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cekaj kole ti zaista mislish tako ... pa ono mozda si i u pravu ali ne verujem da ce neko derishte da se opameti zbog naxxa ili tako necega ... al dobro ajde videcemo

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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mah videce vecina naxx, kad je sad kako stoje stvari, samo dobar tenk potreba, healeri sa shto vishe mane, i ostatak je oprilike no-brains-needed, only resistances, samo spam 2-3 dugmeta, i to je tvoj posao.

Btw shta je ovo? Instalirao sam ovu igru, i sad nece da ode, ocu moj zivot nazad pobogu!

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Zashto rogue moze da napravi veci dmg or warr-a?

Zato shto kad se oba chara nabudze bolesnim itemima, i warr outdmg-uje rogue-a, taj war ce da zavrshi tankujuci mob-a/boss-a, iz prostog razloga shto warr nema nikakav threat reduction, a rogue ima vishe (3 cini mi se) nacina da smanji aggro.

threat reduction abilities nemaju ni lockovi ni magovi , pa ?

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Pa zato ginu redovno [:p]

Inace lock ima 20% reduction zavisno od specc-a, a magovi dobijaju passive 30%.

Veci problem predstavlja kad ne mozesh da radish veci dmg bez bojazni da cesh da navucesh aggro i wipujesh raid, nego nedovoljno dobra oprema.

Mi smo imali maga u ex-guild-u, koji je sa nekih +500dmg opreme bio 4-5 na listi, a rogue-ovi prva 3, zatim hunteri i warr. Lik jednostavno ne sme da da 100% dmg-a jer navuce aggor ko je'n - dva.

Samo smo ga na raggy kill dovodili, i tu je bio nekih 30% ispred ostalih na dmg metru.


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da, mislim ono sto sam rekao inache to ne bih govorio in the first place =o)

mislim da se ne lazhemo, prochitali ste colldorov post kakav ce da bude prvi boss encounter u naxu, ako je neko spreman da se organizuje dovoljno da to odradi (cela akcija sa polaritetima super zvuchi) i da je posle toga retard za iteme? ma daj =o))

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aaa mozesh li da mi linkujesh taj post ... posto sam noob pa ga nisma video ~_~

btw rofl taraba rofl ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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aaa pa znam to .. to je bilo i na officijalnom siteu ... mada nisam znao da je on prvi bos? ja sam se istripovao da je on u neko krilu zadnji bos ili tkao nekako ... nebitno ty ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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lol .. cisto da znash kicovan si iz guilda ... opet ... i sada za stalno ... hah pa eto ti pijanci i seri po guild chatu ... ne znam da li si ti ili tvoj burazer :) ali reci my da cu da ga castim za ono : i am die i brb beck

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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threat reduction abilities nemaju ni lockovi ni magovi , pa ?

arcanist 8/8 bonus threat reduction

nw 3/8 bonus threat reduction

trinketi za threat reduction

talenti za threat reduction

+extra talenti za threat reduction od patch-a

ne, magovi nemaju threat reduction

i tako ....

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imp ftw :) threatreduction i magovi dobijaju imba threat reduction must have talente u novom patchu :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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threat reduction abilities nemaju ni lockovi ni magovi , pa ?

brate ti ko da endgejma video nisi ...

rogue i hunt teorijski mogu najvise dmga da naprave a da ne puluju e sad kakvi su vama rogovi i hante govori to da vam je war prvi na dmg metru sto ce reci niko ne prebaci teorijski maximum dmga(dmg koji se moze napraviti bez agro reducing skilova) ekvivalentan agrou tenka

Kod nas su se klase koje nemaju agro reduce tukle za onaj trinket iz aq-a sto na 20 sekundi valjda reducuje agro done za 90%. Zato sto ljudi prave dmg i jasno im je da bez agro reducea ne smeju da prave tolki dmg.

Znachi ako u encounteru bez aoe-a(raggy je specifican ne racunamo njega) rogovi i hante nisu na prvim mestima na dmg metru samo im recite ALO GLUPANI DZABA VAM OPREMA!!!111



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yap rogue ( skilovan i sa bolesnom opremom i sword specom ) u dugim fajtovima > sve i tu bi se ubacio i hunter ako gledamo npr fajt nefa ili 2 emperors fajt / manje interupta etc i to je to na wrhu ...

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ovaj staff nije drop vec quest ... vrlo dug i tezak quest ...

sto se tiche macea ako mislish na might of menethil da ima 3.8 attack speed kao i unstopable kao i sva 2 hand grand marshal / high warlord oruzja ... jednostavno verovatno savrshena brzina za pvp burst dmg ... 4 00 speed je vec preterano sporo ali 3.8 njam njam

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ma da da... U naxu je sve u tenkovima a hileri samo spamuju heal dok gledaju omiljen filmitj, tekmu, stagod na tv-u i onda uzmu loot... lolololololololololol

Jesi video naxx nekad u zivotu svom? :)))))) imas filmitj sto sam ja postovo: <3 BlizZ je ime topica... pa vidi kako hileri stiskaju 1122122211121211212112211212 i tako to... a o Thadiusu da ne govorimo...

Juce smo ubili Anuba i Razuviosa sa tenkom sa 3 wratha i 5 mighta.... Bash je jak tenak! perfect za naxx!

Edited by cRuis3r

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