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Trans atlantic MagLev (vacuum tube train)


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Vacuum Tube Train

A 4,000-mph magnetically levitated train could allow you to have lunch in Manhattan and still get to London in time for the theater, despite the 5-hour time difference. It’s not impossible: Norway has studied neutrally buoyant tunnels (concluding that they’re feasible, though expensive), and Shanghai is running maglev trains to its airport. But supersonic speeds require another critical step: eliminating the air—and therefore air friction—from the train’s path. A vacuum would also save the tunnel from the destructive effects of a sonic boom, which, unchecked, could potentially rip the tunnel apart.

What: Submerged OCEANIC tunnel and supersonic train

WHERE: New York – London

Cost: $88 billion – $175 billion

Crux: Neutrally buoyant vacuum tunnel submerged 150 to 300 feet beneath the Atlantic’s surface and anchored to the seafloor, through which zips a magnetically levitated train at up to 4,000 mph.

The idea is as wondrous as it is audacious: Get on a train at New York City’s Penn Station and hit Paris, London or Brussels just an hour later. “From an engineering point of view there are no serious stumbling blocks,” says Ernst Frankel, retired professor of ocean engineering at MIT.

As envisioned by Frankel and Frank Davidson, a former MIT researcher and early member of the first formal English Channel Tunnel study group, sections of neutrally buoyant tunnel submerged 150 to 300 feet beneath the surface of the Atlantic, then anchored to the seafloor—thereby avoiding the high pressures of the deep ocean. Then air would be pumped out, creating a vacuum, and alternating magnetic pulses would propel a magnetically levitated train capable of speeds up to 4,000 mph across the pond in an hour. As Frankel and Davidson say, it’s doable. “We lay pipes and cables across the ocean every day,” says Frankel. “The Norwegians recently investigated submerged, floating tunnels for crossing their deep fjords, and were only held back by the costs.”

Ah, the costs: Estimates range from $25 million to $50 million per mile. Another hurdle: safety. But Davidson believes a test case might mitigate concerns. “Maybe a tunnel across Lake Ontario would show how it reacts to dynamic conditions and give us a better understanding of the costs,” he muses. “A transatlantic tunnel will be done. We just have to be as interested in it as we are in getting to the Moon.”

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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vidi ti ove mashince sta sve znaju:)...btw, gledao sam neku emisiju o ovome...tipa za ceo tunel bi im trebalo vishe chelika nego sto sve zelezare na svetu proizvedu za godinu dana...ne znam koliko bi se ovaj poduhvat isplatio i ne verujem da ce se skorije odluciti da ga rade...za 100 godina mozda:)


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Gledao sam skoro o ovome na Discovery-ju. Ako se ne varam, rekli su da bi voz trebao da ide min. 6000 km/h... A mozhda i greshim...

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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Da al nemogu da teleportuju mozak zato im neide to sa teleportom.A tunel neverujem da ce ikad napraviti jel bi trebalo 783587438 godina da bi se isplatilo i kako bi ga odrzavali ide cika u astronautskom odelu sa shravcigerom po tunelu i popravlja lol

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Isplatljivost jednog ovakvog projekta nije laka za racun. Ne gleda se tu samo cena karte za prevoz, postoje indirektni prihodi samim tim sto se skracuje vreme transporta. Drugo, veliki projekti kao sto je ovaj bi bio drustveno koristan, pa samim tim bi u igri bio "drugaciji" novac, itd. itd. A realno je i to da sto kasnije projekat pocne to ce biti jeftiniji ili ce se pronaci neko bolje resenje.


nema vise zezanja


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