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Kraj Slackingovanju u wowu :)


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Svi addicted playeri i ostala bagra sa RL i bez RL koji igraju ovu zaraznu igricu skoro godinu dana ne mogu da me ubede da ne koriste Decursive i neki addon za healing.

Meni kome se smucilo da klikcem i lecim sve sam sveo na jedno dugme koje radi healing raid membera sa odgovorajucim rankom spell-a (zavisi kolko treba da se napuni), podesavanje healing proioriteta sta da leci etc. E sve to je moguce bilo namestiti na jedno dugme.

Addon koji sam ja koristio zove se paladin assist koji je promenio ime u Panza i koji uglavnom koriste shamani paladini druidi i priestovi :P Addon je bio imba koristio sam ga kad sam bio smoren skroz da lecim na trash samo sam klikto jedno dugme :) i to je bilo to sve ostalo addon uradi. Naravno jedino sam lecio kod svakog bossa :P

E Svemu ovome dolaiz kraj u The Burning Crusade! Nema vishe addon koji ce moci da ti omoguci da lecis na jedno dugme, a neces moci vishe ni da decursujes raid na jedno dugme.

2.0.0 Changes - Concise List


* The Lua 5.1.1 coroutine library is now available.

* Each coroutine creates a new Lua state, so they should be used sparingly to reduce memory usage.

Ko nezna sta je Lua :) http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1 izvolte ;P

Protected Functions

* Movement: never allowed

* Spell casting: allowed outside of combat if interactive, and in combat using secure templates

* Targeting: allowed using secure templates

* Modifying macros, key bindings, and action bar: allowed programmatically outside of combat

* Trading and reloading the UI: allowed if interactive

* Action buttons and targeting frames are "protected", and may not be programmatically moved, shown or hidden, or have their action changed while in combat.

* There are several new frame member functions: Frame:IsProtected(), Frame:SetProtected(), and Frame:CanChangeProtectedState()


The following slash commands have been added for WoW 2.0:


/use <itemname>

/equip <itemname>

/equipslot <slot> <itemname>








Jedna od imba stvari /focus

Unit Focus

/focus unit (unit defaults to target)

The specified unit becomes the "focus" unit, and can be used anywhere a unit token can normally be used. When the focus changes, the "PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED" event is sent, and you begin to get normal unit events for the focus unit.

There are keybindings for setting your focus to your current target, and setting your current target to your focus. There is also a "focus" action in the secure action button template.

Ko nije skonto :) Evo mu malo bolje pojasnjenje

Yep, it's basically a way to keep track of a unique target without actually having it in your raid or currently targeted. You could make the target you just sheeped your focus, for example, and go back to it and re-sheep it later. Or you could make the main tank your focus, go heal a bunch of people, and then instantly go back to it.

It gets even better. You can query information about your focus, just like any other unit, and you even get events when the status of your focus changes.



Sve je to lepo ali da se vratim na temu:

* Addons and macro scripts may not use any movement, spell casting, or targeting functions.

Sto znaci good bye ctraid, decursive, emergency monitor, etc

Q u o t e:

Protected Functions

* Addons and macro scripts may only change macros, key bindings, and action buttons while you are not in combat.

* Action buttons and targeting frames are "protected", and may not be programmatically moved, shown or hidden, or have their action changed while in combat.

Smrt u najavi samo tako. Nema vishe slackinga ! :(

Sad ce da se u TBC vidi ko najbolje igra svoju klasu....

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Brate :) godinu dana lecim sa paladinom smorio sam se do bola ;) lakse mi sad na jedan klik zavalaim se na fotelju klikcem i titram jajaca :D Mada sad sam poceo da se izivljavam radim dps u raidu lol :P mrzi me i da klikcem to jedno dugme ako cemo iskreno :)

Kao sto sam reko kad je boss kill onda naravno fokusiran sam i lecim normalno prateci raid frame i naravno klikcem heal na onoga koga treba da lecim :P

Ajde reci mi jel si radio nekad 1000x BWL pa soba od Lashleyera do Ebonroca znaci pusti me da umrem ko da igram diablo II 20ti put ;0

I btw necete moci ni enemy casting bar da koristite :P

Pocinje napokon i imba pvp i pve u TBC :) bez addona kao nekad kad sam poceo da igram palu :P sve mi je bilo po blizz ui :D

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ovako ... recicu samo jednu stvar ... dojaja je sto su ovo uradili ..

ja sam nekada koristio i panzu ( probao samo ) click heal i ostala govna .Emergancy monitor realno gledano i ctraid assist je sve sto ti treba .. Kako to znam ? pa lepo , bolje healjem i imam manje overhealai veci eficive healing ( uglavnom sam top 3 healer u naxxu u effective healing done a imam "samo" 850 healing na paladinu ) . Dakle batalite te stvari i budite srecni ,

decursive smara takodje i dojaja je sto su ga izbacili najzad .

tako da super je sto su ovo najzad sredili .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Addons and macro scripts may not use any movement, spell casting, or targeting functions.

hahaha, koja glupost, pa za shta ce onda da sluze macro skripte za /say ?

edit :

samo da potvrdim da je stiven kralj slackingovanja, ovo me podseti na onu sp epizodu kad Cartman kaze" shot him with crosbow . Shot him . Shot him now !!! :P

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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