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Zato sto ima i shamana i paladina lvl 60 i zato sto je igrao i hordu i alijansu u naxxu i aq40 pa zna znanje i ima iskustva /sarkazam off

Kako stvari trenutno stoje paladini su bolji dodatak raidu i verovatno cemo voditi 3 paladina u 25 man raid i 1max 2 shamana ... shamani treba da se buffuju .

I josh jedna stvar ... paladin ima generalno bolje healovanje od shamana za pve shaman ima bolje healovanje za pvp ... i to nije samo zbog heala tj tipova spellova nego zato sto illumination talent >>>> celo restoration stablo kod shamana ( ponavljam za pve )

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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OMG Killy ja tek sada video onaj post o kinezima.. chekaj vi na EU serveru (Boulderfist) imate KINESKI guild i koliko vidim sa nekog screenshota koriste China tradicionalna slova.. hahaha EU server, KINEZI na njemu i to josh imaju svoj CHN guild i imaju ta China imena.. muahhaah.. koj pwn! =)

I gledam na onom WoW topiku.. kaze neki China-man, "when you kill one of CHN members.. we all come to save him/her, that is our rule", muhahah bubashvabe se chuvaju medjusobno! =)))


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imamo taj chn guild kojima sam jebo kevu na wow forumu pa me banovali

i jos jedan guild koji se zove kos , gde su svi - 15yo i niko ne zna engleski

fazon 50% guilda su iz kuvajta ...

a to za gankovanje je tacno , u guildu imaju preko 100 ljudi i uvek se krecu samo u grupama i onda ako nekog njihovog gankuju svi dolaze tu da ga brane ...

i onda se neko od takve vrste ljudi usudjuje da meni bilo sta sere na forumu ..

btw imamo 15 wts account topica [:D]

i masu novoregistrovanih ljudi koji se bave tim topicima ^_^

Edited by killYg0r
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Mozda je vreme da se napravi neki sticky topic sa pravilima ... samo da se postavljaju ponude a da se na njih iskljucivo odgovora na PM bez zezanja / spamovanja itd ... bilo bi efikasnije a i reshli bi se spama .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Mozda je vreme da se napravi neki sticky topic sa pravilima ... samo da se postavljaju ponude a da se na njih iskljucivo odgovora na PM bez zezanja / spamovanja itd ... bilo bi efikasnije a i reshli bi se spama .

To sam ja hteo 100 puta da uradim, 2 puta sam pitao Lucky-a da mi da opciju BRISANJA TOPIKA ali netje, kaze dovoljno mi je shto mogu da ih hajdujem.

A znam da taj Sticky netje 98% ljudi prochitati i da tje opet svi ljudi praviti posebne WTS/WTB/WTT topike.


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lvl 66 rogue with imba hemo build - BC pvp video :)


Btw, quotujem sam sebe al nema veze - ako neko zna ime prve pesme nek napise, trazim vec nedelju dana. Znam samo da je to theme za film "300" (ima ovde topic: http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=40445) ... :)

sex, drugs and bio food!

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novi opsis Karazhan !!!!!!!!!!!

i jedan mali komentar lika koji je igrao :

We believe Nightbane (a big skeletal dragon) is the final boss. It's believed he lands on the mountainside where you fight the Prince after the Prince is defeated.

As far as the instance goes, the first few bosses are simply gear checks to see if your group has the endurance to last a few long fights. The later bosses are skill checks to make sure your group has the coordination and expertise to earn the "uber" loot of the instance. I would say mc-geared/experienced people would have no chance past the initial bosses, as some of the trash mobs alone later hit for over 8k non-crushing.

Many of the encounters are gimmick fights, and many just require precise coordination, it's the best instance Blizzard has created to date and I fully see why they took so long to release it now. The attention to detail there is incredible.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Upoznaj kiligora mladi djecace , jer njegovo imecesh vidjati dosta na ovom forumu ... uglavnom u neprijatnijem izdanju :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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