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the X Files-sprema se nastavak filma

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Za sada sve shto sam uspela da iskopam je da su pregovori koji se tichu snimanja drugog dela filma Dosije X skoro gotovi..ne zna se ko ce igrati u filmu odnosno da li ce se David Duchovny i Gillian Andreson ponovo pojaviti kao agenti Foks Molder i Dejna Skali....

Jedino shto nam ostaje je da chekamo i da se nadamo:

Evo i cele vesti:

Hey, remember back in the day when there was this TV show called The X-Files? And, based on the success of the show, they made a movie? It's okay if you don't remember, the film came out -- I dunno -- nine freaking years ago! Since then there's been talk of a sequel ... and more talk of a sequel ... and even more talk of a sequel. Heck, two years ago David Duchovny actually said that an X-Files 2 was taking shape and would go into production sometime in 2006. Yeah, that never happened. However, while out promoting his latest film, The TV Set, Duchovny noted that negotiations were just about wrapped up, and he feels production will now start sometime in 2008, or sooner. Then again, he's said this before ... so, X-Files fans, don't go holding your breath.

One thing Duchovny did note back in 2005 was that the sequel will not pick up where the last film left off, or involve some sort of alien conspiracy. Instead, it will be a regular old supernatural horror film. No word on what that means for Agent Mulder (will he be hunting down ghosts on MySpace alongside Sarah Michelle Gellar), but ditching the whole "alien aspect" might not sit well with those die hard fans. If it is true that negotiations are wrapping up this week, there's a good chance the trades will pick it up within the next few days. If so, hopefully they will shed a bit more light on the project. What do you think? Is it too late for an X-Files sequel, or are you still down for one more round with Mulder ... regardless of whether he's chasing aliens or chasing tail?

Izvor: http://www.cinematical.com/2007/03/27/duch...lmost-complete/

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Naravno da ce da glume njih dvoje.

David Duchovny has confirmed a sequel to The X-Files movie is in the works - with himself and Gillian Anderson reprising the characters that made them famous. The actor, who played Agent Fox Mulder in both the cult TV series and 1998 movie, reveals X-Files creator Chris Carter and writer Frank Spotnitz are busy working on a script for the new film. The news comes after weeks of speculation surrounding Anderson's involvement in the project. Duchovny says, "This week, they're starting some kind of road towards doing it (the film). Gillian and I both want to be in it now. We're happy to do it. At this point all of the kind of fatigue and anxiety that we had towards the end of a nine-year run is gone." He jokes, "We've forgotten why we hate one another and can only remember why we love one another and we're very happy to go back. Chris and Frank are going over the story. It's a story they've had for a few years but we haven't all settled on the fact that we wanted to do it, so now they're hammering it out."


nema vise zezanja


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