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Chris Metzen o "malom odstupanju od istorije"


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jest, paladini su totalno u zealot fazonu? chak se i veliki Fenix bubleovo kad su dosli zergovi i naravno Tassadar je ukljuchio bubble kad je wtfpwnovo Overmind...pffft..nc...

fenix se bubleova posle kada su ga ubacili u dragon i onda prica .. I HAVE RETURNED ! :) ... sto se tiche tasadara buble mu je istekao nesto pre nego sto je filmic poceo tako da su mogli da ga pockaju oni rogueovi ali je imao vishe nego dovoljno hpa da pwnuje uspavanog cthuna :)

ozbiljno ... drenai imaju noge protosa/zealota ili goliata od terrana :) 2 moje omiljene jedinice :))) 2 fucking cool ... a posto su zealoti nesto na foru gruntova i na foru paladina .. nemaju bash tolko ogroman dmg kao sto imaju bolestan hp :)

e da i da ne zaboravim ... svi protosi imaju shield = bubble :))) <3

worp shield stabilized :)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Sve u svemu... Horda je najebala!

Dobicemo tone i tone dece koja ce da igraju BE samo zato sto lepo izgledaju -.-


Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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pa generalno i ne mora da znachi...znash kako...sad je vetj igra u tom stadijumu da organizovani gildovi sa jednig servera reroluju na drugim jer im se otje...i ono...zamisli budale koje su prvo ubile ragnu kao hordashi, onda otisli u alijansu na drugi server tako klali nefa...i onda posle cthuna i kel'thuzada se vrnu na hordu i pola iz uzme blood elfove...

ok, whisfull thinking =o)))

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I'm not fat, i'm just aerodynamicly challenged. /sadface

Mislim da je blizzard uspeo u nameri da priblizi hordu malo look-is-everything igrachima.

Meni, kao pravom connaisseur-u WoW-a, se tako gade Blood Elf-ovi da je to strashno. [:D]

Cak sam u iskushenju da (u buduchnosti) napravim Denjina bubbleadina.


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ja ja ick roll spiele ein fettes betrunkenes orc

takodje, svaki put kad pomenesh special reserve da zahvalish koletu sto ti je skrenuo pazhnju na istu ;oP

BElfovi ne mogu da izgledaju krhkije nego gnomeGanci...

a za drenaija...blaah...ja cu ili wara (ako bude u mazo fazonu) ili "i josh jednom najbolju klasu koja postoji" ;oP...mada nadam se da ce biti neki mag/lock available...

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Jedino me plasi kako ljudi mogu prvo Horde lvl 60 char + epici pa ally isti fazon pa OPET horda!!!!

Covece gde je RL???


Jedva stizem da djuskam sa kravicom a kamoli jos da lvlujem opet sve i ...

Whoa... ma sta god da bude , nadam se da nece da se poremeti ravnoteza igre.

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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moram da priznam da uopste ne kontam tu celu "jao ima da rolam draeneija / blood elfa" pricu.

mozda nisam bas reprezentativan primer (igram u proseku manje od 3 sata dnevno) ali za poslednjih 10 meseci nisam igrao nista osim trola i undeada, ako izuzmem >25 nelfa i humana, tako da me tek ove nove rase ni najmanje ne privlace.

jedino kad bi se pojavili neki 'blood' gnomovi, e tu bi jedan mag morao da se izleveluje [8D]

Bolje 10 godina student, nego 10 godina penzioner!

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