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south park

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Ja serije skidam sa http://eztvefnet.org/frontpage.php

torenti su u pitanju :D

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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pa potrosili su sve kreativne ideje, jedino im je pljuvanje ostalo, ali ne zameram jer materijala ima. epizoda mi je genijalna, ovo kad rendi sere. jel ima neko skila da napravi gif od one scene kad se osere na kraju pa se vrti u krug do vrha? onako da se popne gore pa dole i tako u loop.

hutch hutch huuuuutch! zakon :)

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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ahahaha genijalna epizoda, obozavam kad pocnu tako na izgled besmislene dogadjaje i onda samo polako pocinju da se redjaju hejtovi. osecam da ce sledeca biti jos bolja. skontao sam uglavnom sve ali ono na kraju nisam bas, koga kartman predstavlja u kamionu? po odeci mi lici na ramba iz prvog filma

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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