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Fantastic Four

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doce silver surfer i javice galaktusu da je zemlja zrela ki kruska pa ce galaktus doci, medjutim u medjuvremenu posto su fantasticna cetvorka fantasticni oni ce sa surferom popiti pivcugu i on ce postati gotivac pa ce svi zajedno isprasiti galaktusu guzicu...

tako ja to vidim :)

Edited by Jokerman

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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uuuu, ovde ce se obradjivati preobrazhaj silver surfera, mmm :)

samo ne znam gde se tu u prichu mozhe uglaviti doom a da nije sideshow =/

btw pricha se da ce surfer biti glavni antagonista, i da ce tek na kraju da se pojavi galaktus, za finalnu scenu good-prevails

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pa nesto ne verujem da ce da se doom ubacuje, verovatno ce da samo pokupi tehnologiju od galaktusa i da onda digne latveriju do nebesa i vidimo na kraju filma kao scenu u latveriji horde doombotova marshiraju... to bi bilo kul

mada realno gledano nemam pojma sta ce se desiti, nemam pojma nista o filmu sem da treba da izadje za koji dan.

ovo su sve moja naklapanja koja iskenjavam jer poznajem holivudsku masinu previse dobro...

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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