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Saddam's execution cited in boy's accidental hanging death

Sergio Pelico was found dead Sunday in his apartment bedroom in the Houston-area city of Webster, said Webster police Lt. Tom Claunch. Pelico's mother told police he had previously watched a news report on Saddam's death.

"It appears to be accidental," Claunch said. "Our gut reaction is that he was experimenting."

An autopsy of the fifth-grader's body was pending.

Julio Gustavo, Sergio's uncle, said the boy was a happy and curious child.

He said Sergio had watched TV news with another uncle on Saturday and asked the uncle about Saddam's death.

"His uncle told him it was because Saddam was real bad," Gustavo said. "He (Sergio) said, 'OK.' And that was it."

Sergio's mother, Sara Pelico DeLeon, was at work Sunday while Sergio and other children were under the care of an uncle, Gustavo said. One of the children found Sergio's body in his bedroom.

Police said the boy had tied a slipknot around his neck while on a bunk bed. Police investigators learned that Sergio had been upset about not getting a Christmas gift from his father, but they don't believe the boy intentionally killed himself.

Clinical psychologist Edward Bischof, of California, said children Sergio's age mimic risky behaviors they see on TV -- such as wrestling or extreme sports -- without realizing the dangers. He said TV appeared to be the stimulant in Sergio's case.

"I would think maybe this kid is trying something that he thinks fun to act out without having the emotional and psychological maturity to think the thing through before he acts on it," Bischof said.

Family members held a memorial for the boy Wednesday in the apartment complex activity center. Gustavo said the family is trying to put together enough money to send Sergio's body to Guatemala for burial.

"I don't think he thought it was real," Gustavo said of Saddam's hanging. "They showed them putting the noose around his neck and everything. Why show that on TV?"

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


I onda kao TV ne utiche loshe!!!

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hehe jes da je oftopic :D ali jebiga :D

mislim da sam u blicu procitao kao sta je sve bilo u 2006 najcudniji pozivi policije

i prica dakle sledi :D :

decko koji je igra kanter se toliko iznervirao da je izasao na ulicu i udario glavom o banderu :D komsije pozvale policiju :D OMG :D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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tv ne utiche loshe

klinci su znatizheljni

pre su bajke uticale loshe

sada tv

uvek ce neshto "uticati loshe" na njih

shta sad, treba samo edukativni program da ide na tv-u zato shto jedan u 5k klinaca proba neshto glupo shto je video na tv-u?

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Ko je petard nacice ideju da se obesi posmatrajuci tv antenu na krovu, zato su mi oduvek te price "nasilje i seks u igrama su zlo" bile ogavne. Doduse, ok, iz toga bih izuzeo izuzetno malu decu koja ne znaju dobro/lose i nemaju taj odnos sa okolinom pa mozda zaista urade nesto glupo sto vide na tvu.

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Deca se degenericno ponasaju jer im roditelji NE POSVECUJU DOVOLJNO


I SAMI DEGENI. Starije generacije su bile pristojnije, strozije vaspitavane

te zato mi imamo koliko toliko dobre roditelje, a neko ko je moje godiste

i ima klinca od 5-6 dina vrlo verovatno istog je odgojio "instant" sadeci

ga ispred TV-a da po ceo dan bulji u ekran, ne citajuci mu bajke, ne vodeci

ga u park i na igraliste ili na neke decije manifestacije ili u pozoriste...

Jos manje mu je kupio LEGO kockice i slicne igracke kojima dete razvija

svoje psihofizicke sposobnosti vec mu je obezbedio 450 divx crtatja i

DIVX player...

I sta da ocekujes od takve dece nego da probaju neku glupost

koju su videle na degenericnom TV programu...

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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