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High Overlord Saurfang


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High Overlord Saurfang is the Supreme Commander of the Might of Kalimdor in the war against the Silithid and their Qiraji masters. He stands in Ogrimmar until the the war, when he will travel to the frontline in Silithus. He is the brother of Broxigar.

Saurfang "Facts"

* Hakkar the soulflayer was Saurfangs prison bitch.

* High Overlord Saurfang has more Health than Thrall, Cairne, and Sylvanas combined. He can tank a Silithid Collossal like it's a Dig Rat. He has innate Bloodlust, no shaman required. When he's hit by Knockback, his enemy gets thrown. He still wears Might Battlegear... Because he can.

* He enchanted his High Warlord's Greataxe with Agility. Why? To make it green, like his orc skin.

* Mannoroth was the result of Saurfang raping a Succubus.

* Saurfang can Execute his enemy at 100% Health... Just to save them both time.

* High Overlord Saurfang's Warrior abilities cost 0 Rage... He's always fully pissed off.

* He considers "Two Hand" to just be a suggestion for his weapon, not a requirement.

* Anachronos will stop despawning at 20% only if Saurfang decides it's his time.

* Mannoroth was the result of Saurfang

* Orgrimmar lags because it can't handle the full might of Saurfang.

* Saurfang secretly contrived the invasion of the Burning Legion to challenge his strength.

* Area-effect target caps were implemented after Saurfang used Cleave on Stormwind and it destroyed Draenor.

* Saurfang's Sunder Armor is permanent.

* High Overlord Saurfang is always In Combat.

* When saurfang drops the soup, he rapes everyone.

* Saurfang is he that watches they. Which may or may not include Gamon, so he hides in the tavern.

* Gamon hides in the inn because he questioned why saurfang was moonkin specced.

* The Maelstrom is the result of Saurfang using Whirlwind on a ship.

* Mankrik's wife made the mistake of telling Saurfang that Sword Spec was superior...

* High Overlord Saurfang is currently suing The Lich King, claiming The Scourge was already the trademarked name for his teeth.

* High Overlord Saurfang is so powerful he would get a Dishonorable Kill for slaying Nefarian... That's why he has you do it instead.

* Items can't Soul-bind to Saurfang... He doesn't have one.

* High Overlord Saurfang once got dared by Thrall to punch a wall in Orgrimmar. The impact created Ragefire Chasm.

* Square Enix raised their 9999 damage damage cap just in case Saurfang raided Final Fantasy and used Mortal Strike.

* High Overlord Saurfang decided that 9 months was too long... So he Charged his way out of the womb.

* Blizzard won't let Heroes like Thrall wage wars because of their Quest obligations. High Overlord Saurfang is the exception... He can be in 2 places at once.

* Saurfang vacations in Northrend.

* A newbie once said "free food plz", so Saurfang ate his face and replied "Don't mind if I do."

* Saurfang is Exalted with both the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Booty Bay at the same time.

* A priest, a paladin, and Varimathras walk into a bar... So High Overlord Saurfang slaughtered them for treason.

* Ninjas' real ultimate power is second-hand... Saurfang outgrew it.

* High Overlord Saurfang demanded 6 hours of silence for meditation every week. The result of this is Tuesday Morning Downtime.

* His tears cure newbism; It's too bad he removed the tear ducts from his eyes with a sawblade on a dare from Grom. Grom's reaction earned him the last name Hellscream.

* Saurfang collects only the heads of dragons. He eats the rest.

* The quickest way to a man's heart is Saurfang.

* Arthas was actually the Lich King's second choice... Saurfang mocked his request.

* Saurfang vendored Frostmourne.

* High Overlord Saurfang can destroy any single monster or hero in World of Warcraft.

* High Overlord Saurfang can pop Retaliation, Bestial Wrath, Mage Armor, Elemental Mastery and Moonkin Form all at once. Pretty impressive for a warrior.

* When High Overlord Saurfang AFK's out of a Battle Ground, YOU get the deserter buff.

* Saurfang was born a 7-time Mr. Olympia

* Saurfang has dug to Lordaeron from the Barrens.

* Rome was not built in a day, but it was destroyed by Saurfang in 5 minutes.

* Saurfang has 92 chromosomes and there all poisonous.

* When Saurfang joined the Kalimdor traveling orchestra, to the day he left and right up to now there were only ever two songs that were played: "Symphony of destruction" and "Symphony of Frost and Flame"

* Saurfang is exalted with the Alliance, Horde, Scourge and Burning legion at the same time.

* Just like Arthas, those who have fought Saurfang have died. But Saurfang serves no one except himself.

* High Overlord Saurfangs demoralising shout is that demoralising it causes all to hear it to commit suicide.

* Saurfang uses dark iron spears as toothpicks, Fell cloth as handkerchiefs, and mooncloth as toilet paper.

* Swamp of sorrows was created by saurfang crying for 10years because he lost mr.tinky

* If you were worth High Overlord Saurfang

sex, drugs and bio food!

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