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prodajem wow acount


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moram da se skinem sa wowa,nemam vise vremena pa ako neko oce da kupi account nek se javi,, priest level 60 je skoro full epic javite mi se na maxfnm@sbb.co.yu

Andjeo undead priest 60 Laughing Skull http://ctprofiles.net/4398101

Kezman undead rogue 60 Laughing Skull http://ctprofiles.net/4460764

Loladiin orc warrior 41 Laughing Skull epic twink

Smrda orc shaman 42 Laughing Skull banka:)

Djavo troll hunter 32 Laughing Skull

Pusimiga human paladin 60 silvermoon

Zigic gnome mage 32 boulderfist

40 dana jos pretplate

150 evrica samo,hitno

Edited by maxfnm
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To je postena cena za taj akaunt ... znam mnogo loshije koji su prodavani nashim ljudima za mnogo mnogo manje .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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koliko bi realno vredeo moj acc ? da znam mozda prodam pa izlevelujem novog palawana

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Sry ali moram iako je donekle vezano za topic , a glupo mi da pravim posto vidim da se jedva 5 % acountova ovde proda cisto da dobijem orjentacionu cifru mog acounta da ga mozda prodam dok josh mogu do bruning crusadea ovo vazi naravno .


full tier 1

full tier 2

full tier 2.5

tier 3 = 6/9 delova ( treba da se zavrshe glava i shoulders nemam golda lol 1 arcanite bar 60 golda TT )

Rank 14 oprema

Full zg set

Full aq20 set

josh 30 random epica prstenje ringovi oruzje ... rank 14 oruzja sva enchantovana crusaderom i sa 25 agility , po 2 ista orzuja takodje za razlichitne enchante 55 healing ili 22 intelect fiery na sekiri da izgleda lepshe itd . Healing oprema 872 +healing 72 mana / 5 sec 8100 mana raid buffed

PvP oprema zavisi od opreme da li je spell dmg tu sam losh imam 382 spell dmg sa 3 spell crit i Warladin oprema sa sa 212 spell dmg 920 AP i 24 melee critical shansom .

Enachanting 300 , ima par retkih dropova ali nista posebno ( 20 fire na gloves itd )

Alhemija 300evo od juche imam sve recepte sto postoje sem major rejuvination potiona

Sve u svemu banka svi slotovi kupljeni i popunjeni 16 slotova bagovima sve puno itema regenasa itd ima potiona da se raiduje za pola godine .


tier1 5/8

tier2 2/8

Zg set 3 epica chest shoulder i bracers i josh neki random mc epici sa Staff of dominance

Robe of volatile power

Herbalisam 300

Alhemija 300 flask of supreme power


Molten core oprema , par delova Fel Hearta , Robe of Volatile power , Sash of whispering secrets i josh neki random itemi

Profesije ne mogu da se setim ... valjda skining i mining

+ oko 10 altova ispod lvl 60 ...


Cisto Kili samo reci cifru , ne verujm da ce ovde iko da se zainteresuje i ponudi meni prihvatljivu cenu , tako da znam sa cim da izedjem na strane sajtove :)

btw bicu manje aktivan ofih dana tako da nemojte ovo da obrishete brzo moram da se cimam oko faxa sada lol :(

Do BURNING CRUSADEA ... sve bi bilo gotovo :) onda krenem da lvlujem novog human paladina ... ili eventualno elficu ...

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Brate recite cenu nemoj da smarate . HOcu da prodam posto mi tako savetuju pa ponovo da pravim lika ... sobzirom da sve sto imam nece biti preterano dobro u TBC tako da na duze sta cu sve brzo da prevazidjem sa guildom .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Realno SS taj acc je jebozovan i mozes opusteno da ga uvalis za 1k evrica.Sad da li kod nas ili u inostranstvu pitanje je...Vidjao sam neke koji prodaju isto tako fora 7/9 tier 3 za 2k evra(sto mislim da je previse) a ti imas i rank 14.Mogao bi i za vise ali zbog BC ne znam da li je neko spreman da pljune bas 2k :)

Jebote i dalje ne verujem sta ti sve imas od opreme :))

Znaci sad mozes ladno da quitujes i kazes da si savio igricu...

Bjukenon Mitch

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kada sam no lifer :(

ok videcu sta cu da radim .. najveci problem je sto mi se josh uvek mnogo igra. Tako da razmishljam da postavim neku nenormalnu cenu :) mozda me ukaki a ako ne , pa nema veze onda ;)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ortak iz guilde koji mi placa wow acount vec 6 meseci ( 2x 3 meseca mi je uplatio , pa jebote studiram odakle mi pare za wow ^^ ) ce da to da mi uradi ... tako da prodaja sto se mene tiche nije problem .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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