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PTR 2.2.0 Patch


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Tema je PTR patch 2.2.0, nije ko je retard na wow forumu ili koja je klasa jaca / slabija ;) Priznajem moze malo da se prepucavamo 2-3 posta al ne i dve stranice i da tema ode offtopic :P ostavite to za wow pricajte. Da ne kenjam mnogo, mada mi se stvarno kenja irl trenutno vracam temu di joj je mesto :)

PTR Issues - No Guild Banks/Zul'Amman in 2.2

Being PTRs, you would expect 'issues' to be present so to keep you all up to date with any problems there is a thread on-going on the Blizz boards highlighting some of the probs that are popping up.

An interesting note on this list is that Guild Banks and Zul'Amman will not be appearing on the PTR 2.2 realms or the final patch. Looks like we'll have to hang on for those but we'll no doubt get more information regarding these at BlizzCon next week.


Because of the very high level of interest in pre-made characters for the PTR they copy systems is very busy, the queues are very long and may take several days before your character is available. We are aware of this and the only solution is to be patient.

If you get an error when trying to copy a pre-made it is because the queue is full and not taking more requests, try again later.

Pre-made gear and abilities

We are aware that some pre-made characters are missing abilities, or have abilities that they should not. We do not intend to make changes to the pre-made characters at this time in the test phase.


The authentication server was updated with account information at the beginning of last week. If you have changed your password since the update it will not work on the PTR, you may be able to use an old password on the PTR but there is no guarantee that it will work.

Error 132 with Athlon Processors

We are aware of this issue and it is being investigated, Please be sure to submit any crash logs that you encounter while playing on the PTR.

Orc Shoulders (smorilisu sovim)

Orc shoulders are now the correct size, they are not any larger than they were before, it’s your imagination.

Voice Chat:

Yes Voice Chat is planned for 2.2. No it is not available yet. When it is available expect an announcement because we intend to do a lot of testing on it.

Guild Banks and Zul'Amman

The new features mentioned in recent developer interviews are planned for a future patch, they will not be part of 2.2.

Thrall and Jaina Hotfix

A hot fix has been deployed. Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore now have more hit points in Hyjal instance.

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Da, ja stvarno mislim da warriori mogu da dobiju lockove!

edit: Scione, sto si tard? Ne mozes da poredis warlocka na 60 gde su sa novim talentima 4 dota STVARNO MOGLA da ubiju nesto bez icega drugog i na 70 lvlu!

Nah killigora sam ubio fear spamom i wandom .

Sada uzmem ortakovog warlocka spam fearujem i 5 dotova i kajtuje unaokolo ... onda sa gnomom dodjem im na lesh i radim /dance .

Zul aman ce da bude pro ... kao zul gurub kapiram ... sto je fina promena .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Da idi sad spamuj fear...a mozes i da ih drainujes po 700, ili koliko ono vec bese?

Killy-to stvarno nije izgovor :D

netreba ti izgovor da sa warriorom izgubis od locka ... jednostavno mozes samo da se nadjas da ce da dodje neki healer da te spasi muka

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Warlock je i tada bio overpowered classa to je tacno ali ni blizu koliko je sada :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Meni ako se lock trgne na 3-4-5 sec ja sam najebao, izdotovace me i sta onda :P

Lock je imo sada op klasa protiv drugih castera, physical dmg ih pojede mnogo lako, svi lockovi nose fel armor, a sa njim nemaju ni po 1k armora, imba dmgez lewl

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inace mozes uzeti premade chars.ovde:http://www.wow-europe.com/ptr/character-copy.html?_page=1&premade=true

ili ovde : http://www.wow-europe.com/ptr/character-copy.html

Average Wait Time: 4 days

omg position in queue : 480

ljudi.. prebacite premade warriora na PTR.. NIJEDA klasa nemoze da me ubije a pogotovo ne lock! (ako koristim medalion of teh horde.. to mi daje : dispels poly and all effects that prevents you to control your character.. tu spada i death coil.. tako da sagnite glavu i /beg @ warrior) naravno sve zavisi od resilenca.. ima lock sa 300 resilencom i samo fear spamm dotovi i drain..

inace koristim deep thunder..

Edited by cika kure
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@scion:e a sta bi bilo da mi se za promenu malo skines sa kurca i da bacis neko konstruktivno objashnjenje osim cistog vredjenja i tako ispraznis svoju frustraciju igrom u kojoj ti svi metju a?

a otkada ti smatras da razum moze da utice na njega? :D

lol 3 dana treba da se prebace likovi ...

narvano uzeo sam gnom maga i warriora [:D]

i ud locka i dorf prista [:)]

i prebacio sam na pve server jer je na pvp full uvek i ping je 500 :s

zna se koje su tr00 rase :) :) :)

Edited by L'Italiano
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Za Warlocke ti ne treba razum Gajo vec samo "burte force!" ... Vidis i da hoce da my se skinemo sa kurca = ne moze da spamuje fear po tastaturi s istim !

Dwarf = tr00 , gnome = izbljuvak .

Jebote ladno mi nisu dali da prebacim premade charove ... napravio sam bash BE loladina ~_~

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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jebote koliko noobova na PTR .....kopiram druida iz zajebancije i odem u durotar. Duelujem t6 locka i bez ijednog addona i talenata nije mogao da me ubije dok nije ukapirao da treba da mi drainuje manu lol

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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jebote koliko noobova na PTR .....kopiram druida iz zajebancije i odem u durotar. Duelujem t6 locka i bez ijednog addona i talenata nije mogao da me ubije dok nije ukapirao da treba da mi drainuje manu lol

success :D

Edited by L'Italiano
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Dreinovao je 690po ticku jer nije imao dovoljno velik kurac da dobro spamuje fear .

PTR sux koliko laguje ... 550 latency ... pff

Inache blood elf sux .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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