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Doneo mi buraz neku USB i na njemu virus.Naime poklekao sam najnoobijoj gresci...Nisam skenirao fajl...Sta se desilo:

Uz dva klipa koja mi je iskopirao iskopirao je i neki exe fajl koji kad je startovao otvorio je my documents...I dobio od mene po glavi.Nasao sam neki inetinfo.exe u task manageru i kad god ukucam u google.com komp mi se rebutuje.Takodje mi je disableovao opciju Folder Options tako da ne mogu da ukljucim da vidim skivene foldere (ima je u toolbaru ali ne radi,tj ne reaguje na klik).Takodje mi u all programs>start up ubaci batch fajl empty.exe. Uspeo sam u safe modu da obrisem inetinfo.exe i neki vdriver.exe (ne znam cemu sluzi ali je otisao xD).Zanima me sledece:

1. Da li je neko imao susreta sa ovim virusom i kako ga se otarasio

2. Posto sad skidam NOD32,rekose mi da ce ocistiti,da li ce mi vratiti opciju Folder Option posto mi se ne reinstalira win ni malo u ovom trenutku... [:(!]


Ohoho updejt

Disablovan mi je i ovaj regedit...Znaci poludeo sam...Sad mi se rebutovao pc u sred downloada...-_-

Nasao sam i link ka tome...



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Disejblujes ga i obrises iz registija pa iz windows\system32

nije potrebna AV intervencija.

Mali savet...iskljuci autoplay, dosta pomaze, inace cim se utakne usb ode mas u propas

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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12/24/2007 3:40:10 PM Real-time file system protection file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\winlogon.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Event occurred during an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\winlogon.exe.

12/24/2007 3:37:13 PM Real-time file system protection file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\inetinfo.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Event occurred during an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\inetinfo.exe.

12/24/2007 3:35:03 PM Real-time file system protection file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\inetinfo.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Event occurred during an attempt to access the file by the application: C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\inetinfo.exe.

12/24/2007 3:28:58 PM Startup scanner file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\lsass.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:58 PM Startup scanner file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\services.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:57 PM Startup scanner file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\winlogon.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:53 PM Startup scanner file C:\WINDOWS\eksplorasi.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:52 PM Startup scanner file C:\Documents and Settings\Satan\Local Settings\Application Data\smss.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:51 PM Startup scanner file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLNEW\sempalong.exe Win32/Brontok.AQ worm cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

12/24/2007 3:28:50 PM Startup scanner file C:\WINDOWS\system32\vdriver.exe Win32/TrojanDownloader.Banload.CEW trojan cleaned by deleting - quarantined EVIL\Satan

To je to..NOD32 ga ubio.


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