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3:10 TO YUMA


Ugh, kako retardiran, uvredljivo glup i besmislen film. Džabe Kristijan, džabe Rasel, ovo je trebalo da bude čist slam dunk a nekako su uspeli da zaseru... [xx(]

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Odgledao sam Ratatui i treci deo Pirata sa Kariba. Oba filma su odlichna ali mi se kod drugog ne svidjaju neki elementi njegovog kraja, na primer ono zablokiranje lorda beketa prilikom napada kada gine...inache je sve ostalo super

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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next, otprilike to bi bila kao neka meshavina dana mrmota i baterflaj efekta samo shto operacija nije uspela, pacijent je umro.

elem nije sve tako crno, moze se pogldati da se prekrati vreme, posle onog sranja sa helrajderom kako se vec zvashe, ova uloga kejdza je za tri oskara, shto opet ne znachi da je on ovde neshto ispao mega. takodje se u maloj epizodi pojavljuje i sergej trifunovic, igra zlog snajperistu, ima chak i jedan lajn koji glasi "a u pichku materinu":)) kraj je jebeni lol, vidise sa pochetka filma, to je mozda njegov najveci problem.

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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Pogledao Ratatouille i mislio sam da ce biti sranje ali extra je. Ona scena na kraju, kad kriticar proba jelo je vrh.

E sada sto se tice Dan-a Mrmota , o boze..... koliko dobar film.

Mogu samo reci da mene telefon budi ovako:

Then put your little hand in mine

There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb


I got you babe I got you babe

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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Night at the Museum



User Rating: 6.5/10


ono.. ima karakteristike tipichnog americhkog filma..

al i dalje je svidljiv..


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Zadnjih mesec-dv gledam iskljucivo wuxia filmove kako starije tako i novije

Five Deadly Venoms

Zu Warriors from the magic mountain

I jos gomila, ova dva su me se dojmila :)

Pored njih i sve nove popularne wuxie tipa hero, pritajeni, kuca letecih bodeza, pa cak i kungfu hustle

Moram priznati da uzivam :)



You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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vidim svi pljuju highlander the source , reko, ma jebesh ga, taman da ubijem koji sat. Ocaj, izgasio sam posle 15 min...

edit , ratatouille je super :P

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Zadnjih mesec-dv gledam iskljucivo wuxia filmove kako starije tako i novije

Five Deadly Venoms

Zu Warriors from the magic mountain

I jos gomila, ova dva su me se dojmila :)

Pored njih i sve nove popularne wuxie tipa hero, pritajeni, kuca letecih bodeza, pa cak i kungfu hustle

Moram priznati da uzivam :)



Ta tri popularna su sam vrh tih filmova hero, pritajeni i KLB i meni se isto mnogo svidjaju. Lepo je pogledati ih sve zajedno. Koji je tebi od ta tri najbolji ili ako nije od ta tri koji bi izdvojio da ti je najbolji? MEni su ta tri imba i stvarno sam razmisljao koji bi mi bio najbolji i nikako ne mogu da se odlucim, oo cas Hero ( kako brz mac) , pa onda Pritajeni (mozete me zvati Li Mu Bai) pa opet kad pogledam KLB (scene su impresivne i ona Ziji Zang super odradila). Mozda bi Hero izdvojio za dlaku samo zbog onih jednobojnih scena koje su vrh, ono cas je sve u crvenom, pa u plavom,zutom...

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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Zapravo u ovim novijum wuxiama, nije bas poenta u borbama (u kojima svi jelte uzivamo :D ) koliko u Ziyi Zhang, kao i suptilnim filozofskim porukama :)

Sa te strane svaki mi je sjajan, ali Hero bih izdvojio jer moze dosta covek da ukapira. A i da gleda Ziyi Zhang kao i bijenja :D

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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28 weeks later i death proof.koliko nasilja:)28 weeks later mi se mnogo vise svideo,iako nije tako dobar kao 28 days later,koji mi je iz nekog razloga jedan od najboljih horora ikad.death proof mi je nekako praznjikav sta ja znam,ima riba ima scena,ali nije toto.

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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Zapravo u ovim novijum wuxiama, nije bas poenta u borbama (u kojima svi jelte uzivamo :D ) koliko u Ziyi Zhang, kao i suptilnim filozofskim porukama :)

Sa te strane svaki mi je sjajan, ali Hero bih izdvojio jer moze dosta covek da ukapira. A i da gleda Ziyi Zhang kao i bijenja :D

Da, to za Heroja si lepo rekao jer ja retko koga znam da je ukapirao Heroja. Kad ljudi ne znaju i kad su plitki i ti ih pitas da li su gledali Heroja i da ti kazu sta misle a oni kazu "ala je ono glupo i nerealno ,svi lete i tuku se u vazduhu, glup film" ili " ala je extra jako,oni lete i tuku se i on sam dobije njih hiljadu, bas mi se svidza" a niko od njih nije pratio radnju filma i pokusao da shvati film.

