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G7 announce Players Contract and Appendix

Written by Malystryx in scene 6 hours ago (11 comments) | Tagged in: g7 announces contracts


The G7 release fill in the blank contracts for team organizations to use to contract players as well as an appendix to clarify any legal issues.


The G7 has released a fill in the blank contract with the aim to help E-Sports players as well as organizations become more professional. An appendix is also available which will "clarify the legal status externally".

These contracts are free and available to any team or player who wishes to download them, also "any player or team using the Contract or Appendix can count on the G7 Teams to support their efforts in honouring their contracts internally and externally."

If your still a little bemused & confused over what exactly this means here is what Sam Matthews Fnatic's CEO had to say on the topic in a recent video interview:

"To put out a contract which is based on the FIFA contract for players which will allow basically a fill in the blanks contract for any team organization to contract players"

"The idea is to put out a contract which is based on the FIFA contract for players which will allow basically a fill in the blanks contract for an team organization to contract players, it'll be a contract that is recognised by all the g7 teams as a valid contract.

It is something which I think is very necessary for the whole of E-sports is that players become more professional and organizations become more professional.

The players know what they are getting into because it is an official document, they don't need to get this 10 page document which could be signing their life away. It is something all the G7 teams use therefore they can trust it and that is what I want to stress it is for everybody easy of understanding so that if I see that their using a G7 contract I know what constraints it has in it and when we can do a deal or whether we have to buy them out etc... Its an official thing"

For those interested:

G7 Player Contract (with Insurance)

G7 Player Contract (without Insurance)

G7 Appendix and Interactive PDF

kopirano sa SK : http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/15349-G7_...ct_and_Appendix

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How much money did you pick up over the course of your career?

My guess is as good as yours, but according to Wikipedia:

Team winnings: #16 - 1.places

#9 - 2.places

#7 - 3.places

Total known ~ $339,800.

That’s not included salary over 4 years. It didn’t make me rich, but I’ve always been able to eat and drink what I please, when I please.



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