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legend of the fall je "legenda" u progamingu da u jesenjem OSL-u u finalu PvT uvek sampioni budu protossi, SKY1 OSL 2001 garimto vs boxer 3-2, SKY2 OSL '02 reach vs boxer 3-1, SO1 OSL '05 anytime vs boxer 3-2...

"tradicija" je prekinuta tek kada je anytime pre malo vise od pola godine izgubio od nade u finalu SH2 osl-a

ako se svi udruzimo u odgovaranju mozda posaljemo srpskog predstavnika na blizzcon ^^

edit: i sad se setih da zeratul ima samo 60 hp-a, dok obicni dt-i imaju 80 hp-a, tako da je verovatno on taj koj ima manji hp od obicne jedinice. naravno ignorisuci stit :)

Edited by viljuska
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1)Are the yellow minerals shown in the trailers harvestable?

Yes, they will be a harvestable high yield resource, meaning each harvest rotation will result in greater mineral quantities than the standard blue minerals. This gives players more strategic choices when trying to evaluate where they wish to expand. Expand to the high yield but risk easier discovery? Or expand to a safer area but earn fewer resources?

2)Will resource sharing be allowed between allies?

Yes, it is our plan to have this in the game, though there is still much testing and balancing revolving around this ability.

3)Will allied chat be enabled by default for pre-set teams?


4)Is the Zealot charge ability an upgrade as well?

Yes, this ability is upgraded through the Protoss War Shrine.

5)What types of future community updates will there be?

Starcraft2.com will be updated with regular unit and building profiles. Furthermore, there are several projects in the works planned for the Blizzards RTS Community as a whole, which we will share at a later time.


Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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BlizzCon Swag, Beta Key and Murloc Suit! - 6/4/2007

We'll be handing out plenty of Blizzard swag at BlizzCon for attendees to show off to their friends. However, we wanted to give out even more, so we'll also be providing a beta key for an upcoming Blizzard game. If you're not enticed yet, you should definitely check out the in-game murloc suit, an item that can be redeemed and given to your favorite World of Warcraft character. Love or hate the murlocs, you won't want to miss this opportunity to blend in with them!

Check out the murloc suit!

vest je od 4. juna, NAKON najave sc2 = to za beta keyeve za novu igru nije za sc2...

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1)Are the yellow minerals shown in the trailers harvestable?

Yes, they will be a harvestable high yield resource, meaning each harvest rotation will result in greater mineral quantities than the standard blue minerals. This gives players more strategic choices when trying to evaluate where they wish to expand. Expand to the high yield but risk easier discovery? Or expand to a safer area but earn fewer resources?

pa jel su oni retardirani? ko je unajmio onu budalu iz CnC da im bude glavni dizajner, ovo je tako njegovo maslo, smrdi na kilometar... ko plavi tiberijum i oni dijamanti u red alertu, pa samo on moze biti toliko jadan da to koristi da "obogati" gameplay, verovatno jer nema pojma kako bi to drugacije radio... osecam da su i decja imena i soul hunteri njegovo delo, znaci ko god ode na blizzcon treba da da zakletvu da ce ubiti budalu pre nego sto jos nesto ne zasere...

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pa jel su oni retardirani? ko je unajmio onu budalu iz CnC da im bude glavni dizajner, ovo je tako njegovo maslo, smrdi na kilometar... ko plavi tiberijum i oni dijamanti u red alertu, pa samo on moze biti toliko jadan da to koristi da "obogati" gameplay, verovatno jer nema pojma kako bi to drugacije radio... osecam da su i decja imena i soul hunteri njegovo delo, znaci ko god ode na blizzcon treba da da zakletvu da ce ubiti budalu pre nego sto jos nesto ne zasere...

Sto se tice minerala to toliko ne sjebava igru jer ce se praviti mape bez toga ali sto se tice imena to stvarno neko treba da resi.

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Meni to vise smrdi na novi exp za wow :(

Inace, ne znam sta da mislim za ove minerale i ostali kurac palac, ne bih da sam neverni toma/zadrti mrmot pa da pljujem na sve novo sto pokusavaju da implementiraju (ko ovi s fallouta [:D] j/k prim. aut.) , vec sam se iznerivirao jednom kad sam video budjavog tempesta (baca diskove jeeebote i soul hunteri vau, ako je warcraft nastao pomocu warhammera, onda ce se starcraft2 pamtiti po ovim digimonima) , tako da necu da razmisljam o tome uopste :) pa cemo da vidimo kad izidje igra.

Edited by ~JungleBoY~


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Bash sam hteo da napishem ono shto je viljushka rekao :). Ali realno gledano to uopshte ne mora da bude losha stvar. Igra ce sigurno biti komplikovanija od SC-a ali videcemo da li ce biti dobra ili ne. Ako postoji kompanija u koju verujem to je definitivno Blizzard.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Da realno najverovatnije ce biti norhterend expanzija za wow ... mada ni d3 nije 100% iskljucen samo je manje verovatno .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pogledajte jako pazljivo prvih 1-1.5 sec PCgamer leekovanog gameplaya za starcraft2 ... ali jako jako pazljivo prvih par frejmova :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pa da, ista stvar je i na HD gameplay traileru, a dva lika sa pivom su na cinematic traileru ^^

lal da da :)

loodi blizzard

rofl bre !

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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