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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sta bre ima da se shvati? da je u pitanju preprichavanje jedne od najpoznatijih kineskih legendi uradjene kao color-coded ripoff rashomona? u tom filmu je vizuelni element alfa i omega, (i da, ziyi kao jedn od delova istog, pogotovo u crvenoj varijanti ;o)) ko ne "shvati" film je intelektualna ameba

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sta bre ima da se shvati? da je u pitanju preprichavanje jedne od najpoznatijih kineskih legendi uradjene kao color-coded ripoff rashomona? u tom filmu je vizuelni element alfa i omega, (i da, ziyi kao jedn od delova istog, pogotovo u crvenoj varijanti ;o)) ko ne "shvati" film je intelektualna ameba

Pozdrav Kole Prime, osecam da si ti pogledao filmova onoliko koliko imas postova.

Ja znam mozda 2-3 coveka koja su pogledala Roshomona i koja posle filma nisu znala gde se nalaze a kamoli nekom da dam Roshomona da gleda, bilo bi odmah reply: " japanski a jos crno beli ,LOL, nema sanse da gledam" ili " kineski a jos crno beli ,ROFL, nema sanse da gledam". I roshomon i heroj nisu istu ali ima slicnosti. I heroj je vizuelno IMBA.

Evo jedan brkati cika je lepo objasnio :

Hero resemble Rashomon in its flashback structure, however, the "Rashomon-like" resemblance is superficial at best.

In Kurosawa's film, the story was actually only told by several different people. One of those people is dead, another the other is about to be executed, and the audience has reason to believe the two others could well have something to hide. Each story (one supposedly told by the dead man through a medium, so it is twice removed from the event) contradicts the other. The final point of the film is that truth is ultimately unknowable and people are not reliable narrators. There is then an epilogue wherein faith in humanity is restored nonetheless. The message of the film is clear but the "truth" is not.

In Zhang's film, the story is told only by one person (the hero Nameless), who first tells a lie, is caught in the lie by the listener (the Emperor), who then tells his verion of what he thinks actually happened. This is only an educated guess rather than an attempt at deception or a claim of being true. Then the first person retells the story a third time to the listener. This film also has a message epilogue. At that moment that the final and factually correct verion of the story is told, the teller and listener have a spiritual epiphany, or so it seems. Unlike Rashomon, this version of the story is clearly intended to be interpreted as the truth. Unlike Rashomon, however, the truth is clear, but the "message" of the film is not.

The message in Hero is not clear, partly because the possibility of tampering by censors exists with this film, much more so than with Rashomon due to the political differences between China and Japan (I will say no more). Further, Zhang goes to great lenghts in his color schemes, which are so schematic that they suggest a hidden or obscured meaning of some kind. The same thing goes for the names of the characters. Finally, the claim that "Our Land" and "Heaven and Earth" really have precisely identical meanings and the change in translation was purely an attempt to clarify things has a suspicious ring to it. A jingoistic propaganda film maker would never do this sort of thing because it makes vague what ought to be crystal clear from a political perspective. This film is simply to depressing and complicated to satisfy as a political ode to Communism, patriotism, what have you.

What the colors in Hero meant?

Three versions of one story.

The first one told by a nameless assassin to an Emperor. He tells the emperor what he thinks the Emperor wants to hear. The colors are red and yellow.

Then there is a second version of the story by the Emperor, who disbelieved the first tale told to him by the assassin. He tells the assassin (who the Emperor now realizes for what he is) his version of the story. The colors are green and blue.

Finally, the assassin admits the falsehood of his original story, but must also explain to the Emperor that his version of events is false also. This is the accurate version of the events. The color scheme is white and black.

There are some interuptions by the Emperor during this final telling of the story, during which the color scheme reverts to green and blue.

Ja poruku Heroja vidim na neki svoj nacin ali nekako je tesko objasniti recima a i mislice ljudi da sam looooooood.

I pogledah 9 rota (2005) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417397/, solidan ratni film,drzi paznju i ima dobrih scena tako ko voli ratne filmove ovaj ce mu se svideti sigurno.

Edited by Brkata Nakaza

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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nakazo (ili je bolje da kazhem brko ;o)) prihvatam argument da prethodno gledanje rashomona olakshava brzo kapiranje i naravno da nije identichno, no ja kad vidim razlichito pripovedanje iste priche, bilo da je to hero ili hoodwinked meni je to rashomon-style akcija. takodje mislim da je jedini razlog za otezhano kapiranje sta se deshava u trenutku kad pochinje plava pricha losh prevod, ja imadoh srecu da gledam heroja u bioskopu, lepo titlovanog...sad dal je taj prevodioc prvo pogledao film pa pisao titl to ne znam...takodje, primedba tvog engleskog drugara da mu poruka na kraju nije jasna je smeh. Kao poruku filma ja vidim ultimativno zhrtvovanje za ono sto ti je najbitnije, osveta, ideali, ljubav i na kraju "the greater good" jer bezimeni machevalac na kraju skapira cara i ceni da se za veliku kinu vishe isplati umreti nego za lichnu osvetu...dali je tesko ameru/komegod da shvati ovu poruku ne znam, ne deluje mi nesto preterano kinesko-komunistichka da ne bude plauzabilna bratji kapitalistima...

maki, nije parodija, ali je mnogo inferiorniji film...vishe kao bridge za sledeci sequel nego sto je smislen samostalni film...

