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e jeste sad, pola ljudi ima C2D :P

dobar je two worlds, ima tehničkih propusta (amaterski voice overi, zajebana kontrola prilikom jahanja konja itd.) ali deluje da ima potencijala. a i mapa je ogromna bože sačuvaj, ne verujem da na njoj može samo da se bere cveće :)

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e jeste sad, pola ljudi ima C2D :P

dobar je two worlds, ima tehničkih propusta (amaterski voice overi, zajebana kontrola prilikom jahanja konja itd.) ali deluje da ima potencijala. a i mapa je ogromna bože sačuvaj, ne verujem da na njoj može samo da se bere cveće :)

Pa dobro trebalo bi da je tako jer C2D sad postao bagatelno jeftin...

poz voz 2011

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  • 1 month later...

Igrao sa 1 gb memorije dok mi je radilo sijaset stvari u pozadini. Znaci novi drajveri i DirectX, pa ponovo instaliraj. I sa 1gb ima da ti radi bolje nego G3 sa svim detaljima, dodas jos 1gb ima nema da osetis da secka.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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  • 6 months later...

Ok, i ja mrzim topic necromancy, al nabavio sam igru kad je izasla, i nije mi se uopste svidela, i bio mi je duplo gori komp od ovog sad, tako da sam se nervirao i uninstallirao komp posle sat i po igranja, kao i za Gothic 3, koji cu ponovo da installiram, da malo testiram machinu :P. Sad cu ponovo da probam malo da odigram ovo, nekih sat , dva. Nemam vishe vremena, a trenutno mi se nista ne igra. Takodje mi se ne svidja, kakav god lik ti bio, ima odvratnu facu, ruzniji nego svaki orc.

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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Izbačen je u međuvremenu masivni patch 1.5 (kasnije i 1.6) koji je promenio tonu stvari... 1.5 je u stvari out-of-box izdanje za Ameriku, al svejedno, ako igraš ovo "naše", obavezno ga stavi. Nije da nešto suštinski menja, ali ako ništa, font u dijalozima bar više nije Times New Roman nego neki prigodnih medieval/gothic [:D]

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Ok igrao sam ga sad, na max grafici, veoma lepa atmosfera, samo odvratni likovi, veoma. Imam 1.1 patch, kada sam video da 1.6 patch ima 1 giga, nisam ni pomishljao da ga skinem. Pa bolja je malo nego sto sam mislio, atmosfera je cak malo bolja nego u oblivionu u nekim delovima. Ne svidja mi se balans. 3 svinje ili vuka su jaci neko 8 bandita, koji ti daju veoma veoma dobar inventar,.. ili jedne sekunde ubijem svinju, i 10 koraka napred, stoji mi neki wyvern ubije me iz 1 udarca.

Svidja mi se, jer sam nabavio Undead konjica kada sam pobio gomilu nekih nekormacera i zombia.

Za ovih 2 sata igranja, ocenu bih dao oko 6.4/10

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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Odvratni likovi su takođe rešeni u 1.5 ili 1.6, svi su se žalili na ružne modele.

Changes in 1.6:

Horse steering has been improved

Character development curve not as steep over level 25

HP regeneration slower for max values above 2000

Death strike skill - executable by strike button while in sneak mode

Critical hit skill fixed

Damage is now allowed over 32000

There is a cap on damage and armor at 99999

Necromancer spells have been balanced

Magical boosters - effect restricted to 5 boosters

Stacking potions with different statistics - fixed

Objects stacking - objects can't be stacked up if result has higher level

requirements than current player level

Equipment Class cap on 50

When killing in towns - after you leave the town and go back guards will ask

you to pay instead of immediately attacking you

NPC's in towns don't resurrect

Tweaked hi- level monster balance

Wing Membrane ingredient added to Helllord

Dragons strike not breakable by player hit

Bomb traps attached to some chests and wardrobes

Balanced number of lock picks in chests and wardrobes

Walking under water and not dying has been fixed

Inaccessible Cave north of Ashos has been fixed

Multiplayer Lag issues have been improved

Multiplayer too many skill points generated due to combat stats has been fixed

Friendly fire disabled in RPG mode (players cannot damage each other)

