto - vs Hs+ turnir u vrbasu

4 mesto - vs 4gl wcg qualy

3 mesto - vs cotp esl internatioal ladder

2 mesto - vs Impress(ex reset iz litvanije) intel extreme master qualy

1 mesto - vs eu4ia storm soldiers liga

Velicina - 115mb

Trajanje - 3:30

Film napravio - RavenTL

link za download - http://files.filefront.com/Dejan+J+Top+15+...;/fileinfo.html






Molio bih sada svim ljudima sto sam komentarisao filmove da ostave komentar hvala.

Edited by Dejan J.


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po ss mi se cini da je extra :D evo skida se pa ce se baci koji hejt

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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  InfernOwn said:
Nisi trebao da stavish naziv klipa : Top 15 frags , nego jednostavno : Dejan J.'s Movie ili tkao neshto, poshto nemam uopshte pregled kad je koj frag...

a i pola ubistva u filmu nisu za 'top'...

ima gore levo pri pocetku svakog fraga (pogledaj zadnji ss na stranici stoji 15 u onom krugu..)

Edited by Dejan J.


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ti si moj idol


i ja sam se zajubio

ali sam popusio kurac :p


e jbg :/


rsmo ::)

ali nije bitnoooo



opushteno, chekaj da milki raskine sa devojkom

pa smuvaj njega





nemoj puno da razmishljash samo

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Evo odgledah film, pa da bacim utiske, dakle:


1.Muzika je sranje :)

2.Moglao je raven da ubaci pauzu izmedju svakog "mesta", tako da broj ide preko celog ekrana pa onda sledeci frag, jer ovako sve izgleda nekako nabacano i 2fast.

3.Pirates of cs lol, al razumem, tako vam se zove produkcijska kuca ili sta vec :)


1.Fragovi, ali opet ponavljam sve mi je nekako ubrzano previse, pa sam morao da premotavam pojedine situacije.

2.Nema previse efekata

gj RavenTL i EMOlate.Dejan :)

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film je simpa, fragovi su isto ql, samo po meni br1 ne zasluzuje 1 pre toga si imao i bolje :D

a sto se tice kritika mogu se sloziti sa nikolom..

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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meni su efekti taman kako treba, nit previshe napadno nit previshe obichno. muzika chista desetka, bash podseca na olskul cs filmove pre nego shto su pocheli da ubacuju tehno sranja. fragovi nisu loshi ali nisu ni neshto specijalno, al s'obzirom kolko se kod nas igra kapiram da boljih nije ni moglo da se sakupi za godinu dana. sve u svemu jak vrlo dobar :)

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