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haha da ne bi morali da objasnjavaju u sledecem filmu kako i sta nego samo akcija i specijalni efekti, rofl ko majkl bej u novoj south park epizodi. and then flaming motorcycles jump over a helicopter and brrrr crash booom!!!!!!

Edited by bionic.man

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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i ja sam isto tako video poruku Heroja kad sam prvi put pogledao film ali kad sam pogeldao 2,3 put ja jednostavno ne mogu da prihvatim tj jednostavno sloboda mora da bude primarna ,uvek, zajebi ujedinjenje i veliku Kinu kojih sada ima ko govana i kad su to ukapirali ,onda e mozete da imate jedno dete samo i to jedno dete spava sa 4 porodice u jednoj sobi ,a zaimisli da nemaju jedno dete bilo bi "I see chinese ppl everywhere" . Mislim da je to ruzna poruka od Heroja ali za razmisljanje je.Po meni je jednostavno Heroj trebo da natkne cara i cao ali jbg zato je poseban jer poruka filma moze biti isto Heroj se zajebao, car ga nadmudrio.....

Edited by Brkata Nakaza

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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Brko, to sto si rekao u posledjem postu nema veze sa umetnoscu. Odnosno, bilo bi suvise banalno da se Heroj nazove propagandnim filmom kineskog rezima. Narocito ako si upoznat sa zivotom i prikljucenijem Yimou Zhang-a. Tako da se potpuno slazem sa Koletom.

Dodao bih jos i to da je film, iako legenda, smesten u istorijski kontekst koji je zaista postojao. Tumacenje istorije i legende, uporedo, je umetnicko delo koje se zove Heroj. Osim toga, scenario/prica je dobar iz mnogih drugih razloga. Odnosi izmedju likova, postepeno shvatanje glavnog junaka kroz retrospekciju shvatanja Broken Sword-a, nerazumevanje zene, ali sa druge strane njena nepokolebljiva ljubav i na kraju vladar, covek koji zaokruzuje celu pricu, koji uspeva da se izdigne iznad obicnog vojnika i postane istniski vladar tek onda kada zrtvuje svog najboljeg i najveceg heroja. Zapravo, sustina price upravo lezi u njemu, a ne u slobodi Nameless-a, jer vladar nikada nije slobodan.


nema vise zezanja


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ni "obichni" ljudi NIKAD nisu slobodni (sem bushmana i nekolicina izolovanih ljudi/grupa), a pogotovo ne u danashnjim kvazidemokratijama koje velichaju lichne slobode kao svoj najveci artikal (i ako preko reklame ne skenjaju kinu i indiju nece nikako (tj nece nikako ;o))

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Upravu ste obojica sto se tice poruke filma ali cinjenica je da neki kinezi ne vole Heroj-a zato sto ima te male propagande na kraju poricali vi to ili ne jer kinezu polako prestaju da misle na nivou nacije i pocinju kao i mi. Po meni u toj propagandi se vidi jacina Kine kad Heroj na kraju prihvata zrtvovanje i to je extra ,zajebao njega car ili ne. Jeste malo retardirano poredjenje ali evo npr. ujela me zmija otrovnica za ruku i imam 2 izbora da odsecem ruku i da zivim ili da umrem, ja posto sam slab ja cu da umrem ali matori kinezi ce odseci ruku i ako treba i nogu i gurace u zivotu i tu se vidi ta njihova snaga jer razmisljaju na nivou nacije a ne individualca ,pa cak i ako treba dace ceo svoj zivot da bi carstvo napredovalo kao u Heroju. Ti u Heroju mozes da tumacis da je car ustvari heroj (jer heroju nije dato ime, on je nameless) i da svi treba da se pokore njemu i daju njemu zivot da bi carstvo napredovalo sto je kao normalno.Al opet se isto svodi na to sta je Broken Sword napisao u pesku jer niko ne zna 100% prevod toga( da li je "Our Land" ili "HEaven and Earth")a tako i da li je reziser mislio na propagandu ali se ipak slazem sa vama da nije mislio na propagandu ali nje svakako ima.

Cinjenica je, da je cela planeta ujedinjena kao Kina i da svi razmisljamo na nivou nacije to jest sta je dobro za celu planetu a ne za pojedince i grupe onda bi opstali sigurno deset puta duze nego sto cemo opstati i svi bi ziveli srednje lepo a ne neki se bore za zivot a neki putuju oko sveta. Ali jbg bez losheg ne mozes znati sta je dobro.

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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