Resurrect spell on players has been disabled

Experience points for killing players has been removed

Disarming skill disabled against other players

Freezing/stopping spells disabled against other players

Multiplayer RPG quests given to all, reward splitter between players

Team assault - main monuments 50 times stronger

Barbarian - berserk skill in PvP reduced to 5

Chest and wardrobe lock levels improved in multiplayer

Issue of moving money between servers has been fixed

Maps D2,E4,F4, Multiplayer Tharbakin - missing triangles or flying objects have

been fixed

Enter opens console in single player

Horse steering - stopping horse by back key changed

Cloning character when logging on new WarNet server is fixed

Boosters disappearing in Arena modes

Atmosoheric fog for multiplayer towns added

Chat over open dialogs possible (by F11 chat dialog)

All PVP arenas unlocked from beginning

Changes in 1.5:

unique names for all weapons and equipment parts

new graphics for all faces

fast looting of animals

magic manual aiming option added.

summoned creatures follows hero

summoned creatures can't be looted

neutral animals do not respawn

quality of objects inside chest depends of lock level.

magical weapons and armours added to Congregation shops.

weapon enchanters added to Congregation shops.

fixed bug with equipment objects - the same looking object with different values.

When finishing final quest for one guild/Party reputation for opposing party goes to 0. Skelden/Karga Clan Giriza/Association

Fixed bug in last Association quest and last Giriza quest. Now those quests can be finished.

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Two Worlds expansion standalone?

The latest issue of a Polish gaming mag CD Action brings more info about Two Worlds' expansion pack titled The Temptation. Here's a summary: you won't need the main game to play. The single player campaign continues the story of TW's hero and his sister; we'll again try to save her from a curse and stop the Taint, a horrible magical evil, from deforming the whole world. Bleh. The campaign will take part on a new, huge continent, at least partially inspired by the Arab culture (while the cities will have something in common with Assassin's Creed).

The combat system will be a bit more developed, requiring more player input - there'll be two strike modes and active blocking. 14 new creatures will be introduced (gargoyles, baboons, mysterious tripods (?)...). The graphical engine will be revamped, together with the physics system, which will now enable you to pick up ladders and use them in various places. (Innovation!) You'll also be able to sail the seas surrounding Antaloor in a boat.

Big changes concern the multiplayer part, and as of yet it's not 100% sure whether setting up a multiplayer account will be free of charge. Each player will receive a settlement with some land and NPCs. Then, the game will generate random quests concerning the player's realm, in which other players will be able to help. Surprisingly, there's no mention of a possibility of burning your friend's village - only that a new PvP mode will be introduced in a new patch for the PC version, before summer.





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Igrao sam sad josh jedan satic, seo sam na konja, i ishao gde me konjske nose, pobio neko orkovsko selo sam (a neki mali sam lvl), I stigao u neku jebanu pustinju, okruzen ogromnim jebenim zmajevima. [:0]

Mnogo mi je zao, kako su uradili mapu i sve creepove, je velicanstveno, ali steta sto sve ostalo nije tako.

Da su samo kopirali celu skriptu obliviona u ovaj svet, sa ovim creepovima, bila bi igra godine [|)]

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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Sinoć sam malo probao sa 1.6 (pošto sam zadnji put igrao na 1.3 ili 1.4)... uglavnom, monsteri su rebalansirani (prvi put sam ko od šale sjebao onaj pack vukova i tri <nečega> na putu do prvog sela, sad baš nije bilo tako lagano), face likova su mnogo bolje a i igra, čini mi se, nekako bolje radi. Tako da bolje batali igru dok ne nabaviš 1.6.

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Sinoć sam malo probao sa 1.6 (pošto sam zadnji put igrao na 1.3 ili 1.4)... uglavnom, monsteri su rebalansirani (prvi put sam ko od šale sjebao onaj pack vukova i tri <nečega> na putu do prvog sela, sad baš nije bilo tako lagano), face likova su mnogo bolje a i igra, čini mi se, nekako bolje radi. Tako da bolje batali igru dok ne nabaviš 1.6.


sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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