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Skidam 4.33 GB, mandriva-free-2007-DVD

Total downloaded: 7.93 GB (1.47 GB rubbish data dropped)

Total uploaded: 4.92 GB

a meni je % i dalje na 62% :( prekinuo sam skidanje jer je besmisleno

manual hash check prodje do 62% i tu stane edit #1: posle restarta compa dodje do 99.9% i padne na 62% :(

edit #2: folder u come su fajlovi je tezak tacno 4.33GB, kao da je sve skinuto normalno

ISP SBB , Bit Comet, nikada mi se ovo nije desilo pre

Nekom se ovo desilo? Neko ima ideju kako da resim problem?

@spu thx man, ali i dalje gajim nadu da postoji neko resenje

Edited by Demian
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da ne otvaram novi topic. :)

noob sam za torrente. :)

dakle skinuo sam Caesar III sa torrenta od 700Mba. medjutim kako da ga ukljucim da instalira kad Daemon Tools nece da ga mountuje? ("unable to mount image. Image size mismatch")

ponavaljam - one hundred percent noob.

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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  Formica said:
da ne otvaram novi topic. :)

noob sam za torrente. :)

dakle skinuo sam Caesar III sa torrenta od 700Mba. medjutim kako da ga ukljucim da instalira kad Daemon Tools nece da ga mountuje? ("unable to mount image. Image size mismatch")

ponavaljam - one hundred percent noob.

Otvori imid

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Cisto ako se nekome desi, resio sam problem, kao sto sam vec rekao download folder je bio 4.33 GB jer fajl i jeste bio skinut normalno, iskljucio sam najveci fajl u listi fajlova, skinuo ostalih 5 koji su bilo po 100-200 kb, renamovao najveci fajl u .iso

Znaci samo mandriva-free-2007-DVD.iso.bl

u mandriva-free-2007-DVD.iso

i radi. Izbegavajte BitComet googlanjem sam nasao da nekad javlja pogresne podatke trakeru. uTorrent FTW!

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  Demian said:
Cisto ako se nekome desi, resio sam problem, kao sto sam vec rekao download folder je bio 4.33 GB jer fajl i jeste bio skinut normalno, iskljucio sam najveci fajl u listi fajlova, skinuo ostalih 5 koji su bilo po 100-200 kb, renamovao najveci fajl u .iso

Znaci samo mandriva-free-2007-DVD.iso.bl

u mandriva-free-2007-DVD.iso

i radi. Izbegavajte BitComet googlanjem sam nasao da nekad javlja pogresne podatke trakeru. uTorrent FTW!

Hmmm. Meni BitComet radi bolje od utorrenta...

А в чем сила, брат?

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The following clients are currently banned.

Client Reason Banned

ABC Randomly reports bad stats to the tracker.

Acquisition Not a proper torrent client.

Azureus and under Outdated versions - use or higher.

BinTorrent Users have been caught cheating with this client.

BitComet All versions of BitComet report bad stats to the tracker and many leak to DHT.

BitLord Based on old buggy BitComet code.

BitRocket Does not conform to the torrent specification for client identification.

BitSpirit Randomly sends DHT packets to its own public tracker.


Mada ovo i dalje ne znaci da je los, par private torrent sajtova ga ne dozvoljava, meni je uvek radio OK.

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