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Muzika za trchanje


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ja nemam tematsku muziku (osim mozda na relacijama srecan-tuzan), slusam ono sto mi se slusa tada, nevezano za aktivnost.

ali ako ste tematski opredeljeni, moze aj of d tajgr, ali ja bi pre push it to the limit na repeat:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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pa jedan moj ortak mi je rekao da mu pesma numb(da numb od LP-a) dize adrenalin... zavisi sta se coveku svidja... cak mi se desilo da sam slusao betovenovu mesecevu sonatu dok sam vozio bajsikl ovog leta...

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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postoji Nike + Original Run projekat od prošle godine gde su iscimali izvođače kao lcd soundsystem, the crystal method, aesop rock, ne znam da li još nekoga, da prave 45-minutne workout pesme tj. setove.. krenuo sam da pišem detalje ali kapiram da će biti jasnije ako samo pejstujem ovo:

i was asked to do a 45 minute long (mostly) intrumental song for nike’s ‘original run’ series. i wouldnt call it my first intrumental album as i kind of approached it differently then i would a true inst album, but it is primarily intrumental, with some areas of vocals. this project has lots of live intrumentation, bass, guitars, keys, etc., and really has a consistently changing sound. there were a couple rules to follow, as i kinda had to make something that was as ‘functional’ as it was kinda cool to listen to. it really runs the gamut from super light and almost ambient to pretty dark and tuff, to eerie, to funky, etc etc. I really got to try things i dont think i would have ever tried elsewhere on this thing. dj big wiz does cuts throughout. allyson baker (former parchman farm member) plays guitar a lot. also, the music will come with a ‘digital booklet’ featuring 6 photos by the lovely and talented chrissy piper. should be available thru itunes feb 13th if youre interested. heres a snippet from the press release that went out:


Joining the ranks of renowned artists The Crystal Method and LCD Soundsystem, MC/Producer Aesop Rock has joined forces with Nike to release an original composition in the third installment of the “Nike + Orignal Run” series, available exclusively in the Nike Sport Music store on iTunes. All Day: Nike + Original Run, a 45-minute continuous mix, was created specifically with runners in mind and reflects Aesop Rock’s distinct and unique style. “I wanted to create something that evolved enough that the sound was constantly fresh and attractive, as if the runner were moving through a set of differing cities or landscapes.”

slušao sam LCD i Aesop trake i kul su, mada nisam vežbao trčao uz njih :) mogao bih da okačim ako ima zainteresovanih i ako se ne može izguglati mp3ojka..

Edited by maha
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voleo bi da cujem to... crystal method i ovako ima dobre pesme... mislim dobre za trcanje npr

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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Ja slusam kad trcim house, ali mnogo vise trance nekako mi vise prija. Jednom sam probao i sa domacim densom iliti brzim 90-tim i moram priznati nije bilo lose, dobijes na brzini malo!!! [:D][:D][:D]

da nisi uz W-ice & Power Team - Gde Si Ti? [:D]

Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće.


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Ovo je za nekog ko zna da trci i ima kondicije, znaci nije za papane koji ne mogu da se popnu na svoj sprat u zgradi vec koriste lift:

Crystal Method - High roller--- krenete lepo da trcite sa 50% snage i tako celu ovu stvar pa prebacujete na Trip Like I Do i krecete da ubrzavate do 75% i onda na prelazu na 03:25 grunete lepo 101% i tako dok vam noge odjednom ne postanu preteske i ne mogu da prate telo i onda lepo stanete, izduvate se, odmorite se, pa ponovo krenete opusteno sa Busy Child-om sa 50% snage i pred kraj ubrzavate na 75% i prebacujete na Keep Hope Alive i onda na 00:42 idete opet 101% i kad opet stanete sledeci put idete fatboy slim - right here right now sa prelazom na deadly force - last resort, pa onda sledece krecete Hans Zimmer - Now we are free sa prelazom na Might of Rome i za kraj idete clubbed to death sa prelazom na requiem for a dream (orchestral version)

Mozete da ubacujete i Indianu Dzonsa i Supermana i little less conversation, push upstairs,born slippy, smack my bitch up, cowgirl, king of snake,tomas shumacher -when I rock, chemical brother - the test, moby-in my heart, spybreak, Mirwais- Disco Science, oasis fucking in the bushes... mnogo ima...

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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Oduvek sam zeleo da imam neku muziku uz trcanje... ali posto trcim napolju na stazi (znaci ne idem u teretani) i nemam "opremu" za slusanje muzike nekako sam navikao da trcim bez... i sad, nekad je ok, ali nekad jako ume da smori posto dosta bas trcim (vise od sat vremena). Pitanje moje.. posto mogu tada da slusam muziku s telefona, jel postoje neke torbice, futrole one fensi varijante koje se stavljaju na ruke (oko bicepsa valjda) za telefone? konkretno za k750i SE.

Get smart or die dumb!

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to postoji al je pitanje dal ima i dal tjesh kod nas natji za tvoj taj fontele .. mozhda ti je najsigurnije da ujurish za ipod tu stvar pa ako pasuje pasuje, a ako ne uvek mozhesh da nabacish neku vetju znojnicu i u nju zadenesh telefon, tako sam ja dodushe sa usbom.

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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muzika za trchanje silent hill sountrack [:D]

shift - decadens,dead meat part 2,sirius problem (menog remix)

pitch hikers - wormhole

slug - second day

twisted system - razor,mad minor,outher dementia,daorithe,ai

kada se naviknete na 145 tempo i svaki pad u pesmi ce vam dobro doci za odmor,jer ce vam iziskivati josh vishe snage za josh vece peglanje,mad minor ima samo na pochetku i kraju te padove za odmor tako da nju stavite negde na sredinu kada i imate i nemate snage [:D]

Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće.


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