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- Californication - (nova serija na Showtimeu)


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ljudi moji, ja postajem preveliki fan ove serije, to ne može da valja!

The Internet was supposed to set us free, democratise us, but all it's really given us is Howard Dean's aborted candidacy and 24-hour a day access to kiddie porn. People... They don't write anymore, they blog; instead of talking, they text -- no punctuation, no grammar, "LOL-this" and "LMFAO-that." You know, it just seeems to me that it's just a bunch of stupid people pseudo-communicating with a bunch of other stupid people in a proto-language

that resembles more what cavemen used to speak than the King's English.

inače, showtime je već naručio drugu sezonu.

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ne slazem se sa tom internet pricom. uzeli su samo lose stvari i od toga napravili hejt. jos kad vidis od koga te reci dolaze...

internet jeste dao slobodu, vecu nego sto ce rl ikada dati, a nisu svi napisali knjigu zaradili milione pa sad mogu da zive jebuci i hejtovaci. nek se drze lepo sisa i bice fino.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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to što smo ti i ja zaista obogatili život uz pomoć interneta ne menja činjenicu da 90% korisnika nije evoluiralo dalje od kvazi-komunikacije na majspejsu. a i deo za gramatiku pogađa pravo u centar, zaista je engleski jezik unazađen internet akronimima i sličnim stvarima.

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hm, prcao je njegovu ex.Očekivao sam da to čuvaju za kraj, tako bi bilo najbolje jer je sve više i više bila privlačnija i jebozovnija kako ga je odbijala.Sada če napraviti špansku seriju kada joj se vrati verenik

edit by uprava

ne, nije apsolutno 100% implicirano da se to dogodilo




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